Chapter Fifty-Four

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Alvin could hear the faint voices as they carried all around him. His eyes where heavy as though he had been asleep for days on end. His body felt weak,as though he had been drained  of energy. He could hear the faint sound of what he could only describe as water... Rushing water or waves... Ocean or sea! Yeah the sound of waves roared nearby. A familiar voice was speaking in an unfamiliar tongue as though arguing. His brain tried to reboot as images of the ordeal he had gone through ran his mind. He recalled a familiar face but distinct features. He recalled snapping said guys neck and getting shot. He also recalled the doe eyed lady that had lied to him about not knowing how to speak English.

"fucking bitch"  he hissed and winced as the pain from his shoulder stung. He clenched his jaw as he waited on the pain to subside. Sure he had been shot before but fuck did it hurt like a bitch. There really wasn't a getting used to the pain when it came to gunshots. He begrudgingly opened his eyes to the room, immediately noticing the small stone walled Square room. He laid on what he could only assume to be a make shift mat bed.

No wonder  my bones hurt like a bitch.

Quickly he scanned the room,finding two figures standing by the tint door. The woman he recognized as the doe eyed lady from earlier,despite her black traditional attire literally covering her from head to toe,Alvin could tell by her eyes alone that it was her. Her companion on the other hand was a mystery. A short brunette balding older man of Caucasian descent faced her. Baldy wore worn out grey shorts and a navy blue short sleeved shirt with equally worn out sneakers. Flicking my gaze back up I noticed the fancy watch on his wrist, it was black in color with a darkened screen, basically it looked like it had a hundred and one functions. All in all baldy was an easy target from all angles, I could ripe his head out without so much as a flinch if he proved difficult.

"Ah finally you're awake" Baldy was the first to spot me as he made to move to my side but one glare from me had him stopping in his tracks. From my current view, I am in a foreign country. Thousands of miles away from my husband and children with a tiny fetus of three months barely clinging to life. Fuck I didn't even know if my baby was okay or not. I had to protect my child at any cost. And that had to start now. I wasn't letting this clown ass idiot near me.

"Keep your fucking hands to yourself " I hissed out as I pulled myself to a sitting position yet keeping my gaze firmly on him.

"your reputation proceeds you, yet in this case I mean you no harm..."he raised his arms in a sign of surrender but I still didn't need him near me.

"why am I here? Where am I? "

"You're in still in Saudi, you got shot while running from Ibrahim and his men. I brought you here to hide you. Ibrahim and his men have been patrolling the town all day since last night. I had no choice but to bring you here. There's a bounty on your head as we speak. You need you to get in contact with your team and have them help " My supposed non English speaking doe eyed lady friend rumbled a mile a minute. She seemed nervous and worried. However who she was worried about was really my question. Me or herself. I didn't know her much and quiet frankly hadn't bothered to assess her much, which in my line of work was a horrible mistake. Just cause they look weak and harmless certainly didn't make it so. I would know, I was a trained killer who looked like I ran the catwalk on red carpets for a living.

Back to the issue, did I hear the word bounty?


My team. Gosh I hope they already didn't get the Shity end of the stick. It was hard enough with me being in this mess. I didn't need them going through worse, especially considering this whole thing seems like my fault.

"Commander,are you... "

"who are you people? " my eyes narrowed in irritation at the whole suspense.

"my name is Aisha Yahyaoui,I work with Interpol. I was on assignment on the Ibrahim case when I was caught and he had me kidnapped for my Intel. I was the one that discovered the nuclear deal with the azuze group that Ibrahim has been cooking ..."

"...doesn't explain why you knew my name and have Intel on me. You shouldn't know Jack shit about me or my team. Heck you shouldn't even know we were in the country. So how do you? " I growled out.

My hormones really were on a rocket trail every passing second. Something about doe eyes here was out of place. Her job description for starters. Americans didn't trust any other race but black and white. And I mean that in all truth. Heck everyone was a suspect when it came to our security. I'm yet to meet an Indian man in uniform.

"just because I have a bullet wound on my shoulder doesn't mean I wouldn't snap your fucking neck lady. Choose your words carefully and answer my question again. " I said fixing her with a stone gaze.

She sighed loudly as she looked to baldy as a silent conversation passed before she turned to face me.

"Yes... my name is Aisha, but I work for Jason,I'm former Interpol for my country but I went rouge..." she trailed as she bit her lip anxiously before I interrupted her.

"please don't tell me his involved in this shit show that's happening too." I groaned as she shrugged and continued.

"well technically his not involved... Well at least not in the plan against your life. We actually only met by chance. I have been working as a double for him in case the Saudi decided to pull one over him. He doesn't trust Ibrahim so had me planted in Ibrahim 's group to keep an eye on his merchandise,but obviously I got sloppy and caught. Plus,I only know your face because I was there when he was transitioning. He always kept a photo of you two and spoke of your adventures together . I recognized you the moment you were brought in,well minus the missing hair but other than that yeah."

"...right,and why in the heavens would I trust you when you obviously have no qualms about betraying your own people for the likes of Jason? Tell me Aisha, are fucking Jace, because if you're doing all this for dick then I should probably warn you of your impending demise because Bane will not go easy on anyone trying to take his Jason. I should know because be came to my house with killing intent." I said as she went red in the face. Some women are so fucking dumb. The shit they are willing to do for love is just nauseous.

Baldy let out an obnoxious cough as he squirmed from foot to foot uncomfortably.

Guess I should be thankful... But I'm not. The bastard owes me for the emotional pain and torture I went through all those years he faked his own death.

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