Chapter Twenty

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I stood by the window overlooking the massive forest area in Alvin's room while he awkwardly shuffled back and forth. The air between us was hot and thick with sexual tension. It was taking everything I had to keep from turning around and taking him right here and now. But we had to talk.

Turning around just in time to meet his gaze from across the room. He still wore the same grey sweats despite having taken a shower earlier. His golden curls were pulled in a messy ponytail to keep them in place. He looked ready to eat,his white T clung to his lean muscles giving the illusion of a swimmer. He was perfect. His milky skin looked even whiter under the moonlight.

Alvin was stunning.

I clenched my hands in tight fists in the navy Sweat's pockets i had borrowed from Leon to keep them from exploring him. I was itching to touch every skin I could come in contact with. I needed to feel him beneath me this night.

"So..." Alvin started awkwardly clearing his throat but I didn't let him finish his sentence. I knew what I wanted the question was if he did too.

"Alvin, I want you. I want your body,heart and mind,heck I want all of you. I want you by my side as my Donna. I want you be the man that helps me put the Valerius clan at the top. I want us to build a future together, raise our kids together,I don't want to simply fuck you into oblivion but to own you. Every part of you..." I said as I made my way to him. "I want everything you have to offer and more,I want to own your very soul. But that's only if you'll have me" I said as i moved towards him,My hands had a mind of their own as they cupped his face. Green locked on grey as we starred at each other. His breath was coming off heavy and labored. His pupils blown over with lust but lust was not the only thing in them. Behind those startling greys was a sadness and pain that i surprisingly never saw before now. For a moment I was startled,stunned. I didn't understand why he would be so sad and despite my observant nature I had missed such a detail about someone as important to me as Alvin.
Alvin's pink little tongue peaked out as he licked his bottom lip and tightly shut his eyes as his hands made their way to my biceps. He shook his head slightly as though trying to shake off a memory and my brows pulled together in confusion. Was I missing something?

"How about we start off with something simple hmm?let's just take one day at a time and get to know each other but for now i just want you too,I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your powerful body on top of my own as you..." he trailed as he pulled at my neck to connect our lips.

To heck with the consequences,for now i would take what he was so willingly offering.

I took over the kiss,dominating his entire mouth as i picked him up. His legs automatically wrapped around my waist,hands around my neck as i slowly laid him on the bed.

I kissed him like I had never kissed another before, gently exploring every corner and crevice of his mouth,I bit and sucked at his tongue. Milking him dry,he tasted like mint and chamomile,which was an odd combination. When i was sure i had explored his mouth to my liking,i slowly moved to his neck, kissing and sucking on his unblemished skin,painting the blank canvas that was his neck and body with my own colors. I wanted everyone to know he was mine and i was going to make sure of it.
Desperately pulled at our clothes but somehow didn't break the kissing. Alvin was grinding our lower halves desperately trying to create friction. His fingers dug and abused my shoulder blades while i sucked and nibbled at his neck.

"Please please please ... fuck mm Val please just fuck me already!" Alvin stuttered hands fumbling at the edge of my sweatpants trying to remove my rigid manhood but i wasn't having it. I wanted tonight to be special,i wanted it to mean as much to him as it would to me.

"Hey, Ehi, amore facile. Voglio sentire ogni momento con te stasera. I want us to be joined together as one,this must mean something,tonight i want to make you mine bello" I whispered while gazing in his eyes trying to convey what I couldn't say in words.

This couldn't and shouldn't be rushed.

I savored the time we were taking to familiarize each other with our bodies.

Pulling away from the kiss and gently gazed into Alvin's beautiful grey eyes which looked almost silver in the moonlight.

"You're beautiful" I whispered softly as my hand glazed through the thick and rich golden curls that were spread on the sheets.

Alvin's hand trailed the muscle on my bicep then slowly proceeded to my hipbone where he dug his short but effective nails in my flesh. His eyes never wavering from my gaze,lips parted as he panted, trying to create some friction. "Its okay," Alvin breathed as His lower half slowly pushed up to connect with my own. I hissed when skin came in contact with skin,breaths coming short and strained. "I want to feel you,feel how much you want me. It's okay to lose control at times Valentino" The pressure and friction he was creating ignited my senses in ways i had never felt before,And In that instance I felt the little control i had snapping.


The sudden onslaught of tears stinging startled me. If i was honest with myself the tears had nothing to do with pain or loss. What i was experiencing was the emotions i had been so hell bent on keeping locked inside. My throat knotted up as I dug his nails in Valentino's massive back trying to keep the impending sob from coming out. The snap of Valentino's hips thrusting forward had me screaming out in pleasure. The feel of his powerful length inside had me scratching at his back,legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Val moved with purpose as every thrust hit my prostate. I mewed and whimpered, muttering incoherent words as my body and mind surrendered to the powerful man moving inside me. I had lost count as to how many times we had both cum. The bed was creaking so loudly I feared it would break,thank god for Xander who thought of everything ahead of time and soundproofed each room except the kids in the house when he mapped out the plan for the house,otherwise the very birds in the forest surrounding my house would flee at how loud we were being. I met his thrusts with my own. Val pulled up from my neck as he gazed at me with such intense emotions in his green eyes that I almost forgot to breath. I was flawed and tongue tied,my treacherous heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. Despite the emotional moment between us Valentino didn't for a second stop his assault on my hole. His hands moved from my shoulders to my back as he picked me up and situated me back on his member effectively straddling him. My legs wrapped themselves around him while he knelt on the bed and pulled me down back on his rigid member and thrusted with such force I felt his cock in the pit of my stomach. Each thrust became frantic and animalistic. It was like he was trying to glue our very souls together. His grunts and groans became frantic as he chased his release. Soon I felt him groan long and hard as he thrust powerfully and went still. His hand went to my hair and gripped it hard pulling my head back as he dove in and plunged his hot tongue in my mouth, the power he exerted on pulling my hair had my balls filling and line after line spilled from my member as I felt Valentino's own cock swell and pulse as he emptied himself inside my body.

His body jerked and shuddered as I went limp in his arms. Gently he laid me down and planted a soft kiss to my forehead as he slumped on the bed beside me trying to catch his breath. We were spent and I was more than well fucked.

No words were spoken after,it was clear to us both that I had unconsciously given not only my body,mind and soul to Valentino but also the one thing I was most afraid to lose ever again.

My heart.

"Fuck, double fuck" I thought as my tired body surrendered to a much needed sleep.

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