Chapter Thirty-Two

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"So we managed to extract footage from the main gate and as you can see the cameras where disabled just about the same time as the arrival of Donna Marcelino and her men. However if you take a close look to the left of her SUV another is waiting. At almost the exact time that she is killed two men come out from the SUV. We couldn't match them to any of the men in the syndicate,however the FBI facial recognition came back with two possible matches but their files are sealed and our man in the bureau doesn't have Clearance. The man to the left is Navy seal Simon Bane and the other is Christian Ryes from the Marines. As you see Both men simply stand there for a good ten minutes before... Our very own Don Marcelino and his daughter image from the south wing accompanied by three of our own men. Seth,Logan and Mike." Aurial finishes.

Well now that I didn't see. How does the military guys have anything to do with Marcelino.

"Alvin is in the marines,why don't we see if he recognises the two?" Dad speaks
"Who would have thought Logan would betray us,I mean the other two only joined us about eight months ago but Logan has been with us since Don's inauguration" again Luca voices in a stunned voice. I have to admit I didn't see that coming. Logan and I grew up together, his grandfather is one of the council members,his father served under my father doesn't make much sense.

"...anyway we are at a dead end as of now. The men we sent after the Marcelino family came back empty handed. Neither Don Marcelino nor his daughter or men where at his residence,and unfortunately there's no trail to follow either" Aurial finishes with a glance in my direction. Instantly every head turns to me,awaiting what I'll decide. However at this point even I am blank. Its hard enough we don't know who we are dealing with.

I clear my throat to say something when the door opens revealing Alvin with Alexander in tow. His eyes immediately find my own as they light up. Making his way to me with a tiny smile on his luscious pink lips. A chair screeches but I don't pay attention as my eyes are only for the stunning beauty that is my fiance. Alvin gets distracted by the screech however and slightly turns in the direction. However just as his about to turn to me he unconsciously glances at the huge screen and takes a double look freezing in his spot. He narrows his eyes frowning at what's on the screen. I turn to notice what has caught his attention and find its the image of the two military guys paused on the screen.

"why do you have Bane and Christian up there?" He turns away from the screen to address me.


Seems we may have a breakthrough in this matter after all.

"These two where responsible for Marcelino's escape last night,question is how do you know them?" I ask him.

Alvin scrunches his face and shakes his head in denial, "I don't think that's possible, Bane is from California as far as I know is currently in Ukraine with his men. Christian is one of my squad members,so unless somebody was holding a gun to both there heads they have no ties to the mafia let alone aiding in mafia wars."

"You have been retired for five years,how is he still one of your guys?,I mean how do you know they are still Royal or into shady stuff,no offense but here you are in a board meeting with us... Mafias." Aurial says putting him on the spot. Alvin doesn't even react at Aurial's words,he does however sigh heavily rolling his eyes at Aurial.

"Firstly I'm not retired. I work on retrieval missions or assassinations till the kids are five. My uncle whose a higher up managed to convince the government to let me raise the kids to the age of five in exchange they use my body as a Guinea pig for men's fertility. And in the system I'm still active,my men and I still do our assigned works once in a while. Christian is among the five under my leadership so he couldn't have. We are not allowed to intervene in civilian life, especially Mafia wars unless the government requests us too. As for Bane,his a seal and we work hand in hand every so rarely. Bane is the closest thing to a friend I have,they all are." He finishes with a sad look as if reminiscing about something. Alvin clears his throat and forces a fake smile.

"And in my defense i was drunk when Val put two babies in me,and i only get involved when my kids lives are threatened like now" Aurial and a few others chuckle at this but my mind is calculating.

Five years?, The twins will be five in six weeks.

Does that mean his going back into active duty after six weeks?
My heart starts beating a little faster at this. I look up to find Alvin taking out his cellphone from his dark jean pockets,after he scrolls through it he presses a few times and asks Luca to it the speaker on the boardroom table. He turns and heads to the seat next to mine but not without dropping a kiss on my forehead. The phone in his hand rings a few times before a masculine voice comes through. "Master Sergeant" The voice sounds overly chipper even to my own ears.

"Christian,I'll go straight to the point. I'm looking at an image of you and Bane captured last evening on the Valerius villa shortly before said Villa was blown to bits. I have two questions for you Chris and I suggest you think hard before lying to me. One,are you aiding whoever did this and if so why?" Alvin finishes in a voice so filled with authority it has my cock jerking in appreciation.

Fuck I just want to bend him over the table right now.

For a full minute its quite,even my father is leaning slightly forward in his seat.

"Yes,and because it's the right thing to do. Those criminals are corrupting you and it has to stop. Besides now that he is back its only fair we take out the fake next to you. Will be seeing each other soon commander" and he hangs up.

A tense silence washes over the room. Alvin just sits there starring at his cellphone. His face just blanks outs in an  emotionless mask.
I think being betrayed by his own men is taking an emotional toll on him.

"Who is the he his referring to?" My father breaks the silence. A glance at Alvin proves that he is just as clueless but I'm pretty sure I have an idea.

From De Luca's glance at me he equally remembers the phone call I picked off the dead guy last night and fuck, I forgot to tell Alvin about it. But I'm pretty sure his the one calling the shots from the little I gathered over the call. The guy may have a history with Alvin.

"Aurial do we have an address on this guy yet?"

"Bruce is working on it as we speak"

"Alright have the men ready..."

"Don't. You have already lost a dozen men from last night alone,reserve the ones you have for what's ahead I'll handle Christian and Bane myself"


"If you send them after him,they won't come back,not a single one of them at least"

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