Chapter Fifteen

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I walked up the stairs with my heart beating frantically in my chest.

"What Just happened"

I almost let Valentino kiss me? I mean if Luca hadn't intervened we would've kissed. What was I thinking letting him touch me like that,and I enjoyed it. I liked the feeling of his hands on my skin,the burning touch of his hands had me twitching in my pants.


It's been five whole years since I last felt the hands of another man on my skin,and the last having been Valentino. I missed the connection that comes from another being. Jason was the love of my life,and his death really hit me hard. Those two years I spent mourning him where the hardest I went through,if I hadn't gotten pregnant I would have perished in my own grief.

"Maybe its time to move on" I have wallowed in my own misery long enough. I'm always telling dad he needs to move on but it wouldn't hurt to take my own advice once in a while.

His not coming back Alvin.

My heart squeezed painfully at the thought.

"I know he isn't but the knowledge doesn't make it any easier"

Swallowing down the pain I sighed as I opened my room going to the bathroom which housed the safe room opposite the weapons room and pressed a pinky to the scanner effectively opening it.

Dad sat with his head to the headboard as Ares and Angel slept soundly on the bed.

The safe room consisted of a single room with a bathroom attached and a mini kitchen in case there was need for a longer period of time inside. My brother had designed the place and safe to say he was good at what he did.

Dad pulled me into a hug as I neared his side,eyes roamed over my entire frame checking for injury.

"Are you okay?"

"Hmm,I'm good"

"Whose blood is this then?"

"Oh...Um sorry dad I'll just have a shower,just wanted to check on you guys" Dad hated seeing me hurt,he always said to do whatever I did away from home so I don't give him a heart attack.

For a surgeon I thought it was a bit hypocritical but then I realized it takes a lot to see your child hurting and not be able to do anything other than Stitch them up.

"We are fine Alvin,surprisingly they were still asleep when I went to pick them from their room,slept through the whole thing but then again this place is sound proof"

I chuckled going to rub Angel's hair but noticed the stained knuckles and retracted my hand. I needed to bath before either of them woke up.

"Valentino and his men are downstairs, I think he will want to keep the kids at home till we find out whose behind the attack"

"You didn't manage to get anything from one of them?"

"Nah I lost my cool and probably killed the guy I had saved for the interrogation"

"Okay, anyway go take a shower"

"Alvin!" Valentino called from my room

"In the safe room"

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