Chapter Forty-Seven

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"Let me get this straight,you are leaving for god knows where exactly three days from now?"

I gulp and nod once.

"...right." Valentino paces the room with hands gripping his hair in what I can only term as frustration. Its been a little over fifteen minutes since I announced my impending departure come Thursday. Val had been silent as he ran my words over in his head. I imagine my unit has been notified because Clive came to report that they had headed out as they took two of the cars. Most likely going to spend some time with their families.

"And the kids?,what exactly do you want me to tell them Alvin,they just got through one thing and now this...?"He yells out in obvious anger as I glare at him from the bed. Yeah I understand his point but its not my fault either, is it now?.

"We,will tell them the truth Valentino. Please can we just not do this right now?I just want to spend these last three days in peace,let me be happy at least..." I trail as I get up from the bed to approach him. At first Val just stands there with the saddest look ever and it breaks my heart seeing him like this. I wrap my arms around him and lay my head against his chest just silently letting him know that I'm still here. After what feels like forever he hugs me back tightly,in fact its so tight I wince at the pressure. He immediately apologizes as he cups my face and gently kisses my lips. I savor the feel of his lips against mine while running my hands up and down his naked biceps. He breaks the kiss to just stare into my eyes as though searching for something, when he seems to find it he pecks me and pulls me towards the bathroom where we proceed to have a shower in absolute silence. Despite it being comfortable its still unnerving when he gets this quite.

"Can we get married tomorrow?" He asks startling me out of my thoughts.

I cock my head to the side as I ran the question over and over in my head.

Marriage. Tomorrow?

Looking at Val I can tell the answer to his question isn't really of importance. He has already decided. He intends to have us married by the morrow. I don't bother telling him about how I have always wanted a wedding with my entire family and friends around,neither do I bother to tell him of my uncle whose dream is to walk me down the aisle. I might come off as hard and uninterested on the outside but I still enjoy being normal once in a while.

So,rather than whine about shit like a child i suck it up and I simply nod my head at him once to signal my approval and his on the phone making calls the next minute. I head down to the kitchen for something to eat.

I pull out the remaining cake and serve it with a glass of milk as I sit quietly by the kitchen counter. Completely disregarding the dent in the wall by the door.
I can hear Valentino's men somewhere in the house hollering like hyenas but even that isn't enough to distract me from impending marriage tomorrow.

I'm getting married tomorrow.

I think as I imagine us at the alter. Its not like I'm not happy about it,its just...

"How about a court marriage?" Valentino's voice breaks the image and thought as I drop the folk full of cake in my hand. Wincing at the noise as the folk clutters to the floor, I rise to yell at Valentino when he interrupts my oncoming rant.

" least until you get back so we can have the wedding you want. The court wedding is just to ensure that I'm legally bonded to you and the kids. Just in case of anything..." He trails as he clenches his fists by his side in obvious anger.


God I'm so stupid, and here I thought he was going to deprive me of my dream wedding when he just wants to be recognized in case of anything. God knows the army loves its rules.

"Of course,sure." I agree as I approach him while fighting off a grin. " I search his beautiful eyes for that twinkle that I love so much but he still refuses to look at me.

Well we all can't have what we want.


The days that followed were like a blur. Valentino and I got married in court with both families as witnesses and a few of the syndicates crime lords. Afterwards,Val and I took the kids out and explained what was to happen. Tears were shade but eventually they understood that it had to be done. The twins were glued to me for the hours that followed. Ares my beautiful boy put up a tough front for his sister as the man of the house and promised to take care of everyone for me. Val on the other hand was quite. He kept to himself mostly and just tried to look the bad ass Mafia Don he was but everyone could see that he wasn't taking my departure well. At times I would catch him starring at me with this far away look and each time the pain and sadness would just rip me a knew one. I had thought leaving the kids was hard but nothing compared to leaving an entire family. Over the couple of months Val and I were together, I had not only gotten close to him but his entire family. And that included his men and women alike. Despite their being a bit of scepticism about me being as assassin hired to kill their boss in the beginning. I managed to worm my way into most of their hearts and earned myself respect.

As the Donna of the Italian-American mafia I was given a farewell as deserving. Initially Valerie wanted to send me off with a party but I politely declined. In as much as I wanted something to lift the gloomy atmosphere over the villa I just needed to spend time with my family.

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