Chapter Forty-Two

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Alvin's glare was fiercely digging holes in the man that sat comfortably in his very expensive and comfortable leather seat, looking like he Belonged their with his stupid ugly smirk and horrible blond hair.

Huh! Alvin snorted as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Alvin hated this guy. The nerve of the fool to disturb him from his food and tranquility. Just looking at Bane breathing his air was enough to drive Alvin insane.

"Let's get something straight blondy,you're breathing my air and making a shortage. I don't like you and want you dead,preferably not in my sitting room though,I don't want your ugly blood on my leather. Now why don't you take that ugly smirk off your face and tell me what you what so I don't have to see your ugly blond hair again."

"Wow, that was graphic."

"Yeah well I have all these fantasies of strapping you to my dungeon chair while I shave off your ugly blond hair."

"..." A throat cleared uncomfortably in the kitchen. Most likely Noah trying not to laugh.

...Yeah maybe something is wrong with me today,Christ! This is all Valentino's fault,if he had stopped at the grocery store to buy me that damn chocolate cake I wouldn't be so moody.

"Alvin, you're blond as well" Bane countered rolling his eyes after a minute of silence.
"My hair is golden while yours looks like someone dumped ash in it,there's no comparison whatsoever. Anyways,what do you want Bane?"

Bane clears his throat as he awkwardly pushes to the edge of his seat clasping his hands together dramatically.

"Look Alvin,about..."

"If you're here to apologize or defend yourself don't bother. I don't forgive you nor do I intend to. Of everyone involved in the chaos that was Jason's creation you are the one person whose betrayal cut the most. You were there through everything, the nightmares,the panic attacks,heck you where the one who looked me in the eyes and talked me out of ending my life!You played me like a fucking puppet and like the lovestruck fool I was I danced to your tune. It was you who held my hand through my sessions. But lo and behold you were stabbing me in the back, ripping the very bad aids you where patching me up with. I trusted you more than my own men..." I raged but was interrupted.

"I love him!"Bane roared out of his seat and grabbed me by shirt throwing me across the seating area with such force i went into the sliding glass door leading to the back. Luckily Phoenix's dog bed aided my fall. Though it didn't stop the nausea that hit me full force but I swallowed it down.

Fuck,i forget how strong these guys can be.

Luckily Noah had come to my rescue and was trying to give me some time to get up. Key word trying. At least the kid was trying,it wasn't everyday a measly civilian went against a decorated navy seal.

Fuck I would have to start training these guys as well. Anyway why not just shoot the fool,wasn't he waving his gun around a while ago.

I looked up when I heard Noah wheezing, just in time to see Bane dropping his limp body to the side as a cruel smirk made its way to his lips,his cruel eyes meeting mine with sick fascination.

I'm going to enjoy killing this guy.

"I have loved him from way back before you and your pretty little face came around. And quite frankly I enjoyed your pain,seeing you miserable was a sight to behold. If it wasn't for Jason,I would have killed you myself a long time ago. You have no idea how much i prayed you would've just ended your existence that day. You have no idea what it took to watch him with you. To watch him flaunt around his prized twink to everyone!" Bane yelled as he made his way to me,fists clenched and knuckles white while his face contorted in rage. His moss green eyes narrowed to slits of pure hatred.

"Hey I take offense to that word, I'm not a fucking twink you idiot. Hudson is a twink,you could be a twink if not for those stupid muscles but me?I'm taller than you asshole!" I glared as I met him halfway.

"Oh yeah,you were just a brat..." He didn't get to finish that sentence as punched him square in the face,knocking him to the floor as he stumbled to catch himself.

"Hm,bet you didn't see that coming"I taunted as I went to pick him off the floor and landing another to his stomach then flinging him across the room and into the kitchen stools. He landed awkwardly,his back ramming into one of the metal stool legs wincing at the impact as he awkwardly arched his back in pain.

"You know what,I'm sick and tired of you people from the navy,i don't know what kind of discipline your superiors teach you but us from the marines know how to take a hit. First Jason and his stupid attacks that put my family at risk,let's not forget aided by you and my own man you manipulated, And now you with your own emotional tantrums,coming to my home to attack me over something that isn't even my fault. Heck if you loved him so much why didn't you tell him?" I hissed as I picked him up by the throat making him look at me.

"I did,don't you think I did but every time Jason would just shrug me off like it wasn't important." Bane wheezed as he tried to dislodge my hand from his throat.


Looking at him I realise just how pathetic he looked and all in the name of love. I mean I knew all about pathetic lovestruck fools considering I mourned years for one idiot who didn't even deserve my pain,hell I almost killed myself over said idiot.

"You've had years to either convince Jason you were the better man for him or move on but here you are still pathetically pinning for the dumb fuck who doesn't even see you..." I intercepted an elbow that was heading to my stomach as i headbutted him then landed another punch to his side sending him grunting on the floor as he clutched his side.

Bane coughed a bit as I pulled a fallen stool and plopped myself down on it.  

"You know since I pride myself in being the better man,I'm just going to sit here and wait for you to recover. Then we can sort this out man to man,Yeah?unlike you I don't feel comfortable fighting a man whose already down." I said as I starred at him writhing on the floor.
"For Christ's sake I didn't even hit you that hard,get up!" I yelled.

"What the fuck is going on here!" A very angry sexy six foot five Italian hunk bellowed from the door,Startling me.

"Oh Honey,you're home...ah, he started it." I pointed to a frowning Bane sheepishly.


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