Chapter Thirty-Seven

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For the next hour Valentino,Aurial and Luca,Luciano and Valerie, my brother and some of the heads of the families including my team gathered back in the boardroom as we planned on the best approach in attacking. Clifford had already managed to pinpoint Christians' location and we sent out some of our people to scout the area. After going back and forth between Valentino's people and mine regarding who goes in,we came to the conclusion that Valentino and some of the men will follow behind as back up. No matter how much I protested nobody gave my protests the time of day. Eventually the plan was set and preparations where underway. A good ten minutes into preparing our gear two grumpy fireballs busted through the weapons room door,eyes frantically searching till greys and greens locked on each other and they launched at us with such force I stumbled into Hudson who fell over. Ares' tiny hands clutched to my neck as he whimpered. The sound was barely audible but I heard him. I knew he was struggling not to show his emotions as Ares hated people seeing him cry.

"Hey buddy" I cooed softly as he  sniffed a bit. "Dad..."
His voice cracked and I excused myself together with Valentino. We made our way towards our room where we sat the kids and discussed what was going on. Val and I wanted to keep the honest policy going on in our family and told the kids in not so many words we had bad guys to take care of. Luckily its not the first time I'm away from the twins. Even when raising the kids i would be sent out of the country a few times. Three days at the most. It wasn't easy leaving them,it hurt so bad. As a parent it was heartbreaking walking out the door not knowing if i would see them again but it had to be done.

Eventually we agreed that dad would take them away for the day.
After all the teary goodbyes and whatnot everybody was ready. Two vehicles were made available for us at the entrance of the villa. My team would go in first and signal for Valentino when it got too hot. Clifford would be staying back at the villa to aid us if need be,but that meant one man down so Aurial would be taking his spot. From all that I have been told Aurial should be as good as Val.

"If you feel anything is amiss let me know,anything at all. Ill only be minutes away." Valentino said as he squeezed me to him.

"I will i promise",

"I love you. And once all this mess is over i want us to get married right away if that's okay with you?"

"Hmm i cant wait to be yours officially,but we are still keeping my house." i answered pecking him on the cheek. I already figured I would have to move my family with Val and his people. But I still wanted to keep my house, I had soon many memories in that place I couldn't imagine giving it up. Val hummed as he looked down at me,his intense green eyes tracing over the entirety of my face as though committing it to memory.


"I should go...." I bit my lip as i squeezed his hand. I turned intending to walk to the car when i was pulled back in his arms as he cupped my nape fiercely claimed me in what I could only think to be a savage kind of kiss. Val didn't ask, he took and I was only too happy to give him. I could feel my emotions rising as we kissed like no tomorrow. I was in love with this man and no matter what i would come back to him and our little family.


Reluctantly we moved apart,i mouthed another i love you and made my way to the car. I could feel the stone in my throat as the cars pulled away from the villa. No body said a word to me. I think they could feel the vulnerable state of emotions i was in and gave me my privacy.

. . .

Exactly twenty eight minutes later we were pulling out of town towards the industrial area where a few warehouses and factories where situated. We pulled behind a dark SUV belonging to Val's men who where sent ahead of time.

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