Chapter Thirty-One

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After staking my claim on Alvin we moved to the bedroom where he proceeded to bandage my wound. Since I couldn't fit Alvin's cloths he left to borrow  Leon's,coming back with a bright face. I didn't even bother  asking why and he didn't bother telling. It was obvious he had walked in on something he shouldn't have. Anyway after I was dressed in Leon's sweatpants and a T-shirt since they were the only things i could fit in considering i was still a good two inches taller than my father in law,we moved downstairs where some of my men where lounging around in the kitchen seemingly looking for food.

"I could definitely eat something as well,you hungry?" He asked moving to the kitchen. I simply nodded as I moved to the sitting area where Clive sat eating a sandwich.

"Where is Luca?" Clive visibly tensed at my question looking everywhere but my eyes. Even his ears where taking on a slight pink.

I snorted as I took out my phone and called Aurial.

"How are the kids holding up?"

"As good as any child who saw there parent black out right in front of them. Ares is a smart boy,trying to be strong for his sister but even so its obvious his just as worried. Angel cried for a bit but Alex got her to calm down and managed to get them to fall asleep." I sighed into the phone. I knew I shouldn't have left them without either of us around but I had to find Alvin. It broke my heart to leave them especially when they were clearly distressed at the time.

"We are just having something to eat and we will be over in an hour tops. Have you gathered the Intel i asked you for?"

"Yeah luckily our men managed to retrieve some footage from the cameras. Stevie and Isabella are going through it as we speak"
"Alright good " I hang up just as Alvin walked in the room with a tray of juice and food. "Hmm this looks delicious" I observed,looking at the simple pasta with chicken curry dish that I was surprised he managed to cook up within the ten minutes he was in the kitchen. "Wipe that drool off your face its left over from last night" Oh. Well it still smells and looks delicious. "It's fine babe I'm never picky when my stomach is empty. No one ever is" I answered as he dropped a kiss on my lips,taking the seat next to mine. When he had pulled the small table and sat the meal he handed me one of the two folks on the plates and we dug in.

Not more than a minute into the meal a throat cleared obnoxiously across from ours. I raised an eyebrow at Clive who was looking from his finished plate to ours with a concentrated frown on his face.

"I just eat a sandwich while you guys are eating... That.." He literary whined like the way Ares would only my son's puppy face is cuter.

Alvin snorted and went back to eating not bothering to answer.

"I have two toddlers,try your luck somewhere else buddy" Alvin answered without skipping a beat.

Clive huffs and crosses his hands then throws them in the air and picks his plate getting up while mumbling like a five year old.
"I'm not sure whose worse between your men or your children" Alvin mumbles. Yeah neither am I honestly.

Alvin and I sit in comfortable silence awhile after our meal waiting on the others to finish when Leon and a beetroot colored Luca emerge from the stairs looking all lovey dovey while holding hands. I'm not sure I want to puke out the food I just eat or hang myself upside down at there sex aura.

"Hey son,how do you feel? I got in contact with Col Shelton while you were out and his having your meds delivered day after tomorrow once he sorts out your paperwork" Leon's says startling an oblivious Alvin who goes red in the face at I'm assuming remembering whatever he saw happen between his father and Luca when he went to borrow some cloths.
"I feel fine Dad,and if you guys could go to the kitchen and eat up we could be well on our way to the safehouse" He says not even looking Leon in the eye.


Leon sits on the seat Clive vacated as Luca goes to the kitchen,Coming back with some leftovers as well. He hands Leon who i notice he doesn't look in the eye a plate and seats next to him with his own. After a few uncomfortable moments of eating in silence Leon's hand slides down to Luca's back and starts moving it up and down in a calming gesture. All the while Luca keeps his eyes downcast in what I can only assume a  submissive pose. At first Alvin tenses next to me then just ups and jumps out of his seat as Leon let's out a loud humorous laugh.

"Oh God Dad please, just stop" he groans running up the stairs.

"Now you know what I felt when I saw you that day in the kitchen" Leon retorted in his seat shaking his head as though trying to erase a horrible memory. Alvin's milky skin turns a brilliant red at his father's words.

"Can we go already please" he says looking back down at me from the stairs.

"Yeah let's head out its almost 11 AM and we have a busy day ahead in the next few hours" I say getting up and signaling for the rest of the men to follow.

I call Alvin back wondering where his going.

"I need to activate the security system from outside and secure the premises in our absence" he yelled from the top of the stairs. Oh Right. I tend to forget this place has a laser fence around it.

"Alright people let's go you heard the man and I'm sure non of you wants to remain trapped in a laser fenced house. Luca, you and Leon take the vehicle we came with and whoever you can manage. Vito,you're with Clive. Alvin and I will take his SUV. Let's go people" I yell as everyone moves.

It takes Alvin three minutes to come back downstairs. His dressed in all black and carrying a black backpack with him. I raised a brow at him while he approaches. Upon reaching me he goes up on his toes to lay a soft kiss to my lips. When he pulls back he takes my hands in his smaller ones. His cobalt platinum engagement ring a stunning yet beautiful contrast to his milky skin tone.

"You know I'll do anything for you right?" I nod,because this wasn't really a surprise.

"And you know that i would kill without a thought if anyone messed with our kids right?"

Again I nod seeing an Alvin I have only seen too many times.

" best believe I will kill whoever is responsible for today's mess and no one will stand in my way,not even you. I'm a snipper Val,I'm the best thing you have in your corner right now so use me. Before anything I'm a father and someone blew up a place where our four year old twins where in, so please don't expect me to sit this one out." And he was out the door before I could protest. Sighing heavily I move out the door as he activates the system. At times I forget that the man I love is actually a trained assassin.

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