Chapter Forty-Four

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A hushed silence fell over the house as every eye starred at Alvin while he greedily eat the chocolate cake on one hand and gulped down a glass of milk on the other. The scene could be likened to a homeless man who hadn't had food in years.

No one spoke for the whole ten minutes it took Alvin to eat a third of the large cake. And certainly no one uttered a word as Alvin covered back the box and stood to move to the kitchen where he stuffed the whole box in the freezer and looked back at everyone with narrowed grey eyes as though convening a silent message.

Touch my cake and you're dead.

Luckily no one missed the crazy look in his eyes and quickly nodded their heads with fake smiles.

"Great,now I'm just gonna take a nap. You guys can help yourselves to anything,you know the drill. Though i must add that there's no food in this place." He sighed as he rubbed at his belly. "Anyways, Let's go Val" he smiled at Valentino as if daring him to refuse.

"Si" Val replied as he stood up and followed him up the stairs to their room.

As soon as they disappeared from view Alvin's unit and Valentino's men turned to each other as they bickered and snickered amongst themselves about what just happened.

* * *

Valentino entered the bedroom after Alvin. Sure he was surprised at the amount of food to go down his Donna's stomach but he wasn't stupid enough to bring up such a topic with Alvin. So he would pretend he didn't notice anything.

"I'm so tired,lay with me" Alvin demanded as he took off his sweats and crawled in bed looking like sin wrapped in seduction. His milky skin a beautiful contrast against his black underwear and I felt myself stir despite my resolve to have a talk with him regarding what happened today. Shaking my dirty thoughts off I moved to sit next to him rather than enter the sheets which earned me the meanest glare Alvin could master but of course i just found it cute.
"We need to talk about what happened today" Alvin visibly sighs and deflates as his shoulders slump. "Right. Almost forgot about that. Okay,where do I begin?"

"How about the beginning" I raise my brows at him as he rolled his eyes. Which would have been cute if I hadn't first seen the gesture from Angel. Nobody rolls their eyes better than our little girl.
"Okay. Anyways I first met Jason when the navy and marines had a joint operation. Initially I hated the guy. Actually I punched him after he made some stupid comment about my looks not being suited for military life. Anyways I shouldn't have because I had completely forgotten about our superiors and ended up getting punished. Which led to a whole mess between the Navy and marines. My unit was upset about my punishment and decided to retaliate which jeopardized the whole mission and the bad guys ended up having one on us. It was crazy and really chaotic but eventually we came to a truce. Gradually Jason and I grew close. He was relentless in his pursuit of a relationship with me,at least from my perspective that is." Alvin had this tiny smile as he spoke and I couldn't help but grit my teeth at hearing of this Jason guy.
"He would chase off any guy who showed even a hint of interest in me. One time he almost beat up a civilian while in Algeria. He was just crazy,eventually his craziness became endearing and I allowed him take me on a date and he flew me all the way to this beautiful island in Africa where we had our first date and.... Yeah,we dated for the next three years. We were just like any couple,we had our differences and happy moments but we were happy. We had dreams of exploring the whole of Africa when we retired. Heck we even named our future children." Alvin reminisced with this faraway look In his eyes. But then he shook his head as though to clear the memories away and continued.

"Then seven years ago we were stationed in Afghanistan, we were patrolling the area when we were ambushed. Everything happened so fast,one moment we were laughing and cracking jokes and the next grenades were raining down on us. One had landed a few feet next to me and I just felt a weight as it covered me. It was chaos everywhere. My ears were ringing so badly I could badly hear a thing. When I finally snapped back to reality he was their lying lifeless and I just...." He trailed as tears fell. His eyes had this haunted look in them as he hugged himself and rocked back and forth like a little child. Gone was the assassin the underworld feared so much and in his place was a bare man. A man whose demons eat at him and yet he hid it so well. I didn't need to be a shrink to know that he was broken. They broke him and he was still trying to piece back the pieces. And I wonder how I never noticed. I moved close and picked him up and just held him in my arms as he sobbed. His cries where quiet but deep,I could feel his body as it shook from the immense pain he has being carrying around and I felt my heart squeeze painfully as an answering pain gripped me. I squeezed him tightly as he just let it go. As I held the man that i had come to love and adore over the course of the last couple of months i felt another emotion grip me. An anger so intense I felt a lump in my throat. I felt anger at the needless pain Alvin had to go through.


...but how was he still alive is the bigger question.

After what felt like hours Alvin's tears reduced to sniffs and he continued in an anguished voice.
"Hey,you don't have to continue you know..."

"No,I need to tell you so that you understand. After what went down in Afghanistan I felt so low. I missed him and believed that it was my fault. He died protecting me and I felt so guilty. I got depressed and eventually the nightmares started. I couldn't sleep and gradually my performance at work suffered and they had to put me on forced leave to get myself together. The therapy wasn't helping in the least" he choked back a sob. I could tell was fighting an emotional break down of some sort and it pained me to see him in such distress.
"Alvin you're exhausting yourself. You need to rest,you can tell me all about it someday when you ain't in such distress. I don't want you having some panic attack,okay?just rest sweetheart." Alvin looks at me as if he wants to argue then sniffs and nods. I slowly lay down and being him down with me as he rests his head on my chest. It doesn't even take two minutes and I hear his light wheezing as he snores away.

He must have been tired from all the stress of the past few days. I think as I go through what Alvin told me.

I still have a lot of questions and I didn't want to stress him more. Clearly he was still battling his past demons. I would just have to seek answers elsewhere and luckily for me, Alvin's unit was just downstairs.

Looking back at my beautiful Donna to make sure he was asleep. I carefully laid him on the bed,Alvin whimpers at the loss of contact and I'm quick to replace my body with my pillow. With a lingering kiss to his temple I make my way out the room.

Alvin was in pain and somebody had to pay for that.

His Donna. (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now