Chapter Seven

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"Don,I have the DNA parental test results from last week"
Doctor Miran said as she sat in the opposite chair across from me in my office.

It had been exactly a week since the whole shooting fiasco with Alvin. My men where still looking for Don Giordano and his allays.

After everything happened I let Alvin and his family go. I didn't need a DNA test to determine the paternity of those kids. I knew and felt it in my heart that Ares and Angel were mine. But if I didn't have viable proof Alvin would keep fighting me,and I didn't want that.

However there was the slight issue of how they were brought into this world. Alvin was a man so how...

"What does the test say" asked my dad who sat in the couch across the room with Aurial.

"The test proves that you Don, are a direct paternal match to the Devlin twins which could only mean you're their father".

Their was a stunned silence in the air for a few seconds. Despite our very obvious similarities I still had that fear of doubt. My dad was the first to snap out of surprise and stood up, walked up to me and pulled me in an emotional embrace. When he had pulled back he had the proudest smile ever.

" sono fiero di te" he said as he rested his forehead to mine.

" Grazie papà" I said barely able to keep the crack in my voice.

Aurial also came and gave me a handshake as well. Congratulations were truly in order.

"We have found the Valerius heirs,they must be brought home and protected before our enemies get wind of this. Arrange for a meeting with Alvin and his father we have much to discuss." Father said already back to his stern voice.

"Yes father"

"Doctor make sure this information stays between us for the time being,you may go thank you." I ordered.

"Yes Don" said Miran bowing slightly as she left the office.

I sat back in my chair searching for Alvin's details from the file Aurial managed to pull out and found his number and dialed it,it rang twice before he answered.

"What do you want?" His voice came in a slight pant and husky as if he had been doing something sexual and I couldn't help the twinge I felt in my chest.

Despite Alvin's cold responses and approach to me I still found him attractive and alluring. He was perfect for me,he not only understood the dynamics of my life but their was the chemistry and tension I felt around him,I wanted him and the thought of another man touching him unsettled me.

And the bonus part to all this was that he raised my children of course.

I clenched my jaw feeling my happy mood deflect.
"We need to talk,I'll be over in the next forty five minutes at the most" I said and hang up not giving him a chance to lie or make up an excuse for not wanting to meet up.

No more playing around,Alvin needed to understand this is about my kids,they have already been exposed as it is,I needed to claim and protect them at all costs.

"Aurial get Luca and one of the trusted Capos to go with us as guard,bring the cars upfront immediately" I ordered

Aurial quickly stood nodded with a slight bow and left to do my bidding.


I had just come from taking Phoenix for a walk when Valentino phoned.


Its too early to be dealing with Valentino's bullshit. I threw my cellphone at the nearest couch as I walked to the fridge. Only it was empty. I rummaged through the drawers but still couldn't find food.
At least Phoenix still had some food left, I pulled a steak from the deep freezer and put it in the microwave to unfreeze so I could give to Phoenix.

"Dad!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, I needed my father's attention before I lost my mind.

Dad came hurriedly looking all sleepy and groaning slightly.

"Alvin what happened?"

"I'm hungry dad that's what happened, can you make those soft thick pancakes you used to make for me when I was pregnant" I asked with a pout and puppy eyes I knew he wouldn't resist.

Dad just starred at me for a minute before he muttered curses under his breath about having three kids.

"I can't believe you woke me up for this" he complained dumping the flour in a mixing bowl. Where he even got the stuff to make food I'll never know.

I moved to the microwave as the timer went off and got the steak,put it in Phoenix's bowl and put some water in the smaller bowl.

"But I'm hungry and your other "kids" will be home soon and they still don't have food for lunch." I whined just as hard.

Dad sprinkled some  sugar in the mixture while  lecturing me about being a responsible parent and telling me to buy groceries.

"Dad,Valentino called to say his coming..." I trailed as I pouted frowning like a little child about to have his ass handed to him.

Dad paused hand clutching the mixing bowl and a spoon in the other as he looked up at me.

Then with a dejected sigh he put the bowl down and put his hands on either side of the kitchen stock shoulders slumped. His brows where pulled up in his thinking pose.

"Well good, I'm tired of this situation let's just talk to him and explain everything so we can look for a way forward. It doesn't help that the kids where already exposed to him and his father. The kids haven't stopped asking about why Valentino looks like them,I'm running out of lies to tell them. We both know it won't take them long before they put it together seeing they know you mothered them.
Hell I'm surprised Angel hasn't called you out on it yet"

Well... Those damn minions have always been too clever for their own good.

Anyway,seems today is the day I come clean after all.

I sighed as I rubbed my hands to my face.

"I'm going to the grocery store,if the mafia come around let them wait" I said moving up the stairs to my room where I got my wallet. I didn't even bother dressing up I was going to the grocery store not a modeling shoot for Christ sake.

Getting downstairs I picked my SUV car keys since Dad's was still in the shop from the accident last week.
I didn't even know why we had two SUV's even though the colors where different as mine was all black while dads had been a grey but right now I didn't care.
And yes Dad got his first,I only got mine when I gave birth to the twins after dads insistent whinnying about how his grandkids needed a car,so technically it wasn't mine but the kid's.

I sighed,getting in the car.

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