Chapter Fifty-Three

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Fifteen emotional minutes later Lincoln snapped out of his grief and took charge of the situation. He looked around for any outlet from the rumble but couldn't find any. He gently laid the dead body of his comrade down as he moved towards the burning flames to try and see if he could find a way out,lucky for them the flames where low and only raged on the other side. The blast had brought down the upper level trapping them inside what was left of the building. The earlier supposed basement was actually another floor that housed a few barrels.

"...Have you noticed that we haven't at any point have had contact with team hawk since they so graciously left us here. " Hutch snickered from his place by Riot's unconscious body. "I mean, wasn't they our back up or something...?it wouldn't take them many brain cells to realise something has gone horribly wrong here. This... " he carelessly gestured his hand to the smoke filled place. "...isn't that inconspicuous" he coughed out the last word with red eyes that just screamed for relief.

"It didn't take me more than a minute to understand that this whole thing is a sham, why are you so fucking slow Hutch? " Linc lazily answered from his position by the small shattered window as he looked down gauging the distance from the floor they were on. If only they could somehow make it out.

"well yeah but those guys are seals, how the fuck does this operation even concern them? "

Lincoln looked over at his friend and teammate wondering just how much smoke he had inhaled. He could see the raw pain behind the banter. Hutch was clinging to the edge. Lincoln noticed just how he would avoid looking at Tiffany's body altogether.

"sure they were our out but... "

"Hutch shut up" he ordered lightly. "we need to get out of here and find Alvin,if at all his even alive anymore. We have already lost one... " he croaked out as he clenched his jaw avoiding the sight of Tiffany's motionless body. The pain was intense but now wasn't the time to grieve.

"grief will come later. We need to get out of here. " he thought.

"Try wake him up, we don't know if they are coming back to finish us off" he winced as his thigh throbbed with pain. He had completely forgotten about the injury he sustained from the blast. He had landed on a pluck at an awkward angle. Hutch on the other hand hadn't sustained any injury other than the pain from the impact and few bruises all over his body,nothing major really.

Hutch starred at Riot's unconscious form and frowned. How was he even supposed to wake the idiot up anyways. He looked to Tiffany's body for a second then to Christian and wondered why good people always seemed to pay the ultimate price. Because truth be told he would rather have Tiff back than the treacherous bustard in his arms. With a swing of his right hand he delivered the quickest most painful slap he could manage to Christian's tanned face. Unfortunately for him it didn't have the desired effect because Christian didn't even move a muscle. A long groan of annoyance slipped from Hutch's throat as he moved to deliver another slap with no luck whatsoever.

"check his injuries" Lincoln spoke from his position by the small shattered window.

"I did, he doesn't have any physical injuries on his person"

With a shrug Lincoln turned to stare out the window towards the thick seemingly unending forest.
"we need to get in touch with headquarters,there's no way will be able to carry a body and a wounded person in our conditions...not to mention we have no friendly relations with Saudi Arabia."

"meaning we are stuck in this godforsaken country"


"...ooookay,can I have a look at what's left of your earpiece "Hutch figured he try and be useful. Lincoln tossed the piece to him as he tried to pry the window open. He pulled his weigh off the ground and slowly eased himself out and down the old walls. His aim was to climb down and see if there was a car or something that could be of use to them. He almost fell a couple of times but eventually dropped to the ground. The warehouse was situated far from the mainland. All that could be seen from miles was sand. A few isolated buildings stood far off in the distance but it looked abandoned.

Lincoln sighed out of frustration and turned the corner. He spotted a few items laying around that looked like wires as well as an old truck, or what seemed left of it. He moved towards it while his thigh throbbed painfully.

"should probably wrap something on this " he talked himself into what his brain figured would be a chore,even though it would most likely save his life. He checked the truck and came up short of hope for any freedom whatsoever.

While Lincoln cursed every deity in his knowledge bank, Hudson was making progress. Hutch smiled as he tested the small gadget for the fourth time in a row,he had already requested back up and given their current coordinates. His joy multiplied as a groan of pain came from his side where a confused Riot laid.

"oh good you're up,i don't have to carry your steroid ass anymore" he chirped as Riot merely growled at him.

"what happened? "

"oh let's see, we got blown close to pieces by a mini bomb or some hand made shit because really if it was an actual bomb then I wouldn't  be sitting remotely close to your ass..."

"how about skipping to the part where we are in a flame infested building and not getting the fuck out"

"umh because it's fucking warm plus my skin needs a tan" he sassed then shrugged lazily.

"Get up, we have to go, back up will be arriving exactly one hour east of our current location." He continued with a much serious tone of voice as he absentmindedly nodded to Tiff. Riot moved his eyes to the body and froze at what he saw. His beautiful tanned skin taking on a pale white.

"... Fuck! Completely forgot About Tiff And Christian's History "Hudson thought as he watched the heart broken look that washed over Christian,while he crawled towards her body.

Sure he currently hated the guy but he wouldn't wish this kind of pain on anyone. 

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