Chapter Fifty-One

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"You want to know why I killed your brother?" Alvin asked Blondy's brother as the man advanced on him with a syringe. Either that would knock him out or numb him and both possibilities weren't to his liking. He had to act,And fast.
"He,much like the thief and criminal he was invaded my home in the night with five other goons and tried to kill me and my family. Of course I couldn't allow that to happen. So when it was finally Blondy's turn,I shoot him in both arms and legs." He chuckled as he recalled the screaming man who rained profanities at him.

"Then..." Swallowing he turned to hold the man's murdering gaze. The man was now standing right next to him. "Then he had the nerve to ruin my chairs!,I got those beautiful things very far you know. Your brother was an asshole really. He deserved what happened to him and so will you."

"I'm going to enjoying killing you..." Blondy said as he roughly pulled my hand to jab the needle but I intercepted it as I jumped him,cutting his air supply with my legs that were tightly wrapped around his neck as I held his hands at an awkward angle. The guy wheezed and clawed at my legs as he turned purple from lack of oxygen.

"Rule number one of combat,never give your enemy a chance to over power you." I said as I looked him dead in the eye. Sure they thought a tranquilizer would keep me useless for a few hours but I have since developed a resistance to the things. My uncle wasn't commanding general for nothing.

" مهلا ، أعتقد أن موته الآن
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a female voice. Looking to the side,I raise a brow as my companion gives me a smug look nodding her head towards blondy senior.

"Oh yeah,right his dead. Just making sure." I say as I reach to feel a pulse. Not that he was ever getting out of that headlock alive. Nobody threatens my kids. Speaking of kids,my hand involuntarily reaches my stomach as I attempt to feel the life within. How I was so stupid again as to not even suspect it I will never understand.


They said my medicals were fine... That old fart.

"I'm gonna kill him and every single allay of his..." Muttering out curses I spin to stare at the lady. I need to get out of here. Big eyes can't be left here either.

"Now,how do I remove those damn chains of yours woman?" I ask as I stumble over to her,pulling at the chains. She mumbles something and points to the table across the room at something. Looking at the table I notice all manner of weapons and walk over picking a handgun.

Walking back I shot at the chains from her wrist and they dropped.

Breathing a sigh of relief I went to turn when I was roughly pulled into a forceful hug as my big eyed companion sobbed on my chest.

"Yeah yeah,lady we don't have time for this,let's go!" I said awkwardly patting her head as though she were a child. Besides she only reached my pecks.

Yeah short.

When I successfully untangle myself from my forced hug I pull the woman along as we move to the door. My side hurts like a bitch but if I let the pain overpower my fear then I might as well say goodbye to my child. So I brave it and move through the noisy warehouse,hiding every few seconds as men in black with head gear covering their identies are scattered everywhere. Unsurprisingly I don't at any point come across Ibrahim. Which leads me to question the whole mission. Understandably I was set up but at which point is the real question. Was the whole mission a front for my death or something.

Doe eyes says something not so quietly and I pull her by her hair as I cover her mouth with my hand.


"Shush" I whisper yell at her as I look around to see if anyone heard us. Luckily we are safe as two guys pass us by without so much as a glance. I look around assessing the entire building as I try to look for the exit. Just as I'm about to give up a noise captures my attention as a door opens from my left a few feet over. I freeze in place and hold my breath as non other than Ibrahim together with four other men make their way over. At this point I'm almost sure I'm suffocating doe eyes but I don't care.

If Ibrahim catches me,I'm one thousand percent sure I won't make it through the night.

I'm already a dead man in this bloody country.

He stands by the drum closets to our hiding spot as he motions to one of his men to open it. When the drum has been opened I notice that their are weapons and grenades inside.

Right, almost forgot an arms dealer. I think as I turn to stare at the entrance thinking of ways to go through.

Looking around I see nothing of help. Other than overpowering Ibrahim and holding him hostage I don't see any other way out because I'm almost certain there's men guarding the area outside.

Hm. Men...his men!
Suddenly it's like a light just went on in my head as I look to every man inside wearing headgear.


After Ibrahim talks to his minions in their language he heads towards the area were our holding cell is. Most likely going to gloat over my capture.

Sucking my teeth irritably I realise too late when doe eyes elbows me in the side making me groan. I look to her with a glare to give her my mind but she has a dainty finger to her mouth,well over my hand which still covers her mouth as she signs for me to keep quite. My little sounds have however brought two curious kittens my way,making my plan all too easy. I count precisely seven heartbeats before kitten one comes through the bend,my fingers going straight for his neck as I apply pressure quickly rendering him unconscious. I hurl his thankfully shorter build towards the woman as I indicate for her to strip him of shirt and head gear. Luckily she's a smart woman and understands the plan. Just as I'm about to turn back I feel the cold press of metal against my head.

Well fuck.

Before the guy can comprehend a thing my arm is striking his neck as he gages and chocks on his breath I have already removed his head gear and pulled off his shirt. Not wasting a beat I down the garments and pick up the riffles as i make my way to the door,doe eyes closely following behind. Just we reach the door and open it somebody shouts as everyone starts running up and down. I grip the lady's hands and make a ran for it. Luckily there's a jeep packed outside just by the entrance. Unluckily however, said entrance is guarded by at least a dozen men. Ducking at the sound of the first shot,I pull the woman behind me as I gun down every side man before they could so much as brink. I don't wait to see whose alive but make a dash for it. I toss the girl inside as I jump to the driver's seat. I'm flying down the desert as four other cars trail behind me.

As I swerve at a corner, I feel a particular pain slice through my shoulder blades.

"Shit,I'm hit!" I yell as I use one hand to apply pressure on the wound. My companion whose been very vocal in the screaming department wearily looks at my leaking shoulder,then removes her headgear and tears it in three pieces as I try to maintain control of the wheel. Shoots are still blazing the vehicle as doe eyes carefully but hurriedly wraps a cloth on the wound,then attempts to make a sling for my arm. I grit my teeth as I feel tears sting my eyes from the pain.

"Can you drive?" I ask as I nod to the wheel,she nods excitedly we switch seats.

Sure enough, she can drive alright. Manically but I'm not picky at the moment considering my circumstances. I pick one gun and aim at the closets car,hitting the driver in the forehead as the cars swivels to the side of the road giving us a lead.

I'm losing too much blood and I can feel myself losing consciousness. I turn back to the lady and meet her gaze. She smiles at me and pats my hand.

The last thing I hear is a heavily accented feminine voice as it whispers.

"Sleep Commander,i got you."

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