Chapter Forty-Three

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Valentino stood by Alvin's front door as he surveyed the scene before him. A sheepish looking Alvin pointed to an injured man on the floor,on close inspection the guy seemed awfully familiar.
The slum of a car door pulled his gaze from the man to Clive  who came up behind him with the rest of the men and woman who accompanied him here. Val had been worried sick when he couldn't get through to Alvin and Noah and raced here thinking the worst only to find his fiance looking sheepishly like he did something Valentino wasn't even sure he wanted to know.

He sighed with relief as he moved to embrace Alvin who clung to him like a koala,completely out of character for Alvin. Val wasn't complaining in the slightest as he picked his Donna from the stool and walked to the sitting area where Noah was groaning as he sat up on the floor,the couches where pushed in awkward positions and the table upturned. Val figured this is where the fight had started as he plopped himself comfortably on the leather seat then proceeded to daunt on Alvin, completely ignoring Noah who looked like he was in trouble.

"Wow,what happened here?"Lincoln asked from the doorway as the rest of Alvin's team pushed inside.

"I bet he happened from the looks of it" Tiffany snickered nodding her head to Bane who was glaring at them while holding his side.

"Shut up bitch!" He sneered hatefully.

"You know Bane,I have never really liked you. I always saw through you. How you would smile at Jason dreamily and sneer at Alvin when he wasn't looking but I just..."Tiffany moved to Bane as Hudson whipped his head to her so fast his neck hurt from the sudden movement.

"Wait,wait..wait,wait, hold up. Let me get this straight,are you...are you saying cpt Bane is..."he trailed as Lincoln finished his sentence for him.

"That his in love with  Commander Lt Jason? Yes, hell everyone could see it but Alvin and apparently you. Which is strange considering you're the gay one between us,like seriously even I a playboy saw right his infatuation with..."

"Okay okay I get it Linc. What I don't get is why he was all Buddy buddy with Alvin when he obviously hated his guts for..."

"Oh can you just shut up you fools,you know nothing!" Bane yelled startling the group with his murderous outburst.

Valentino who had been nibbling on Alvin's ear looked up at the man who had startled Alvin and realized it was the same guy he had fought with,the same guy at the warehouse. Val hated the guy and didn't want him near Alvin.
It was then that he realized that this guy had actually come here to attack Alvin and that didn't sit well with him.
He moved Alvin out of his lap and sat him down next to him,stood up and walked to the group,his left hand went to pull at the ash blond as he without so much as a thought flung the guy in the wall so hard a loud crack resounded in the hushed room. The scream that left Bane's throat was loud and painful as a few guys winced and shuffled around looking at each other uncomfortably.

Everyone knew Valentino Valerius was a man to be messed with. He was cruel and unforgiving when it came to his enemies. Don Marcelino and his whole gang was a testament to that. After the chaos Valentino ordered some men to find the old hag and his daughter. And they did,at the airport trying to leave the country. They brought him back to the villa where Valentino tortured his daughter in front of his eyes and killed her. He let his father kill the old Don after.

He hated betrayal.

Anything but betrayal.

Picking the injured soldier off the floor Valentino dragged him by the foot as he thrashed and dished insults at Valentino. Val pulled him outside and was gonna have one of the men take him to the dungeon when Alvin called him back to sanity with a calming hand on his shoulder.

"Let him go,no matter how much I wish to end his miserable existence I understand why he did what he did. Love makes people do stupid things."

"He hurt you..."

"Yes and if he ever shows his face again I give you permission to end him but right now... Let's just say we give him another chance,yeah?." Alvin said looking at Bane blankly. In as much as he just wanted to delete his existence he knew to some degree Jason would need Bane and vice versa. He hated them both and thought they where psychotic but he also understood that everyone deserved happiness. And if Jason could get his heart out of his sphincter then maybe he would be happy with Bane.

"...fine but if I ever see this face again, his dead." Valentino spoke with conviction and nobody dared to miss the truth behind those words.

After all Valentino Valerius made no empty threats.

"Great" Alvin clapped his hands as he put on his best fake smile and fixed Valentino a pointed look. "Now that we have that out of the way,care to tell me where my cake is dear" he spoke in an eerily sweet voice that Valentino didn't fell to miss the murderous glint in his eyes as he glared. Sensing the danger Valentino moved back a few feet.

This was another version of Alvin he didn't understand and quite frankly didn't want to. These days Alvin was like a ticking time bomb. And he better than anyone knew not to mess with the angry hamster.

Luckily he remembered to have Clive buy the damn cake on the way here.
Discreetly he looked to Clive who stood by the door with a shame faced Noah,he got a head nod in the direction of one of the cars,his eyes lit up as he held a finger to Alvin and moved to the black SUV.

Alvin observed his actions with hawk eyes. His eyes lighting up as he saw Valentino's hands emerge from the car with a huge cake box and a see through plastic bag with a container of milk inside. Alvin's eyes teared as he went for the box and plastic,completely disregarding Valentino when he literary ripped the things from him and turned back and headed inside without some much as a word of acknowledgment to Val or anyone.

Valentino stood by the car brows furrowed wondering what just happened.

"His been acting strange the whole day today..." Noah supplied.

"You think" Val snapped as he moved to follow Alvin but stopped and addressed Clive.

"Take him to his car or dump him somewhere I don't want to meet his ass when I next step out of the house, Understand?"

"Yes Don" Clive answered with a nod as his Don entered the house.

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