Chapter Two

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I slammed the door shut as i pulled at my necktie loose. Rage filled every pore of my flesh as i stormed behind my desk taking a seat in my office chair thinking about the growing insolence among the other families,not only had one of the families rebelled but was surprisingly influencing the others.

The Giordano crime family was becoming a thorn in my flesh. I needed to deal with that impending disaster, either wipe them all out or take out Vinny Giordano.

Vinny had proven more times than most to be a thorn in my flesh,he needed to be dealt with and fast.

I clenched my fist in anger, I wasn't an emotional person. Actions always outwore all else but this problem was getting a rise out of me.

Suddenly I tensed, my blood going cold,somebody was here and the aura was threatening. Without thinking twice I reached under my desk to pull out my gun only a voice spoke out from the shadows.

"Don't" he spoke in a calmly deceptive tone,voice firm but soft.

Slowly I looked up but still couldn't make out the person on the other end only the pointed silencer aimed at my head.

"You must have a death wish of some sort" I stated as i equally calmed myself.

I will have to kill some of my men this night for such incompetence,provided i lived through this of course. How the fuck was an assassin able to get this close to me?where the fuck where these imbeciles?!

"Hm" he hummed quietly seemingly to be in thought. Was this a joke?the guy obviously wasn't going to shot or he would have done it already.
Assassins don't converse nor get this close to a target,who was this guy.

"What do you want?' I asked suddenly on edge as footsteps slowly made their way to my desk,stopping a little shot before his form could be fully seen.
I noticed the all black outfit,black slacks and hoody. His face was still shadowed hence I really couldn't tell his age or features. By height alone he looked about 6ft tall.

"Someone paid me ten million dollars for your head" he Stated casually but my mind was reeling in shock,ten million was a lot of money which begs the question what type of assassin was I dealing with?

Obviously my head was worth more than that and many of my enemies would gladly part with that amount for my death. However, if this guy was this expensive then he was highly ranked in the underworld and the only assassin that came that equipped and delivered was the shadow who I knew had retired or at least hasn't been heard of for several years.

Not that I have met the guy before, no one really knew who shadow was,he had no face or name.

"Shadow..." I said thoughtlessly

"I had to come out of retirement because your opponents where persistent so to say,if I knew the guy that hired me I would just put a bullet in his skull for all the inconvnience he put me through,i mean i have a family you know and my little minions are just so demanding.

But hey kids got to eat right and you have to agree ten million could go a long way". He said in amusement dropping his aim,he was speaking as if we were old friends, this guy is crazy.

"Anyway imagine my surprise when I looked at my target's photo and saw your face... " He snorted in distaste.

"Do I know you?" I asked tensely

"No but... yes. Quick question, are you married or have any kids?he asked casually and I just stared wondering what game he was playing at.

"No not married and no kids yet' I replied stoically. In this business family was a liability, pawns to be used against players.

"Hmm... Well I should go,nice chat buddy"

Before i could register his intentions he was out the door,he moved quick and smooth almost like a silent dance.

I didn't even bother raising the alarm just picked my desk phone.

"My office now" I said into the phone.

Less than  three mintues later a knock came and my right hand man and consigleire Aurial entered.

"Seat" I said non too friendly, I wasn't in the mood for presentaries,not after what just happened.

Aurial with his 6'3 build and bulging muscles took a seat on the opposite side of my desk.

"Don" he bowed slightly as a show of respect.

"I just had a visit from shadow "I said as Aurial wiped his head up to look at me with Fear,surprise and confusion.

"How? When and what did he want' he asked dumbly

"Not more than 10mintues ago. He was hired by someone to take me out at a fee of 10 million dollars', I answered nonchalantly

I could see the gears shifting in Aurial's mind as his eyebrows raised slightly.
How was shadow able to enter the mansion let alone the outside grounds without being spotted.
The Valerius crime family had the best security system,an outsider would be detected miles away. However right now my focus was on finding out who ordered the hit.

"Do you think it's one of the other families?'he asked

"Who stands to gain the most from my death?'I answered with another question

"The other families maybe cunning and impulsive but they still need me to bring honor to the mafioso legacy,plus the Valerius are the main source of power and wealth also we control every trade and whatnot  in the organization,so it must be someone from the outside"

"But as of now you don't have an heir,which makes us vulnerable Don,without another heir the next family takes over if you're gone" he bowed not wanting to offend me.

It was true that I didn't have an heir,the next Don has to come from my bloodline otherwise they can't be accepted.
My father the former Don and godfather Luciano Valerius has drilled that fact in me from the day he found out I was gay.
The family is antsy and unease because of it.
This is the part about being in power that I hated,I had to father a kid which meant sleeping with a woman and that thought sickened me.
For a while my father had been sending women to seduce me into sleeping with them but I couldn't get it up each time. Women where beautiful but they made my skin crawl with their touch.
Now I had to come up with some sort of plan. Maybe a surrogate would do.

"Find out who ordered the hit,I want someone's head on a platter before sunrise and get Luca in here now' I said as I dismissed him.

Aurial stood up, bowed and left.

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