Chapter Nine

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I can't say I was surprised by Valentino's words. He must have figured out the truth about the kids by now,however I just had to ask.

"I assume for you to grace us with your presence you know their yours,but tell me why you think I should uproot my family from their home to your mansion as you so put it..?" I asked sarcastically rolling my eyes at him.

I was going to let him stew for a bit before I even considered his reasoning. I knew the kid's needed their father but he had to earn that right.

He seemed to mule over my words in his head before he spoke.

"They are safer there and will be better protected,this place is too far and open, anything can happen and you're alone with no protection" i starred in his cold green eyes as his bored into my grey ones almost challengingly.

"And what do you think I have been doing for the past four plus years of their lives huh?"

"Things have changed and you know it,they have already been exposed,its no longer safe for any of you"

"And whose fault do you think that is Valentino?Your lack of thinking is whats putting my children in danger in the first place,how the hell are you going to protect them when your own people want you dead?you're a bloody mafia leader for crying out loud! Everybody wants you dead,fuck I was paid ten million for your fucking head and you want me to risk my children by placing them in the same place with you?!" I hissed heatedly.

God he was so stupid! Why didn't I kill this idiot when I had the chance?,i wondered.

"...Wait,someone paid you ten million for you to kill my son?... Someone paid the same amount to an assassin not more than three months ago...but why would someone pay you to kill Valentino?" Luciano asked brows pulled confusedly with a tilt of his head in his son's direction.


Shit,I said that part out loud?

Of course Luciano would be the one to pick out on my outburst.

There was a strained silence in the room,heck even the rumbling from the kitchen had ceased at my words.

Dad sat poised mid cup as he glanced at me with slight panic. No one is supposed to know I was said assassin.
If my identity was found out it would be double trouble and right now I couldn't trust anyone but my dad in this room.

I glanced at Valentino and he had a suspicious look directed at me. His brows were furrowed and his cold gaze narrowed to slits as if contemplating something.

Shit I had to come up with something fast....but my mind was suddenly blank.

How am I going to explain this without exposing myself. How do I explain that someone paid me to kill him if I'm not even supposed to have a connection with him in the first place,much less know him.

For all my military tact training my superiors drilled in me I was blank.
This was bound to come out at some point anyway why not just get it over with.

Everybody was now looking at me with an uneasiness and alertness.


So much for my sharp tongue.


"You know Valentino,I knew you were an asshole but I didn't peg you for a fool aswel,I should have killed you in your office that night i had the chance,atleast then my children wouldn't have to witness me killing their father right in front of their eyes,I was willing to overlook your incompetence today but now you have your men pull this stunt?!You're dead".

Its him.

Now I understand what he meant by the threat.

Alvin was the shadow assassin.

Now that I think about it his height matches the shadow, I might not have seen his face but I remember his voice was much calmer then.
Plus the shooting incident that happened last week,how he flawlessly gunned down those men.


What where the chances Alvin was an assassin? When I saw him in that bar five years ago he just looked like a normal guy. I mean yeah it was a little strange that i couldn't track him down after that night but I just figured he left town or something.

Alvin looked a little unsettled but his eyes held my stare,I knew I had a cold look on my face but Alvin was a hired mercenary and despite our connection in regards to the kids he was still hired to kill me and right now I didn't know where his royalties lay.

Before I could say anything my father and my men had pulled out their weapons and where aiming at Alvin and his dad.

I signed tiredly


Alvin just chuckled while Leon sipped his tea seemingly not bothered by all this.

"You should probably drop your weapons while I'm still in a good mood" he said picking a pancake and putting syrup on it as though three guns weren't pointed at him.

"Dad..." I trailed in a hard tone
Instantly every weapon was lowered.

"I guess by now we have all figured out that I am indeed the shadow, don't worry about your crime lord here I won't kill him... Yet" he trailed as he looked at me provocatively licking his fingers.

I watched the action with hooded eyes,my groin stirring slightly.

Fuck I needed to get laid,how long has it been?

"How can we trust your word" my father asked on my right.

For a Godfather he was quite stupid, if Alvin wanted me dead I would have been dead months ago.

"If I wanted your son dead he would have been long gone by now Luciano. Isn't that right...Val?" Seriously what is he playing at?

What's with the innuendos all of a sudden?

I cleared my throat as I picked my now cold coffee and took a sip.

"What time do the kids come back from school I want to see them?" I asked instead 

I could feel his intense gaze burning through my face.

"Ah I think it's about that time of the day,I should be getting ready to pick them up,excuse me." Leon was the one to speak and quickly stood up going upstairs.

I couldn't wait to finally meet them as my kids. I wonder how they will react to me?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Alvin's words

"And what proof do you have their yours Valentino?they could just be random kids who look like you" I looked to my dad who pulled an envelop from his breast jacket as he handed it to Luca who handed it to Alvin.

Alvin opened the envelope and looked through the DNA test results Dr Milan provided. He was calm as he went through them but I could see the slight furrowing of his brows and his clenched jaw before he masked it with a blank look.

He was good but heading a mafia meant I dealt with more people than him. I learned to read my men and scout out snitches just by their facial and bodily expressions.

Alvin was both annoyed and puzzled on how I acquired samples for the test.

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