Chapter Forty-Nine

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Groaning loudly Alvin cursed as he attempts to sit up only to wince at the pain in his head. His fingers move to sooth his temples but came up with red liquid.

"What the f..." He trails as a noise clutters next to him,making him wince with how loud it is. Looking to his left a woman with huge brown eyes and hair stares back with excitement. Her smile seemingly way too creepy with the dirt and blood covering her face. She waves around her chained hands as she tries to move closer to him.

"...argh,who....who are you?" He asks the woman who rolls her eyes and dismisses the question with a wave of her bony hand. How the cuffs attached to the chains still fit Alvin has no idea. The woman who still seems to try and get to him Sighs in frustration as she is pulled back by the chains. She hisses and then glares at her chained hands as she defeatedly sits back down grumbling in a foreign language Alvin can't understand. She looks up at him and starts to excitedly point to him,making get up gestures. By the forth sign Alvin's brain has rebooted and realises what the woman is trying to tell him. He moves his eyes from her as he surveys the place. From the naked little lightbulb hanging over the wall to his right Alvin can spot a bucket and a table with what looks to be torture instruments. The floor is wet and the stench of urine and poop permeates the air. Pushing himself into a sitting position Alvin realises that not only was he in an unfamiliar obviously torture chamber but has been captured.

How...? He wonders as his mind takes him back. The last thing he remembered was going through the desert to Ahmed's last known location.

Fuck! If screwed didn't begin to define his current situation,not sure what did.

"I need to get out of here." He mutters as he pushes himself up but falls back down as his vision blurs. His companion says something as she pulls at the chains gesturing for him to get up again. He takes a few deep breaths and swallows down the rising panic. His PTSD hasn't disappeared just because Jason is somehow alive.


Alvin looks to the woman as he tries to focus on her voice. The ringing in his ears slowly fading as he concentrates on the woman's features. She is a stunning woman with huge doe eyes and flawless brown locks. Her body though frail seems to have a few muscles here and their. Bruises and dried blood cover most of her clothing. She seems to have been badly beaten,how she's still up and fighting is Alvin's unanswered question.

His snapped from his assessment as said woman whisper yells at him frantically. Blinking he realises the woman is pointing towards the rusty old door. He frowns as he hears approaching footsteps echo outside the room. He doesn't know whether to lie back down and pretend to be asleep or face the enemy head on. Somehow he realises that his health might have been altered with as he can still feel drowsy and out of it.

"Definitely drugged..." He mumbles as he tries once again to stand up only to drop back down.

The metal door opens with a rusty noise as a huge man with burly muscles in a black T-shirt and camouflage pants with combat boots stands in the doorway. The guy is clearly Caucasian with long blond hair and mean looking green eyes. He looks insanely familiar but I can't place where I have seen him from.
His mean eyes look from me to the woman then Snickers as he makes a step towards her. Brown eyes makes a disgruntled noise as she curls to herself like a scared animal. Looking at the scene its obvious she is terrified of meany green eyes. Definitely have some history going on their.

"Hey big guy,why not pick on someone your own size huh?" I ask to try and divert his attention from his victim. I watch as green eyes stops in the middle of the room and glances at me with what I can only term as pure hatred.

Well,whatever I did to him seems to have been bad if he hates me this muchI think as I try to intercept the steel boot heading my way. I curse loudly as pain fills my entire  left rib knocking the breath out of me as I clutch the area.

Brown eyes screams and hurls what sounds like profanities at mean eyes which gets her a resounding slap that echoes loudly within the room effectively cutting off her protests. "I appreciate the help sweetheart but next time just zip it for your own good." I mutter to myself,knowing that the chances of her ears still ringing from that slap are still too high to hear me.

"Now that I have your sole attention let's begin,shall we...?" He declares loudly as he moves to the table and picks the chair,turning it around as he plops down and faces us with a mean grin.

"Commander Alvin Devlin,Master sergeant from the marines and team captain of Phoenix,a specialized black ops team leading in capture and assassinations. You have quite the resume and reputation commander, and all those accomplishments at the age of twenty eight. Impressive. I mean not many can boost of such skill am I right...shadow?" He finished with a sinister grin.
Two things come to my attention. One,clearly I have been set up and two...well,I'm in a whole shit tone of trouble. In fact,the word trouble might not even be close to the mess I'm in.

"At least you did your homework. Which still won't help you when I kick your ass." I taunt trying to rile him up. This guy is too calm for my liking. 
He moves so fast from his seat I had to blink twice as fast. Looking at his huge body,one would never tell he was that fast. He gripped my chin roughly as his fingers dug in my flesh. Now that I look at him this closely I vaguely remember his face.


I frowned as I looked from his blond hair to his eyes and jaw....blondy!

He must have seen my reaction because his mean eyes dwindled to slits as he grinds his teeth as though in pain. The fingers on my chin drawing blood as he roughly pushes me away.

"You took him from me!" He States so calmly goose bumps began to form on my skin.

"My little brother... You killed him,and now...." He stands as he looks down at me.

"Now I'm going to take that bastard in your womb. I'm going to make you feel the same pain you inflicted on me" He finishes with such malice my body shudders. I frown as what he said slowly registers in my brain.



"What are you tal..." My whole body freezes as every drop of blood drains from my face.


"I'm ...I'm not.." I swallow the oncoming panic as I look him in the eye to see if he was bluffing only to meet a cold determined gaze.

Please no.

Fuck why wouldn't I recognize the symptoms earlier.

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