Chapter Eleven

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Valentino and I had gone back inside when Phoenix started barking. I already figured it was the kids when her loud yipping and whimpering could be heard from the inside. I was on my way to the door when it flew open and my little minions pounced,sending me to the floor with a thump, for four year olds they sure packed some muscle.

I laughed while cradling my babies as they talked over each other rambling a mile a minute about what happened in school.

Valentino's dad Luciano who was nearest to me helped me up. His eyes twinkling as he eyed the little ones with adoration.

For mafias these guys had the worst poker faces. I could read the old man like a book in that moment.

"Daddy,miss teacher said you missed career day" Angel whined with a pout while Ares seemed nonchalant about the whole thing,like he wouldn't care but I knew better.

So that's why the stupid teacher kept calling non stop in the morning.


"Oh...ah actually your grandfather was the one meant to come,I went last time" I said trying to justify my incompetence while dad stood by the door rolling his eyes at me.
"No Daddy I told you last week at school and you agreed to come" Pouted Angel with suspiciously bright eyes, oh my baby.

"Honey,hey I'm so sorry I completely forgot about it" I tried pleading as the mood suddenly dropped around us.

Angel sniffed and Ares came and gave her a side hug,glaring at me for making his sister cry.

I raised an eyebrow at him as I petted Angel's hair whispering soothing little words.

"How about I make it up to you guys,just say what you want and its yours" I tried the bribing approach.

Angel suddenly stopped crying and sniffed, back straight as she raised her eyes to mine.

"Can I have the the barbie with the pink diamond for my birthday and can Ares have Jasper too?" She asked sweetly with that stupid puppy dog look that she uses against her grandfather.

Dad just chuckled from across the room.

I was left dumbfounded really,Angel has been asking for some silly barbie doll with a pink diamond worth a million dollars, how a normal person can make a doll worth so much is beyond me.

These kids are going to run me dry,I bet they don't even care i went to the school or not.

"...yeah yeah whatever " I snorted aloud arms crossing in defeat.

Look at Ares looking all smug suddenly.

Guess I have just been played again,not the first time my kids have played dirty.

And Jasper, how do I get a fucking dolphin from an aquarium without getting caught, its not like I can just buy a dolphin... I snapped out my thoughts as I looked at Valentino across the room,a wide smirk made its way across my face.

I just might not have to buy the damn thing after all,Val can can do it.

Looking back at the kids I smiled and got up from the floor,held each of their hands as I pulled them with me  to the sofa next to Valentino who froze in his seat, eyes uncertain yet soft,right about now Val looked like he could hang the moon for them and I was going to take advantage of that.

So he wanted to be a father?, well here are his minions.

"You know what sweety why don't we ask this nice mister over here huh,he can get you anything you want just say the word."

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