Chapter Twenty-Two

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I pulled the trigger and watched as yet another of my men's blood painted the dungeon walls a finer red. I raveled in the way his eyes rolled in the back of his head as he met his end. There was just something purely orgasmic and sadistic at watching the very life leave an enemy's body. The sheer beauty that came with having so much power that you could take and give life at will. I loved watching the blood of my enemies pour out as they begged for their lives.

I hated betrayal.

I would rather sit on a table with Satan himself than Judas.

I let my eyes wonder over the 7 men silently standing in the room. My piercing green eyes conveying the message loud and clear.

Stray and die or help me raise this house to its glory with loyalty.

Why betray me when you can simply switch sides? I looked at the fifteen dead bodies lying around in cold blood. I had eat and dinned with these fuckers. Let them near my children for fucks sake!

The house cleaning had taken more time than was necessary.
Time I could have used to spend with my family. But thanks to these pieces of baked shit was now wasted on their measly and disroyal lives.

"How many of these are remaining,I have a date with your Donna in a few hours and I'll be damned if I let anything or anyone keep me from him" I say to Aurial who was shrugging off his bloody suit jacket off.

"That was the last one but we still have to get the old man Marcelino to crack,we can't afford his silence any longer" Aurial answered as he cracked his knuckles. I snorted humorlessly at this. "And pray tell Aurial what you intend to do to an 81year old man to make him crack and give us the information we want?" I asked sarcastically as i turned to look him in the eye.

What,he was gonna beat the old Geezer's dry bones to dust?!

Don Marcelino of the house of Marcelino was a serpent if I ever saw one. Of all the Italian families heading the American syndicate the Marcelino's where undoubtedly the most cunning. Giordano was cunning but impatient hell why his corpse was very recently burnt to ashes. Well Luciano was cunning but my father couldn't be cunning alone and still head the group in his time hence maybe that area of his brain was slightly limited. Old man Marcelino was the oldest of the heads, seen more than his fair share of mafia wars. He knew of all our treads, treaties,reserves,rules and regulations on how to govern the syndicate plus Everything else needed  to run the group. Even my father the great Luciano Valerius came to pick at the old mans brains during his reign. The old geezer together with my Nana where the oldest and wisest. They and the other three made up the group council. In fact all was dandy and swell till I stepped up as head of the group, didn't understand the animosity towards me. I was Luciano's rightful heir from his legally married Donna but old man Marcelino has yet to acknowledge me as head.

My thoughts turned back to the meeting with i had just had with the head of the families to discuss what was happening in the families. I had brought up the Giordano's betrayal and looming threat to the families when the old frail Don had risen and pointedly said to all who could hear that I was the worst betrayal the Mafia had ever had. He went on to spit in my face and told me to go to hell. I was left speechless but above it all pissed off beyond belief. Of course the old man and his entire house would be no more had not Nana intervened and asked me to let it play out to the end. I was so trigger ready but then this was the same man and family who made my grandmother's life hell when she was still reigning Donna over the mafia. I had made a promise to Nana to see that the old man met his end slowly and painfully. And by God I was to deliver.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Aurial's maniac voice. Aurial was the closest thing i had to a brother,we were cousins but our bond run deeper than that of blood. Our fates have always been tied together. Aurial was royal to a fault. He took half the beatings meant for me in our childhood,he would kill and die for me without flinching,as would I. Maybe because he was actually the older of us he had to grow up quick and protect me from internal and outside enemies when they wanted me gone. He was undoubtedly the person I trusted to cover me,he was also annoyingly honest,like brutal honest. I could count on him to tell me off when the world bowed at my feet. Aurial took a lot of things for fun but he was a beast when you threatened his family.

"I'm not gonna beat him into submission or anything,matter of fact we are not going to do a thing to the old man" Aurial chuckled with that wicked smirk he gets each time he was up to no good. I was tempted to roll my eyes at him. He was always like this even growing up he would get this look every time father "accidentally lost " one of his men. "Well at least not directly..." He trailed walking over to one of the side doors leading to a tunnel of more tunnels. The dungeons were designed to lure a prey into thinking they could escape when really all other five tunnels lead to the other side of the mansion where more dungeons were located.

The door opened and Clive stepped in pushing a blind folded lady in heels so high I wondered how she was able to walk through the rough concrete of the tunnels. Her clothes,hair and make up were intact she looked more like she just stepped out of a fashion runway than anything really. I looked to Aurial with a raised brow and he was reaching for his pockets as he removed his phone and dialed a number before telling whoever was on the other line to head to the main dungeon.

"That was Isabella,oh Clive please remove the blindfold from our guest" he said manically with a sinister grin. Well,their was a reason Aurial was my right hand man. He was the picture of perfect calm and gentleman on the surface before he flipped. Anybody looking from afar would think Aurial was in the wrong business with his deceptive calm and pleasing face till you stepped closer and saw the crazed maniac that lived inside. At times I wondered if he had a split personality or was simply bipolar.

I shrugged as I turned to pick my chair and move it further from whatever madness was about to occur just as Isabella walked in the room looking as stunning as ever. She was a beautiful woman no doubt had my men masturbating to her image every night I bet. However a very gay woman nonetheless. And a happily married one at that.

"Oh Bella good for you to join us" Aurial said happily as he turned to Clive who had a very terrified looking beauty in his arms. She was practically peeing her pants if the look in her eyes was anything to go by. Nothing like the composed looking lady she came in few minutes back. Her hands were clutching at  Clive's whose hands were tightly wrapped around her waist and mouth probably to keep her screaming silent in the otherwise silent  dungeon judging by how wide her eyes were and red eyes. I hated noise and my men knew this all too way and lady looked like a screechy screamer.

"Bella this is Natalia Marcelino of the house of Marcelino. She is old man Marcelino's lovely granddaughter and the very pride of his old age...." He trailed as he turned to look at me with a shit eating grin,raising an eyebrow as I put two and two together.

I sighed as I got comfortable in my seat. This was going to be interesting. Isabella and Aurial are simply the worst. I mean yeah my Nana had some swell and royal followers but I got the best of the worst.

Well now we just needed to save a seat for old man Marcelino. I have a feeling he would be very willing to corporate with me now.

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