Chapter Forty-Five

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Alvin awoke to the loud buzzing of his mobile. The room was dark and Valentino wasn't beside him. Even though he hated being alone he could most likely have been kind of embarrassed if the man was around. The whole crying thing just felt like he was becoming whinny and clingy again. Which was the worst timing considering his dad wasn't around to deal with his tantrums.

He heard his phone buzz again. Sighing he reached over to pick it but the ache in his temples was enough to make his head spin from the sheer force of the pain. He winced as he cursed aloud in the quite room. His mobile had since stopped vibrating as the ache in his temples slowly subsidized.

Bet you didn't figure crying your eyes out would make you feel this shitty later huh?

He thought as he finally reached the phone only to freeze when he saw the four missed calls from work. It wasn't rocket science, every man or woman in uniform knew what it meant when they received a call from their superiors.

"No,no no no" he panicked as he opened his calendar.

"Fuck" he cursed as he called back the number.

"About time don't you think?"Sergeant major Thompson asked from the other side. The man had been Alvin's backbone for the past ten years of his career. He had been the one to push Alvin forward and his main inspiration. He was not only a great mentor but a good man as well,and Alvin was glad for his presence in his life.

"Ye...yes sir. When do we leave?" He stuttered out.

"You leave in exactly six days,but I need you here by Thursday so do whatever you must and Report with your unit at base by 0600hrs Thursday morning. Are we clear Master Sergeant Devlin?

"Yes sir"

"Good,see you Thursday son."

"Well . That blew up rather quickly. So much for a holiday when it was filled with people shooting at you."

He drawled sarcastically as he stood to go use the bathroom. Sure he felt the fear of leaving his family alone again downright sickening but he figured the sooner he accepted his fate the better for everyone.

Alvin came out the shower feeling both refreshed and mentally alert,but above all this Alvin was hungry. In fact he was starving. Of course this was both sexually and physically. He wondered when last Valentino had given him some attention in the sex department and frowned upon realization that it was the previous night at the villa before the whole Jason fiasco. He pouted and glared at the closet door as he grumpily stomped inside for some fresh  sweats and T-shirt. In his haste however Alvin failed to notice Valentino stood against the huge window overlooking the vast forest starring at him. Valentino had been starring at an obviously grumpy Alvin as he angrily thrust his feet in the poor navy sweats. He could feel his lip tug upward in an endearing smile as his beautiful Donna stomped back to the room still oblivious to him. He watched Alvin pick up his phone from the bed and walked to the door. It was only when Valentino cleared his throat that Alvin gasped out loud in shock as the hand that wasn't holding the door knob laid on his chest as though to clutch at his heart.

"Fuck" He cursed as he wheeled on Valentino with a murderous  glare.

"You scared the shit out of me. How long have you been standing their like a creep?gosh Valentino."

A chuckle was his answer as Val moved to embrace him in a warm hug. The hug felt... Different for some reason to Alvin. Valentino wasn't an ovally emotional person so it came as a surprise in times like these. Alvin felt the kiss against his temple and the tightness of the hug in a different light. Somehow, it seemed like the man was trying to assure himself of his presence. They didn't speak for a whole two minutes as Valentino held him safely in his arms.

"Hey..." Alvin tried to untangle his body but Val only held him tighter. Alvin felt a tightening in his throat as the weight of the phone pressed down in his hand. Sure he had tried to shove the pain and panic of leaving down earlier but now it felt like he had just been stabbed in the heart a million times over. A thought suddenly passed through his head.

How was he going to look Valentino in the eye and tell him he was leaving for god know how long let along where?.

This would be the first tour Alvin took with a civilian partner. He didn't have to worry about this kind of heartache when he was with Jason. They had both served and understood the risks but Valentino...? His family had at least witnessed this part of the job.

Val hadn't.

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