Chapter Forty-One

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The first thing Alvin did when he got home was go straight to the fridge in search of food. He felt as though he hadn't eaten in ages. Luckily his home was still unscathed from Jason's poorly executed emotional tantrum. He had Valentino send him to his place with one of the men. He wasn't feeling up to seeing everyone in his state. He was embarrassed for crying like an emotional three year old in front of all those people who looked up to him.

"I hate you so much right now Jace" he pouted glaring at the microwave which was heating his food as though it were Jason. Looking back Alvin wondered why he hadn't just put a bullet through the guy's balls. At least he would have been saved the humiliation.

He sighed and lazily pushed himself to one of the kitchen stools. He knew he should be freaking over Jason's reappearance again but he just couldn't seem to care. All Alvin needed in life was food,food which in his mind was taking way too long just to reheat. In reality it had only been about two minutes since he put the leftovers but his stomach wasn't taking any of that. It just kept twisting and growling.

"I could eat some chocolate cake right now" he sighed as he begrudgingly got up from the stool and dragged his feet up the stairs to his room where he retrieved his cell then dragged himself back down to the front door where Valentino's man stood guard.

"Hey you" he starred down the man in a suit standing by the door.

The man nodded as acknowledgment and tried to turn back only Alvin was been needy and moved to stand in front of him.

"What's your name?"

"Noah,Donna" the clearly startled man hesitantly replied.

"Hm. Tell me Noah,do you have to play bodyguard and stand outside in this heat after the kind of day you've had?"

"I don't mind,besides I'm just following orders,Donna"

"Right. And if Valentino told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?"

"No,of course not..." He was interrupted by Alvin.
"I mean I'm in the military I follow orders all the time though I don't follow stupid orders like you. I mean if my MS said a silly thing like this I would probably just punch him in the face. Speaking of my MS I just found a missed call from him,do you think he wants to whine about going back?I mean my last mission was only six months ago and even that...." Noah was saved from Alvin's rumbling as the man's cellphone rang.

"Hold that thought,Dads calling" Alvin shushed Noah as he raised a finger to silence the already silent man to pick the call.

"Oh hey Dad,where are you...,Oh that far...yeah yeah listen when are you coming home?...wait what?but dad...yeah I mean besides Aurial who got shot... No!his fine dad Val said they got the bullet out and his stable now. Look dad,I need to know what time you're coming home the fridge is empty and I need food. But...but father,yes dad. No,I don't really have energy for the brats right now just kiss them for me. Yeah bye dad,oh and when you're coming home tomorrow can you pass by the store and get chocolate cake and a gallon of milk,thanks love you" He hangs up rolling his eyes at his fathers never ending questions then looks back up at Noah who was pretending to be busy.

"Hey buddy,can you Cook?" Alvin asked Noah,glaring at the guy to say otherwise.

"Uh,I can try..." Noah hesitantly replied.

"Great,let's get inside and see what you can do" he literary pulls the guy by the wrist dragging him to the kitchen.

"Listen,you look around those shelves and find something worthy of a meal 'Kay. Meanwhile I'm just going to eat these leftovers while you do your thing" Alvin says walking to the microwave to take out the heated leftovers and plops down on a stool and starts eating.

"Oh and no beef for me i don't consume cow meat,but you can make yourself whatever you want." He adds with a mouthful of spaghetti.

* * *

Noah stood in His Donna's kitchen as said Donna eat away from the food balls directly. Noah thought Alvin's sudden change of character was as a result of the just ended shooting between his military buddies but in all honesty in all the months he has known the man he had never heard him speak so much,heck today was the first time he saw the man cry for god sake. The Donna has always been a serious person and hard to approach,which to him was a complete 180 in character charge and Noah wasn't sure if that was a good thing yet.

Shrugging as he tossed some garlic in the chicken sauce.

Maybe its his way of dealing with stress. He thought. He had seen his fair share of stress eaters in his lifetime that's for sure.

The loud and definitely unwelcome sound of the doorbell was enough to startle and snap the otherwise quite house's two occupants. Noah regained his bearings first when he realized nobody was suppose to know that they where back here excerpt the boss or Donna's men. Noah quickly turned off the cooker and reached for his weapon. Looking to Alvin he realised the man was still eating and obviously not bothered at that. Quickly he moved to the front door and peeped through the tinted side windows only to see someone he didn't recognize. The man had short blond hair with large moss green eyes and a similar build to Alvin though this man was bulkier and shorter. Alvin had about three inches on the guy for sure. A quick look confirmed that he had no visible weapons but his stance screamed military. He looked like the guy who didn't need a gun to kill a person.

Noah almost jumped when a hand reached to open the door, startling him. Alvin stood stood by the open door as he glared at a smirking Bane.

"What do you want now,can't you give me some space and leave me alone. Actually just leave me alone get out..."

"We need to talk Alvin"

"I hate you and don't want to see your face so no. Unless you have food in the form of chocolate cake I don't want to see your ugly face" Alvin glared childishly at a frowning Bane.


"You have five minutes or Noah puts a bullet to your head" he said as he stepped aside for Bane to enter.

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