Chapter Five

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I had just taken a shower and was heading to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast when my phone rang,At first I was going to ignore it seeing as I was really hungry,I just figured whoever was calling could wait but then I saw the caller ID and my Dad's number was  flashing on screen so i picked.

Dad had left a note saying he had taken the kids to the aquarium, figured Ares dragged him and Angel to see Jasper the dolphin.

"Hey Dad" I answered only to hear sounds like someone was shooting.
I frowned wondering if he also took the kids to my the gaming centre when Dad's fearful voice screamed in the phone.

"Alvin we need help,people are shooting at us!!!" He yelled in the phone.
At first I froze my heart literally stopped. Then forced myself to calm down as I asked for his location but there was a loud crash on the other side,i gripped my phone yelling for Dad when i heard Ares screaming for help.

I finally snapped out of it as I ran back up to my room,straight for the weapons room. Picked out two  guns  as i strapped them to the holsters all the while tapping on my phone trying to triangulate their position, when I saw it was in town I ran downstairs straight for the garage. I raced for my Harley Davidson street fighter motorbike and was out the door speeding like a maniac.

I was still a distance away when I saw and heard the fire exchange,black upturned cars littered the streets. Men in black suits seemingly shooting at other men in black.

I figured this was a gang war of some sort but where was my family? I skidded to a halt trying to access the situation, looking to where the shots where fired to the recipients only to see Ares in some guys arms seemingly protectively, I looked to the person being covered and realized who he was and my blood boiled as I saw Valentino Valerius cradling an obviously unconscious Angel.

This was his fucking fault,I'm gonna kill him if anything happens to my family.

I stopped in front of them pulling out my guns as I shot at the rival gang,I wasn't an expert military marksman for nothing. I killed them all aiming for their heads. No one messed with my family.

Suddenly the shooting had ceased and i looked to see my dad's SUV crashed against another car.

God please let them be okay.

I silently prayed my heart beating so fiercely in my chest i feared a heart attack. I wanted to cry and scream but the rational part of me forced my emotions down.

Later, first make sure their alright.

At times like this my faith would be amplified ten times.

"Daddy" Ares' little voice screamed bringing me back to reality. I watched as he bounded for my outstretched arms.

Oh God,Oh God I chanted as I hugged him tightly to my arms,his little arms going for my neck as he buried his face ,sobbing his little heart out as he cried for me to help them,obviously referring to his grandpa and sister.

I glanced at the direction he had come from realising Valentino still had Angel in his arms.
He had no right,not after he showed just how unfit of a father he could be.

With rage eating at me I made my way to him demanding he give her but the bastard refused.

I would have killed him their and then if Ares wasn't stood beside me.
Don't think he would appreciate me killing his father especially not in front of him at least.

Valentino and I argued back and forth but soon the sirens where getting closer.

I had to get out of here.

I still wasn't in the system and my superiors would have a fit if I ended up in police custody.

Deciding on following Valentino I looked to Ares who still clutched at my arm.

I wouldn't put him on the bike so I had to ride with Valentino.

I gave my keys to one of his men as I made my way to the black SUV,Ares in my arms with Valentino on our heels.
Dad was still out and in another car.

In the silence of the car I looked to Valentino, I just glared and he got the message as he handed Angel to me.


I looked to the man beside me cradling the little girl seemingly holding his emotions.

Despite his rage and defensiveness he had a softness about him.
The way he held the child was almost  "motherly".

The little boy was now clutching his sister's hand crying for her to wake up.

The kids looked not more than five despite their build.
The boy wiped his nose as he glanced my way for a second and I froze.
Heart beating frantically.

Due to the chaos I hadn't really looked at him properly.

He looked exactly like... Dad and Me?
Same stunning emerald eyes and jet black hair. I looked to the man he looked nothing like the boy.
If I didn't know any better I would think the kid was mine.

But how...?

I looked to Aurial who seemed to be frowning deeply at the boy seemingly confused as well.

Why would this boy look like me,my gaze trailed to the child in the man's lap,she had the same build with the same jet black hair but since her eyes where closed I couldn't see them.

I reached out taking the boys hand gently pulling him to my lap.
The father stiffened, body tensing but I didn't care.

"What's your name sweety? I asked kindly not wanting to frighten him.

"Ares" he mumbled sadly

"And your sister, what's her name?" I asked

"Angel" he says still not looking at me.

"How old are you guys? I asked

"Four" he says.

"What's your mother's name?" I asked dreading the answer.

"Ares,come here and tell me how Jasper is. Did you see him today?" he intervened frantically almost like he doesn't want the boy to answer me.

Ares slides down my lap to crawl to him not answering my question.
The man whose name I still don't know gives me a death glare then starts chatting away with the boy.

I look back to Aurial whose now looking at me.
We stare at each other for a while till the cars pull up to the mansion.

Men stood with my father near the entrance.

I helped the boy, Ares get down from the car as the man clutched the little girl in his arms.

With my men leading them to the infirmary,i followed behind.

When dad comes to pat me in the shoulder when he stills.

I follow his gaze and his eyes are glued to Ares.
The two have a mini stare down. My fathers brows frowning at the boy with a look of wonder,awe and confusion.

"Why do you two look like me?" Asks Ares innocently brows pulled up with a pout.
Then he shrugs and skids the way his father went.

"Who...? Is he...what's happening?" Dad stutters. His confusion so out of place on his face it's almost comical.

"Aurial,find out who he is" I order going to the infirmary with Dad hot on my heels.

I have a headache.

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