Chapter Thirty

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Luca and I speed across town to Alvin's place so fast we where there in record time. Pulling up to the house one of my SUV was packed upfront. Vito was stood by the front door with a semi automatic in his hand,that in itself had my racing heart calming in relief. At least they had stuck by him and protected him when he needed it. Vito and Clive where among my trusted capos and i took pride in the fact that their royalty run deep and hence would die before they let anything happen to Alvin. It was their duty to protect and him and the kids. Aurial and Luca where my right hands but Clive and Vito where sworn to Alvin.

Surprisingly Luca was the first out of the car as he ran up to give Vito a hug then moved into the house just as fast.

Vito addressed me with a nod and was back to scanning the area. I knew that some men where already on the way as back up from my father's end so I didn't have to worry much.

I moved to follow Luca inside just as another SUV I recognized pulled up with my men. I looked to Vito and he nodded seemingly understanding that I needed to get to Alvin. He would dispatch the men.

And you can imagine my surprise at seeing my right hand in a heated make out session with Leon. My feet faltered at the scene as I took in the sight of Luca sitting on Leon's laps,practically swallowing his tongue.

I blinked twice to make sure I was seeing right.

Luca?my right hand man was whimpering in Leon's arms while the seemingly emotionless father of my fiance held on to him as though he was the most precious thing in the world.


When I figured non of the two would be coming out of there bubble anytime soon I made for the stairs to look for my baby. Upon reaching Alvin's room Clive sat on a chair next to the window overlooking the forest seeming to be in deep thought. Alvin lay on the bed in a peaceful slumber. Clive spun around aiming his weapon at me so fast even I found myself drawing my own.

"Jesus boss!" He exclaimed
When he noticed it was me and lowered his weapon,making me do the same. I didn't even know why I pointed a gun at him to begin with. After the day I just had,I think it's safe to say everything was catching up with my brain.

The relief of seeing my baby well and alive had me slumping down on his bed as I drew in a much needed breath. I could feel own emotions churning at the surface.
Clive must have noticed my emotional state because he put a hand to my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"His fine Don,His father gave him a sedative when we arrived. I think it should be enough to make him sleep it off. We got him out as soon as he came too."

"Thank you"

Clive just nodded and cleared his throat.

"Your brother is fine. His been assigned to the kids together with Chin. For now I think its better if we leave them at the safehouse till we can ensure there safety. Also Alvin needs to be a 100% when he meets them. Will be leaving as soon as his awake."

Clive released a breath he didn't even realise he was holding. His only family was his brother. Aurial and I had found them in the streets when they where in their teens. I could say they were as close to little brothers as we could get. Besides Dad made us responsible for them when we first brought them home seven years ago. We where close but Clive was a quite guy. He only spoke when he had to,which was a trait I admired in him. Despite him being in the mafia,Clive headed one of my companies while his brother Sebastian was still in college. As with most of my men I only took them off normal life for when the need arises. Every single one was working in a different area of our businesses or doing their own thing. And despite their being moles in the family the royal ones where a force to be reckoned with. I can honestly say if something happened to me today they would raise the twins and put them in my seat when the time came.

We were that close and tight. I had a personal connection to every one of the people I employed.

A muffled groan had me snapping out of my thoughts to Alvin. His eyes where fluttering open. I moved to sit beside him on the bed as Clive excused himself.



"You look like shit" Alvin observed dryly.

"Well in my defense you don't look any better"

"Nhg,fuck Dad knocked me off again. The kids..."
"Safe with my parents and Alexander is with them together with Aurial" I answered before he could work himself into a panic.

He visibly relaxed at that,shifting to sit against the headboard.
His eyes trailed over my body as if scanning for injuries" I gulped as he stopped at the obvious blood stain on my breast pocket leading inside to my wound. Which I had honestly forgot about completely in my rush to make sure he was alright.

"Are you in pain?" He asked moving to approach me. I shook my head trying to refuse when he pulled at my jacket, moving it to the side to see inside.

Alvin to my amusement actually reached in and pressed his hand to my wound where the knife had cut through skin. I winced in obvious pain,gritting my teeth as I made to move his hand away.

"Let me patch you up,where is my father though? His the doctor around here" He grumbled getting up and heading to the bathroom. I was going to suggest we let Leon fix me up later but that question had me pause in place. I didn't know how Alvin would feel if he found out his father was at this moment locking lips with my right hand. "Ah his busy downstairs with the men" I said instead. Whatever was happening between Leon and Luca was there business and if they wanted us knowing would tell us in time.

Alvin came back with a first aid box. He motioned for me to take off my jacket and dress shirt. When I sat in just my pants and shoes Alvin got to work disinfecting my wound which wasn't all that deep luckily. Before bandaging my wound he had me follow him to the bathroom where he took off my pants and shoes,ushering me in the shower. I figured he wanted me to take a shower but seconds in Alvin was butting my hands off the sponge. I was too grateful to refuse and simply let him scrub me up and down as though I wasn't five inches taller than him.
"Babe what do you think of Leon finding someone?" I asked tentatively trying to gouge his reaction.
"If that's your subtle way of asking me what I think of my father fucking your right hand then please, bother not because I'm already aware." Alvin didn't even falter in his task as he replied as though he wouldn't care less.

"And how do you know its not the other way around" I husked wrapping my arm around his waist. His eyes took in my diluted ones and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah right,no offense or anything babe but Luca is a sub,and my father is too dominant not to have noticed."

"Ngh that so..." I trailed as cupped his neck to kiss him. I groaned at the feel of his tongue in my mouth. Alvin was like a drug to my system,I needed him like an addict needed their next fix. He was it for me and I would be damned if I let another man touch him. He was...


"Turn around and spread your legs" I commanded. Alvin didn't need to be told twice as the command In my voice was enough for him. He turned around hands on the tiles above his head and ass out. I lined my cock to his hole and fucked him hard. With my wound temporarily forgotten I had my Donna whimpering and screaming out my name so loudly the chirping birds outside most probably would have scampered off if the room wasn't sound proof.

His Donna. (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now