Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I sat in Valentino's room on his bed with a sleeping Angel across my laps. Ares on the bed next to me playing with my phone. It had been a good twenty minutes since Valentino left us to go and sort out the mess that was happening in the villa.

Sighing my hands went to my loose hair as I tried to calm myself.

I could still feel my hands shaking from the after effects of the adrenaline rush that occurred not more than an hour ago. Dad and Alex where sat in the adjoining sitting area with Valentino's parents and Aurial together with a few men guarding the wing. I was slightly at ease knowing that my father and brother where somewhat safe were I could see them. Or at least hear them in this case.

The thing about me is that despite being in the defense force I was weak.

At least on an emotional level.

Any kind of threat to my family drove me to the brink of insanity.

When the twins where just born,must have been a few months into their lives Alex took them for their monthly check up. I was doing a job at the time and trying to get my body back in shape so I has asked Alex to do it. Anyway after he got their shots he had to pass through the pharmacy to get some vitamins for them. In his words Alex had just turned away from them for a second and turned back to find Ares was gone. After a frantic search and Ares was no where to be seen Alex had called me. I don't know if it was his frantic voice over the line as he told me he couldn't find my child or maybe because I had omitted to have breakfast that morning but I calmly told my brother of ways I would rip him apart limb by limb and then proceed to kill everyone in that hospital if he did not find my son within the next hour then hang up and proceeded to leave a job alive while I took my riffle and made my way to the hospital where Alex was meant to be. Safe to say Alex found Ares in the very line he stood giggling away with another baby. Luckily I was five minutes away from them and Alex had called to inform me of the news. I recall pulling to the curb as I tried to tell my brain to corporate with my heart and that Ares was okay and unharmed.

That was the first time I had a panic attack.

My hands where shaking and I could fell the blood rushing to my ringing ears as everything became nothing but a blur. I could feel myself suffocating as I tried to take in the needed oxygen. Had it not been for the cop had banged on my window and brought me back to life,safe to say I would have kicked the bucket.

Well at least it felt that way.

"Papa!" Ares' voice snapped me back to the present as he almost trips off the bed in his scramble to get to his dad.

Immediately Valentino and I brought the kids here he explained and apologized to both of them for snapping in the hall room. Of course Angel was still upset with him and turned the other way even when her father practically begged for her forgiveness. Angel is a vengeful child and will only be appeased if her father does her bidding for however long she will have it out for him. I have been at the end of the twins vengefulness for years enough to know that forgiveness is only attained by groveling. And grovel Valentino will.

"Hey" unsurprisingly I hadn't heard him come in.

"What' happening? Have your guest left the premises yet" I asked Valentino who stood in the doorway. He quickly gave Ares a kiss and our son was only too happy to bound back to the bed and continue where he left off with my phone.

Yes I was pissed that someone pulled a gun at me in front of my kids but it wasn't Valentino's fault so I really had no major issue with him. But this was his house and his untrusted men had let a gun welding psycho into the house while my kids where inside. That tiny detail is enough for me to add salt to Valentino's injury.

He was going to make love to the couch for the next few days.

Okay fine. Maybe Angel might have taken her vengeful nature from me.

"Yeah,all of them have left already. I was just interrogating Silvia's men to find out who let them inside the mansion."

"And?" I asked gritting my teeth in agitation. I hate it when people don't just come out and say stuff.

"Well apparently two of our men let them in. Vito and the other capo was informed they where on the guest list"

"And the guns?"

"Here's the interesting part,the guns are ours,someone from our own people gave them the weapons"

And his the most feared man in the underworld, really?! His house was so in chaos.

I scoffed at the thought.

"Do you really have Marcelino and his daughter though?" I asked.
At first when Silvia had demanded for the release of her husband and daughter I thought I would pity her and actually simply knock her out. But when I saw the crazed look in her eyes I figured she was unredeemable. I mean I could understand her grief and desperation. But charging in at over a hundred people with weapons was slightly a crazy move. Uncalculated and suicidal. Especially if you consider the five cowards of idiots she brought as back up. How the hell did she even think she would walk out of there alive?.

Or maybe she knew she wouldn't.

Unless she had inside help...

Looking up at Valentino with wide eyes.
"Is it possible that that woman had inside help?,because from the looks of it the whole thing seemed uncalculated and .... Maybe it was a distraction. Is the old Don and his daughter dead yet?"

"Well no. Aurial merely tortured him and his daughter for information but no his not dead" Valentino answered with a frown wondering where I was going with this.

"Can you have your men check up on them"


"Just do it already" I snapped getting anxious.

Something is wrong.

Valentino pulled his cell and made the call.

"Just a minute the dungeons are a little further from the main house"
"Something doesn't feel right" And just as the words left my mouth Valentino's phone rang.

"Vito" I watched as Valentino's features went tense with rage.

And before he could give me the answer I already knew a loud boom went throughout the entire mansion. Shaking it on its foundations.

We were under attack.

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