Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Alvin made his way across the yard, past the iron bars that where neatly stacked before anybody noticed him. Two men standing about where the first to notice and tried to intercept him but he wasn't in the best of moods. He delivered a hard hit to the first guy immediately rendering him unconscious, and used the butt of his gun to knock out the second man who tried to grab his arm.

He had limited bullets and wasn't just about to waste them. He had already reserved three for specific people.

Nobody noticed him as he approached the group that was too engrossed in their discussion as he pulled the trigger shooting dead three of the men who tried to play bodyguard to Jason. The gun sounds were however more than enough warning for Jason and his cohorts as they rushed to grab their weapons but he was fast as aimed at a confused and startled Jason. Everyone froze as he held the gun to Jason's temple.

"You shouldn't have gone to such lengths just to try and have my attention,a mere phone call would have sufficed" Alvin addressed Jason whose surprise had now shifted to an amused expression a smirk making it's way to his face. Alvin glanced at Aurial who was clearly unconscious,one would think him dead if not for the labored breathing he seemed to be making.

I need to play this out fast if his to survive. He thought as he looked back up to Jason.

The guy was clearly a good actor,his imitation was up to date, Heck the resemblance was so startling that it had Alvin faltering in his aim. If not for the age and lighter brown eyes the guy would pass with flying colors.
Everyone kept to their position as Jason stood his ground unwaveringly. He eyed Alvin with so much intensity Alvin shut his eyes,his mind taking him to the many times Jason would look at him like that.

His heart speed up before he felt the burn of tears in his eyes. He opened them when he felt a presence in his personal space. Jason pushed the gun Alvin aimed at him to the side as he reached down to draw Alvin by the waist. His other hand went to cup the side of his cheek as he traced every inch of his face with his intense brown eyes. Alvin felt his heart explode with so many emotions that the hand holding the gun trembled slightly at the feel of the hand that held his waist. The feel of the hand at his cheek was his undoing as hot fat tears slid down his face. He forced himself to look up and his breath caught at the look in beautiful eyes he dreamt of almost every night. The eyes that had haunted him for so long. For the longest part he knew Jason as the funny and charming navy who had pursued him relentlessly. He always had an amused twinkle in his eyes. Even during missions his spirits where always high,he could end a man's life with a mischievous look in his eyes. But now Alvin only saw emptiness. His eyes where as empty as the night he shut them in Afghanistan.

"Why..." He swallowed blinking back the tears, "...why are you doing?" He asked in an anguished voice as his arms went to the other man's muscular biceps. His grip tightening to try and ease the painfully clenching of his heart.

"If you wanted something from me all you had to do was say not... Not this..." He turned to address Bane who was silently glaring at Alvin's hands that were on Jason's body. He then turned his gaze back to the man he refused to acknowledge as Jason. "And you,you make me sick!" He yelled out in rage as he pushed at the man's chest who barely moved. Heck it felt like he tried to push at a truck.

"What do you want? you must have a reason for getting me out here. Well here I am,now what do you want?"

"You. I want you Alvin." Jason answered without skipping a beat as he looked down at a  frowning Alvin. "...I leave you alone for a few years and what do I find? You playing house with the mafia." He tsked distastefully as he moved his head to the sideway. Regarding Alvin with obvious betrayal.

"Shut up,you're not Jason."

"Hmm." He hummed as he suddenly reached up to pull Alvin by the hair. His man bun coming loose from the force of the pull.

"I know you know that its really me Alvin. I can see it in your eyes. So let's cut the crap and go straight to the point-"

"How..." Alvin interrupted in a broken whisper,he could feel himself losing his will to fight. He needed Valentino.

" am still alive?,oh maybe because I was never dead in the first place. You know what they where going to do to me once that mission was over. My own country was going to sell me out because I did the one thing they were too chicken to do..." He growled as let go of Alvin who stumbled to steady himself.

"They were only going to sanction you and your team for what you did... You,you sold out your own people,sold out national secrets to our enemies Jason. You committed treason!"

"Oh don't be naive Alvin,War is just a means to an end. They sent us to die in Afghanistan." He waved his hand dismissively as though the topic wasn't worth his time.
"We all know those sanctions where merely for ..."

"So you what,faked your own death to escape punishment. At what price Jason?!"

"Punishment?! I didn't even need to be sanctioned in the first place. I gave my life for this country,what's a little judgement in error compared to the endless sacrifices I made?"He answered with a crazed proud look.

"You sold sensitive information to the enemy Jason. You betrayed your own country and all for what,a few pieces of silver?! I can't believe even after what you did you stand their and justify your treacherous actions. We lost men and women,innocent lives due to your selfishness....!" Alvin's anger flared as he glared at Jason. He was livid and was ready to end him their and then.

" wanna talk about betrayal Alvin?. You are engaged to be married to a man who deals in domestic terrorism. He sells guns and uses the very weapons to cause fear among the very people you have sworn to protect. You are a hired mercenary for the government. You wanna talk about fair play Alvin when you do the very thing I do,the only difference between you and me is the team we play on not the agenda honey. If I'm a traitor then so are you sweetheart. You wine and dine with a demon but you are the devil himself disguised as an angel." He glared back heatedly.

Alvin opened and closed his mouth before he weakly murmured something about it not being the same even though he knew that Jason was right.

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