Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Pure searing  pain threatened to rip my back from my spine. At first I was confused. Surely death couldn't be so painful. The pain woke me up from my slumber. It started from my back gradually knocking the breath out of me. I gasped out loud as the intervals lengthened. The furious beeping of a machine nearby had my head ringing. I just wanted to knock it off but my hands felt like jelly. When I had taken enough air to think straight I peeled my eyes open, blinking against the sunlight that streamed through the curtains. I looked around and realized I was in some kind of hospital.

Well, not a hospital per say as the room looked like a bedroom too. It looked familiar but I couldn't concentrate as another wave of pain came through. I gritted my teeth and I tried to swallow a few mouthfuls of air. The door slammed open as a little boy of six or seven stormed in. His eyes were wide and curiosity lingered there. At first I couldn't recognize him but as I stared at the stunning hazel eyes a lightbulb automatically went on in my mind.

The growling boy!

I tried to smile but it came out as a grimace instead.

"Hey buddy... " I greeted as he walked to me carefully. When he realized that I was in pain he panicked and ran off before I could stop him.


Cursing I tried to look around and locate a button or something that would alert someone. When I finally saw it the boy was back and with him my father. I blinked once then twice as tears made their way to my face.

"Dad... "

"Alvin, oh my God son you're finally awake. " his voice was scratchy and sorrowful but his face had a wide grin on it.

Just then another contraction hit me and I groaned falling back down on the bed.

"Dad, the baby...i think the baby is coming. "

The boy whose name I still had no idea about moved to my side and gently laid his hands on my tummy and the most astonishing thing happened. The pain subsided and my breathing went back to normal.

"How... How did you do that...? Oh my God the pain... " He just shrugged and hugged me tightly.

He was a cute yet strange little human.

While my father got on the phone,i pulled the little one close and we began to chat. He was quite at first but eventually he got comfortable and began telling me about everything I had missed in the last months. How I had gotten shot and Val had come for us. How a strange man with a funny aura came to see me and how someone had attempted to kill me in my sleep.

Of course I immediately realised who. I was gonna pay the old goat a visit one of these days. While we talked dad and the rest of the team began to prep me for the delivery. I didn't want to be knocked out so I asked dad to just numb me. I was so engrossed in AJ's story telling that I didn't even notice when my husband had walked up to my side and held my hand. Tears of relief streaming down his handsome face. I double looked at him not realizing it was him. He had lost weight and his beard and hair had grown significantly. He looked totally different yet sexier.


I chuckled as I chocked on my own tears.

"You... You look so different. "

"You look beautiful, more so now with the baby inside. "

I chuckled as I tightened my grip on his hand.

Damn I had missed him. I missed everyone. My babies and my husband. I couldn't believe that they were right here with me.

Val laid the most gentle kiss his ever laid on my lips . His lips felt chapped but soft. I was tempted to hold him down but then AJ's little growl stopped us. I laughed as I saw the possessive look in my sons eyes as he glared at his father.

"Yeah, you and I seriously need to talk about this little one right here" Valentino mused as he ruffled AJ's hair affectionately.

I opened my mouth to reply when the angry sound of a baby's cries rung out the room making me freeze.

I turned slowly to were the sheet covering my baby bump was and saw it was slightly smaller than before. My dads proud voice announced his congratulations as he moved to show me the tiny Buddle of joy wrapped in a sheet. The tiny thing was wailing so loudly my heart clenched. The blood covered baby seemingly reaching out for someone. He was simply perfect. His hair a golden blonde. His eyes remained shut as he waited. He was a perfect mixture of Val and I. I put my arms out to hold him but my father walked away saying he had to clean him first. I pouted but nodded turning to Tino who had a look of wonder and amazement as he gazed after our new son.

"What should we name him? " I asked as I pulled AJ to me. The little boy was equally enamored with the baby as his hazel eyes shone with stars. I chuckled at him and kissed his head.

"No. no no no. Not we. But me. I will be naming our last born. Every single one already has your first letter as there's it's only fair I name the little one si? "

"Fine. " I laughed as he fist bumped the air.


"hmm" I turned to look at AJ who looked up at me with huge eyes.

"His name is storm" he repeated. I blinked and turned to Val with a raised eyebrow. Trying to hold my laugh. He grumbled but sighed as he rolled his eyes at AJ.

"Fine but Storm will be his middle name. Dante Storm Valerius."

"That's heavy but I love it. What do you think Alexander? " I gushed as he pulled a face then nodded in excitement.

"Hey, why don't you get your siblings they also come and meet there baby brother and daddy hmm? " Val asked AJ. The little boy didn't need telling twice as he rushed out the room. The moment the door shut Val was taking my mouth in his and had his fill. We didn't even care that my father and the others where still in the room. Val expertly dominated my mouth. The kiss was both slow and sensual but life giving. I relished in the feel of his tongue in me and whimpered for more of him but of course the slamming of the door yet again had us separating. Two heads of black hair stormed to the bed as loud painful sobs made their way to my ears. My eyes filled yet again as I desperately clutched the twins to me. I let them let it out unreservedly. They had been in pain and deserved to let it out. Tino moved closer and brought AJ with him as we all bundled together, crying like the messed up family we were.

"And now meet the latest addition
..." my father stood with Luciano and Valerie at his side with Dante carefully wrapped in a blue blanket like a burrito. I sniffed and chuckled stretching my hands to receive the little one. Immediately in my arms he started to wiggle around. Waking up with sucking little sounds. I startled and looked at my dad questionably.

"Didn't you make a bottle for him... "

"Yeah well he rejected it... Seems you will have to breastfeed him. "

I looked at my dad as though he had grown an extra head. Val too busy cooing and introducing Storm to the others.

"Just try and put him on it,see if he will find some milk." Dad shrugged while Val went to untie the hospital gown I was in exposing my flabby chest. I groaned as everyone chuckled at my expense. The moment little Dante met my chest he greedily took my swollen nipple and latched on. The sensation was weird and slightly uncomfortable. Yet after after a few seconds I felt the pull as he sucked,clearly having found his food.

Eventually the day dragged on as I reunited with my loved ones. Little Dante Storm met everyone and stole their hearts. He was a tiny baby with way too much beauty for a boy. His stunning green jewels were a sight on their own. He would definitely be a heartbreak.

I was happy to be awake and with my loved ones after a long four months of slumber.

That night Val and I cuddled in the tiny hospital bed while the kids gushed over little Dante.

My heart soared with happiness at the scene.

I couldn't possibly ask for more.

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