Chapter Thirty-Five

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Somewhere in New York city.

Third POV

In a tall building in the central business district of new York a total of eight men sat in a boardroom as they conversed and shared info in regards to their current mission. At the head of the long table a man sat starring out the window as his mind took him back ten years before. He remembered the first time he laid eyes on a beautiful sight he knew he would do anything to have. He recalled the way his heart had skipped a beat as his eyes had collided with a stormy and startling grey. The raw power at how he had been held captive had both thrilled and scared him,and it was in that moment he had realised he wanted the young man. And true to his word he had set to conquer the beauty heart,body and mind.


His thought process was interrupted as the words of the other man penetrated through the thick haze of memories.

"We have a problem,somehow Alvin knows about us. I got a call from him yesterday." Christian Ryes said from where he sat in the massive room next to his comrades.

A hush fell over the room as all eyes turned to the person sat at the head of the table.

Captain Bane snapped towards an awkward looking Logan in question. "Your only job was to cut the security system and camera feed and even that you couldn't carry out" Bane gritted his teeth in obvious agitation as he pinned Logan with a murderous glare. Logan stuttered out an explanation but his fear was too much that his sentences came out like a five year old was talking. A loud thump echoed in the huge room as Logan's body fell. A single bullet wound to the head lodged between his eyes. An eerie silence fell over the room as the door opened to reveal two men who moved to clean the mess.

Seth and companion sat in shock and fear at their comrade's demise. Sure there former Don Valentino was cold and unpredictable but this was a whole different scene altogether. The three had betrayed the syndicate because they genuinely believed Valentino had become weak.

"I hate failure" The man spoke in a deep intimidating voice as he put the gun on the table. It was a clear statement to everyone in the room. 

Mess up and die.

A throat cleared as every gaze snapped back to Bane.

"Moving on,if my hunch is correct Alvin will want to seek us out. Meaning his already planning a visit. Chris,Did you clear out?" Bane asserted, directing the question to Christian.

Christian nodded with a thoughtful frown on his handsome face. Christian knew that his sergeant master was pissed at him and would want nothing but blood. He understood the position he had put himself in,Bane might be Alvin's friend but Chris was also part of his team and that would hit hard. Alvin has always been there for him and a betrayal would tip his balance.

Despite the reasons for the betrayal Christian was good as dead in Alvin's mind and Chris knew it.

"I'm sure he will want to question you,so why not make it easy for him and us, let him come to us,the whole reason for this operation is Alvin after all,if we have him in our grasp it would be easy to threaten his family and asure us that he will do our bidding" Bane said with a smug expression. A few men nodded and agreed to Bane's suggestion,while others looked skeptical and tried to voice their unease.

"Alvin maybe impulsive but his certainly not stupid,his not going to fall for this" The man at the head of the table spoke. Effectively silencing the banter.

Everyone new Alvin killed first and asked questions later but he could be just as unpredictable.

"As of now we no longer have any info in regards to what's going on their end but I'm sure we can find out one way or the other. Christian have the old man brought in,it's time he made himself useful. See if he has any loyal standing with any of Valerius' men and have him reach out" He said calmly.

As Christian went to do what was commanded of him Bane discreetly looked to the man at the head of the table,the man was stunning and commanded power. He had women and men alike trying to get with him but all was for nought. Bane had always wanted to please him,he was like a puppy at the hands of his master,ever doing what his master pleased. Bane has always longed for the day he would acknowledge him not only as a right hand but as a man. A man with desires and needs. Bane was the one who left the trail of evidence for Alvin to find. After years of waiting around for the man he loved to even look at him like that he had enough. Bane was going to use Alvin to his advantage. Bane knew too well how Alvin would react to see him. Bane could imagine all to well how enraged and hurt Alvin would be, he would hate him and lose trust in him. And there story would be finally over and Bane would only be too happy to mend his Alpha's broken heart once again.

And if his plan didn't work,plan B would be put in place.

Yes,Bane would betray the man he loved if it meant opening his eyes to the truth. Alvin was no longer his,he was a couple years too late already.

His alpha, his love.

Bane didn't hate Alvin,but the constant reminder that even after close to eight years the man still had a hold on him was enough to rear his jealousy's ugly head. He had waited long enough,if he wasn't willing to let go of Alvin then he would take that very life source.

Yes,Bane was going to end it all by killing the root of the matter,Alvin.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as the door to the meeting room opened revealing Christian with Marcelino trailing behind. The old Don looked as unperturbed as ever despite Valentino having had his daughter's tongue cut off.


She had a good mouth on her.

"Ah Finally, please take a seat." He said out of spite. Despite just wanting to be rid of the old hag,he figured he would need the old man eventually. Running a mafia needed a lot of work after all. The old man was all too greedy to betray his Don and he hated betrayal above all else.

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