Chapter Seventeen

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"Maybe I should get two of the cooks and a maid from the mansion to come help out with the cooking." I trail looking to Alvin as we stood in the kitchen.

Alvin was making some food for the kids for when they wake up. They had been so tired from all the excitement of the day that they passed out from exhaustion on our way back home.

"Mm yeah,that would be great thanks because I need all the help I can get" Alvin answered but he seemed distracted like he was thinking of something as his brows were furrowed in concentration.

Luca had told me what happened with the guy Clive brought back and it was putting me on edge. I needed to find and take care of whoever was threatening my family before something bad really happened to any of them.

I sighed running my hands through my dark locks thinking of the twins and the time I have spent with them so far. These few weeks have been both the best and scariest of my life.

Best because of the pure joy and happiness the twins have brought to my life and scary because of all the death threats hanging over their lives.

I love the little buggers,their joy is my joy and their pain mine. I would do anything for them and their dad.

If it meant eliminating every mafia family to ensure their safety then so be it. 

I frowned at the thought my hands tightening into fists as my anger spiked a notch. These kids and their father together with Leon were my family and now part of the Italian mafia and as such family . I would protect my kids and Donna with my life.
I will wipe the earth of any and all threats to their lives and I wouldn't Burt an eyelid in guilt.

I breathed in to rein my emotions, i didn't want Alvin to see me like this.

Think happy  thoughts.

I told myself as i let my mind go through today's events.

Today Ares wanted to go to the aquarium....  again.

At first i had thought Alvin was exaggerating when he said Ares was obsessed with the aquarium but the kid really loved the place or the dolphin Jasper as he had named him,these days the workers there even knew my son's name and would usher us straight to where the dolphin was,it was both heart warming and silly how his eyes would lit up at the sight of the creature.
I have been thinking of maybe just getting him one for himself but with his obsession with Jasper I wasn't sure if he wanted another dolphin,but then he wouldn't tell them apart if I got an exact size....right?.

Besides i could just have my men steal or switch the creatures if he got fussy.

... :-\

Or you could  just buy the whole aquarium for him.

"Mm that works too " I muttered to myself.

Angel on the other hand today demanded a barbie doll worth a million dollars for the inconvenience of always accompanying Ares to the aquarium.
I was shocked at the amount the doll cost when we went to the shop initially,but the sales lady informed me that the specific doll my daughter wanted came with a pink diamond and other accessories hence the amount.
I didn't have a problem buying the thing but I didn't know how Alvin would react to this. In the end I did get the doll sneaked it to the kids room while Alvin was distracted in the kitchen.

Now all I had to do was explain this to Alvin before he found out.

I cleared my throat and looked up to find he was already looking at me but what caught me off guard was the intense look in his eyes. He had so much hunger and lust that I felt my answering need inside as my groin stirred, I moved slowly to where he stood by the cooker and slowly but cautiously wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him to stand chest to chest with me,Though the height difference made him only reach a little past my chin.

Alvin was looking at me as though I were his prey,his hooded eyes dropped to my lips and then moved back up to meet my eyes,we stared at each other for a few seconds which felt like an eternity, his startling grey seemed darker and intense. I imagined my emerald greens just as if not more intense.

slowly we moved closer, our breaths getting heavier and hearts beating erratically against our rib cages.

somewhere in the depth of my mind I registered that Alvin might not even be conscious of what was happening but I was too far gone. After lusting after him for the whole time since we met again I was dying to feel him beneath me. I wanted him in every way,as a lover,the parent to my children and the person i wanted to stand and rule beside me. I yearned to have those lips against my own,that milky skin flushing pink against my tanned one and before I could talk myself out of it I met his lips in a toe curling,mind numbing crushing kiss.

Fuck its been too long

He tasted as heavenly as my mind could recall if not better.

Its wasn't a soft kiss,as soon as my lips touched his he opened up and let me have my way with his mouth,he didn't fight me for dominance as I thought he would, his body sagged against mine,my arms went to cup his ass as I lifted him to the stock beside the stove while his hands clutched at my neck pulling me fiercely against him,one of my hands moved to cup the back of his neck as my tongue moved to plow every part and crevice of his mouth. He whimpered desperately  locking his legs behind my back feet digging into the area a little above my ass.

I groaned as his bulge poked at my stomach,deepening the kiss,my own junk rubbing at his ass as I pulled him down to my hardened member.

All the blood was rushing to my rock hard cock as we grinded against each other,frantically trying to glue our bodies together. The lust was overpowering any rationality I had.
After what felt like forever,we both came up for air but instantly got back to it. I was growling and breathing heavily as i pulled at Alvin's locks effectively turning his head up so I could lick and suck at his neck, my lips and tongue leaving a trail of love bites in its wake. He was pleading and moaning ,furiously grinding at my hard stomach muscles frantically.

I could feel the release approaching and speed up my own movements,erratically grinding into his ass.

I roughly pulled at his hair bringing his head down seeking his addictive mouth once again tasting his sweet and delectable tongue.

As soon as our mouths clashed together Alvin tensed as he dug his nails clawing my back deeply enough to leave marks even through my T-shirt.

I detached my mouth from his as I let out a loud growl shooting my load in my pants just as Alvin screamed out silently as shaking in my arms shooting his own load in his pants that soaked up my own t-shirt.

"Fuck!!!" I cursed aloud groaning deeply.

It was like high School all over again except this was ten times better and mind blowing.

We were both so hot and bothered, lost in our lust and release that we didn't notice Leon's car pull up to the house nor did we notice him coming in through the lounge door making his way over to the kitchen until it was too late.

"Oh for fuck!,sake get a room! you're not horny teenagers anymore we have kids in this house!!! Jesus Christ we eat in this place " Leon's voice boomed through our clouded minds making us tense but didn't release each other surprisingly.

He groaned but didn't spare us another glance as he made his way upstairs leaving  a furiously blushing and embarrassed Alvin while i just chuckled and kissed the top of his head.

I was on cloud nine and nothing was bringing me back to earth anytime soon.

"We better go and clean up now Love, the kids will be up anytime soon "
He nodded with his head still in my neck, his neck all pink and bruised.


I thought ,as i made my way up the stairs with my bundle of joy.

He was mine and i was going to do everything in my power to keep him by my side.

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