Chapter One

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A little over five years later...

I sat in my four year old twins school principal's office as she ranted about how violence in school was strictly prohibited.
I had half the mind to high five my son Ares for finally standing up to his bully,trouble was said bully was a girl. A little older but none the less a girl,and we didn't hit girls or at least tried not to.

Even if this was probably my fifth or fourth time in this office over the same issue.

"Mr Devlin I realise how hard it must be raising two children as a single parent but this behavior is intolerable, this is the fifth time this week alone that your boy has gotten into a fight....' She went on and on about my parenting skills as I drowned her out.

I looked at Ares who just sat their looking like a scheming minion. I loved my kids, really I did but at times like these I just wanted to find their sperm donor and dump them on his doorstep even just for a week.

Ares Ryan and Angel Selene Devlin are my four year old minions.
Ares has the temper of a pregnant woman in labor, he could switch moods at the speed of light. As if his horrible character wasn't enough he just had to look like his father, with stunning emerald green eyes, dark hair and huge body, kid was a spitting mini image of him.

How ironic that the one time I decided to leave my house and drown my trauma in booze I end up getting pregnant with some idiot's brats whose name I hadn't bothered to find out.

Great, just great.

Leaving the principal's office we made our way to the reception where minion number two was waiting.
Angel Selene Devlin my little devil,unlike her brother Angel had the outer shell of a princess,all prime and proper.
She could be sweet but she could be a proper devil spawn when upset,which thankfully rarely happened. Again,I love my kids but truth be told I wouldn't want to get on their bad side.
Surprisingly Angel had my startling grey eyes yet her father's jet black hair compared to my blond curls, she also had my medium build. And while Ares was all about brute strength Angel was the real brains.
Not that Ares couldn't think,he did but it was rare,actually I much preferred dumb Ares to thinking Ares, a thinking Ares was legit scary.

"Daddy!!!"screamed Angel as she jumped in my arms.

"Hey love,how was school?' I asked

"Daddy the teacher said that we have career day next week and that we should invite our parents at school'.

"Alright love will do" I answered while moving us to the parking lot to my black SUV,turns out having kids meant giving up my Harley Davidson bike. My first baby was now in the garage gathering dust while I matured according to my father.

"Daddy,is grandpa back yet? Asked Angel as I strapped her to her seat.

"I don't know yet honey,why not give him a call and see if his around" I said handing my phone to her.

"Dad can we go to the aquarium this weekend I want to see Jasper' said Ares.

For some reason Ares had developed an obsession with a dolphin and even named him Jasper.
Ares made sure to drag us to the damn aquarium almost every weekend.

"Mm, grandpa will take you guys this time I have work this weekend alright?" I said.

Since the twins,I couldn't go back to the marines, yes i was still very much a marine just inactive till further notice. They usually called me from time to time, i was the best they had. And even outside the marines i pretty much owned the underworld,yeah i loved my country but it was boring simply waiting on government assignments. Of course my superiors didn't need to know what i did out of uniform. And besides my skills were too good to just lust at home so I took up solo jobs. I was now an assassin for hire and it paid off.

Take for example my latest job.
Someone was paying ten million dollars for some mafia boss's head and I was all too glad to do it.
I was the best out their and I wasn't cheap,the government sometimes hired my services after all they trained me.

Pulling up to the driveway I shut the engine and got off to open Angel's door. I heard the bark of Phoenix in the house,walking up the front door I opened the door only to be knocked back down by the big German Sheppard dog.

"Hey girl" I hugged Phoenix as she licked my entire face.
Little giggling from the kids had me laughing as well.

Phoenix made her way to the kids as I made my way to the kitchen to fix lunch for my minions.

We spent the day watching cartoons as we waited for my dad to get back from California. He had gone for a conference for work.
I put the kids to bed at around 8pm cause dad called to say he would be late.
My father was some hotshot surgeon in one of the private hospitals,how I ended up in the marines was a story for another day, he had been the one to take care of me during my pregnancy and deliver the kids.
How I got pregnant was beyond me,dad had tried to explain it but it went in one ear and out the other.

I sat on the couch watching a movie when I heard Dad's car pull up,looking at the time it was about 11pm.

"Hey Dad" I stood up going to embrace him as he put a kiss to my forehead affectionately.
"Hey son,the kids already asleep I see" he said as he knelt down to pet Phoenix.

"Yeah and before you ask it wasn't easy getting Angel to sleep but the little brat was too tired to fight me for long" I said as I moved to the kitchen.

I warmed up his food while he went up to obviously kiss his grandkids goodnight. When Dad came back down we discussed my job tomorrow and other travel arrangements while he eat. Then we both went to bed.

Entering my room I walked to the closet, pressed a Button on the wall,watched as the wall behind my suits opened and entered the security and weapons room,tomorrow would be an exciting day,I needed to find the perfect gun to blow some idiots head off with.

I chuckled as a thought came to mind.

I love my job.

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