Breaking News: The Illegal Hero Continues To Avoid Confrontation From Pro Heroes and Hero Public Safety Commission, While Saving Hundreds
Tokyo TV
"We are coming to you live from The Bank of Tokyo moments after a hostage situation was resolved by none other than the Angel Vigilante. Hours earlier, an armed group of 12 yakuza members had stormed the building to rob the bank. All clients inside the building were held hostage while the employees were packing the money. One of the yakuza members had a signal jamming quirk, so those in the building could not get a distress signal out. However, eyewitnesses said they saw a woman in all white with wings fly in and detain the yakuza members. By the time the heroes and police arrived however, all members of the gang had been tied together with rope, all their weapons spread far away from them. All the hostages that were previously in the building were calmly waiting outside the bank, eager to tell the pro heroes and police what happened. The only evidence of the rescue were numerous white feathers on the ground, and eyewitness reports. Everyone present during the crime was questioned by police, each one ending with similar statements. "She saved us, when the pro heroes didn't. What would have happened if she wasn't here? Who cares if she doesn't have a pro-license, she was there when we needed her, and that's all I need to consider her my hero."
Many bystanders who witnesses the aftermath of the bank robbery had given personal testimonies to the police, insisting that they stop trying to find her to detain her.
"I was heading home late from the hospital after work. There usually is never a problem, but on this particular night, I hadn't realized that my ex-husband was following me. There wasn't a single hero in the area that I could see. I only noticed my ex-husband following me when I reached an alleyway that shortcuts to my home. I started to run and cry for help, but nobody came. Just as he grabbed my hair, a white figure blurred past me and knocked him down and handcuffed him. I hadn't even realized what had happened, until I saw white feathers falling all around me. I had heard the stories so I knew it was the Angel Vigilante. She had already left, not asking for anything or even give me time to acknowledge her and thank her. I stand by the Angel Vigilante, she saves those who otherwise would not have been saved out of the goodness of her heart. I don't care if it's illegal, she's my hero."
Countless testimonies similar to this one have been told to police and our news station. They can even be found spreading like wildfire on various social media sites. Which begs the question, if she is doing vigilante work out of the goodness of her heart, why doesn't she just obtain a hero's license? Angel Vigilante, if you're watching this, we would love to have a private interview with us, we can promise that we will not reveal the location to the police. We would just like to hear your side.
If anyone has more information on the beloved vigilante, please call xxx-xxx-xxxx or email the Tokyo TV news station."
Interviews with bystanders:
"Angel Vigilante we support you! Please continue your good work, I promise to do my best to protect you from the police!"
"Even with the best intentions, her actions are still illegal and we should not condone them."
"OMG I saw her flying at night while I was walking home once, she's completely white and has angelic wings. What if she isn't a human and is actually a real life angel?!?!"
I turn off the TV and sigh.
This is ridiculous, I'm getting too much media attention. I think to myself, realizing that more and more frequently I see officers or pro heroes trying to follow me after spotting me. Should I send a recording to the news station to play to the public? Maybe if I explain exactly why I can't get a hero license then the police and pros will leave me the hell alone.

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
FanfictionHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...