Chapter Thirty-Four

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I held Alvin as he slept,His eyes looked puffy from the crying and his nose pink from all the sniffing and hiccupping. But even in his messy and vulnerable state he was simply stunning. His long lashes looking all tangled from the tears. I pressed a kiss to his temple,raising the covers to his torso and moved to stand by the window overlooking the estate. The construction of the mansion was to begin tomorrow so in the meantime most of our men where housed in warehouses or had been sent to their respective homes. The only available where the ones guarding my family and Alvin's.


He is the most feared man in the underworld but one would never know of the pain behind his eyes. I for one never saw a thing excerpt for once or twice I glimpsed the pain that time. In as much as I knew he was hurting it didn't stop the twinge of pain and jealousy I felt when he spoke of his dead ex. Yeah it's pitiful really that I,a mafia Don was jealous of a dead guy.


I know Alvin loves me but the way he spoke of his ex just didn't sit well with me. Understandably the guy was his first.... My thoughts came to a halt at the tiny knock on the door. Who could it be at this hour? Walking to the door I was immediately tackled by tiny hands clutching at my legs on both sides. Leon stood by the door in the hallway as I raised a brow to him in question.

"One of the guards found them wondering the halls looking for you guys and luckily brought them to me" I simply nodded as I picked Angel and led Ares by the hand to the bed. Immediately upon seeing their dad both took either side of him. And as if he felt them Alvin wraps his arms protectively around both though deep in slumber. I lay a kiss to each one of them as I tuck them in and leave the room with Leon by my side. Leon leads me towards the huge kitchen where he proceeds to make us coffee. I pull out one of the island stools as he does his thing, we stay in a comfortable silence as Leon is a quiet man. Not surprising that Alvin turned out as quiet as him. Alexander on the other hand is the complete opposite, as he seems quite chatty. Which if he intends to pursue a relationship with Aurial is an advantage as Aurial is quiet. They would balance each other out if my consigliere doesn't shoot Alex first of course.

"Here,have a bite" Leon dumps a plate of what looks like leftover pizza and a cup of coffee effectively startling me out of my thoughts. I grunt out a reply as I pick the coffee to take a sip.
A minute goes in full silence before Leon breaks it.

"The first time Alvin got deployed his mum almost had a heart attack" he snorts with amusement twinkling in his eyes as if recalling a fond memory. "His uncle from his mothers side was called to personally take him to base and make sure to keep him safe. For six months Alice almost went insane, she had bugs under her eyes and had lost so much weight worrying everyday she didn't hear from her baby . Alex however did what Alex does when his scared,he left home and drowned his fear in alcohol and sex. I remember one day being called at work to go bail him out from the station for reckless endangerment. He almost caused an accident but luckily no charges where pressed and he walked away with a simple fine but the experience was enough to snap him out of his self imposed mental asylum. Anyway the next day he began to clean up his act and helped his mother come to terms with the fact that Alvin was doing something for the betterment of millions. Eventually they pulled each other out of there depression and tried to stay strong for Alvin. It was the worst six months of my family's lives,our youngest was out in enemy territory and anything was bound to happen...anything could have happened and none of us could do anything for him,serve pray. My point is,it was terrifying and painful but we had each other to get us through that time just as you have your family,friends and the twins. He will come back to you. Just have faith in him"  Leon pats my shoulder as he moves to stand from the island to the sink where he washes his coffee mug. Its only when his walking away that I realise that he only spoke of his late wife and Alexander's turmoil at Alvin's first deployment but not his own. I came imagine what he had to go through knowing he could do nothing but wait besides the phone for six months. I can't imagine not being able to protect the twins in such a time.

Sighing heavily I dump the remainder of what's left of my pizza and coffee and head to bed. At least I can hold him for an hour before I have to see him off.

Entering the bedroom I quickly move to the bathroom to discard off my suit and shoes replacing them with a white T-shirt and some sweatpants. I quickly move back to the bed and drop a kiss to Alvin's temple and pick Ares from the edge of the bed and move him next to his sister in the middle, quickly sandwiching them in between us and before I know it I'm drifting to sleep.


It feels like only five minutes after that a loud knocking wakes me from sleep. Only when my eyes snap open its bright and sunny outside. I quickly snap my eyes shut struggling to adjust to the light. Again the pounding on door comes and a groan levelling my own makes me chuckle. I begrudgingly open my eyes and come face to face with my Donna's beautiful face laying on my chest. He must have woken up at a point and moved by my side.


The kids.

I frantically look to the rest of the bed where the twins are bundled tightly together quietly snoring away.

"Valentino,Alvin we have guests get up!" Aurial's annoying voice comes through the door.

"Ah already?" Alvin voices his displeasure in a groggily voice.

I chuckle and plant a kiss to his hair. "As much as I don't want to leave this bed we need to get this day started,the sooner this mess ends the sooner I can have you in my arms and lavish you senseless." And of course my Donna doesn't disappoint as his pale skin goes a nuclear red.
He bites his lower lips and the effect is a jot straight to my groin making me groan.

"How about we have a shower and welcome our guests love?"

The only response I get is Alvin detaching himself from my arms and heading to the bathroom. Of course I'm only too happy to follow behind. In the bathroom I make slow love to him and savor every moment with the hope that I'll get to hold him like this again soon.

His Donna. (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now