Chapter four

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"Don,we leave in fifteen", One of my capos and cousin Luca said through the door.

Its been a little over three months since the attempt on my life. My father was livid and unsurprisingly blamed me saying how all this would have been avoided if I had slept with one of his hired whores.

I nodded my head in answer, today I was going to the surrogate clinic.
I had chosen my longtime childhood friend Isabella Bronco as my surrogate. Isabella was a beautiful girl I had grown up with, she was my father's right hands daughter and another capo in the family.
I didn't have to suffer repercussions because Isabella was a lesbian and married. She was not in love with me or power. She,unlike the others knew of my situation and what was required of her and luckily her wife Catalina, was my business partner and good friend. It was all for the good of the family.

Ten mintues later we where heading into town.

"Any leads to finding the traitor" I asked Aurial as he sat to my right in the back of the car.
Isabella and Luca were riding in one of the cars in front while Clive and Vito rode in one of the cars following behind.

"Not yet,it's just a matter of time before they slip up and will be right there. The Giordano's swears innocence but we can no longer trust their word." Aurial replied

"The Marcello's have been quiet during it all,what's their position? We have two families that have sworn royalty while the other two are sketchy" I said thinking on how Don Marcello hasn't been heard from in a while.

"Yeah but... Shit take cover we are under attack!" Aurial yelled as a loud boom went up.
I pulled my 9mm when another whoosh went up and the car went flying up the intersection. In my peripheral vision I could see us corroding with another car.

We where upside down and the driver had broken through the dash board body broken due to the impact. I could see Aurial struggling with his seatbelt,a trail of blood on his forehead.
bullets were flying everywhere and kids screaming near me.
I pulled my seatbelt off as I fell awkwardly. I had to get us out of the car or it would blow up.
I reached Aurial and tagged at his seatbelt ripping it from the seat. I pushed at the door with my feet as Luca and Isabella plus a few men came up to help.

Aurial and I were pulled out but the other car we collided with was still burning.
I could hear a child screaming and banging against a window.

"Help them" I yelled to my men as I pushed to go to the child though my arm was killing me. I just had to get to the boy who was screaming out frantically for help.

I pulled at the car handle just as Luca pulled the driver out who was unconscious. I grabbed the boy but he yelled at me to get his sister.

I looked to the other seat and saw a little girl laying unconsciously, a man around my dads age was trapped in the drivers seat unconscious.
Handing the boy to one my men I picked the girl just as I heard my men yell for me to get down as another round of bullets flew by.

"Backup is on the way but we have to take cover till then" Luca yelled over the noise.

Just then two more cars showed up shooting at us.
Luca and some of the men took cover returning fire but we were severely outnumbered. Clearly it was an ambush.

Then out of nowhere a motorbike pulled up in front of us,a man in grey sweatpants and white T-shirt with gun holsters on his thighs got off shooting and dodging expertly at the enemy cars.
In no time the other guys were dead and our backup had arrived.
I clutched the little girl to me as sirens and ambulances could be head in the distance.

"Whose that?" Asked Luca as if any of us knew.
"Daddy!" The little boy behind me wailed as he run up to the man who still had his head gear on.
He pulled it off as he turned to face us,putting back his gun in the holster.

The boy ran up to him,the man quickly scoped him up cradling him to his chest in a fierce hug.
You could see the boy had been terrified and was glad to see his dad.

"Daddy, Angel and grandpa are hurt and they won't wake up. please help them daddy" he sobbed and even for a hardened mafia boss my heart twitched at the scene.

The man put the boy down as he made his way to us and I finally got to see his face and my heart stilled.

I was taken back five years ago on a night I encountered the angelic beauty, golden curls and startling grey eyes with those beautiful pink lips.

I had a one night stand with the guy,saw him at the bar and approached him,I had wanted him to be mine but when I woke up he was gone. No number, no name.

I had frequented the bar the following months just to get a glimpse of him again,even went as far as to ask around for him but the guy had disappeared like he never existed, heck nobody even knew his name.

I was brought out of my thoughts by hands grabbing at the little girl I clutched so tightly in my arms.

"Give her to me" he said in a familiar tone,his beautiful face a mask of indifference and anger.

"No" I said not understanding why myself.
He frowned and narrowed his eyes at me a threat clearly in them.

"Boss we have to go,backup is here" said Luca standing behind me protectively.

"I said give her to me,Now!" he roared at me anger pulsing in his veins but I didn't want to give the girl back at least not yet.

"Luca take the older man as well will treat them at home" I ordered.

"Yes boss" Luca nodded as he signaled for a man to pick the grandfather and get him in the car.

"Please accept my help,your father and daughter need medical attention urgently and you can't take them to a regular hospital without the cops getting involved." I reasoned though I just wanted to get in his pants.

"Let's go,have one of your men follow on my bike and don't try anything with my family Valentino cause I'll end you all" he replied in an eerily tone that had me skipping a beat his frown not letting up.

Despite the threat clear as day i felt my groin twitch.

This would be interesting I have never been threatened before.

Wait, how does he know my name?

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