Ch 34 - Welcome Home

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"So... how do you like Japan? If I remember correctly, you were mostly in the US up until 5 years ago?" Keigo casually asks as they're flying around Hosu, enjoying the beautiful night sky.

"Honestly, it feels really good to be back. I never felt entirely comfortable in America because I was tucked away by the government, so I didn't get to really immerse myself into the culture.

But I am really thankful for all the opportunities that I gained from working in the US. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have the money to support the survivors I rescued. I didn't have a single cent to my name before the FBI took me in."

Keigo nods and hums to himself, as selfless as ever, and decides to start his probing, "So, I always hear Eraserhead call you Mitsu. Is that just a nickname for your last name?"

Mitsu pauses briefly before answering, I did decide that I would tell him soon. "No, it's actually a nickname for my real given name, but we tell others it's a nickname for my fake last name."

A shiver goes up his back and he stops midair and turns to face his sister, "Why are you telling me the real origin of the nickname if you haven't told anyone else?"

Her eyes soften and her smile is wistful when she answers, "Because I have a feeling that you know what the nickname is short for."

She notices that her younger brother clenches his fists. Keigo is struggling with the guilt and shame that he's held in for 18 years, suddenly rising to the surface. I ruined her life, I blinded her, she was abandoned and forced to live on the streets. How could she even stand to be in the same room as me, let alone smile at me? I don't deserve her forgiveness, and I probably never will. It's better if I keep my distance. I can't be selfish and crash into her life and potentially ruin it again.

The blonde pro hero responds blankly, "I don't know what you're talking about" and turns to start flying away again.


The reaction to hearing his name, uttered by her voice after nearly 2 decades, was visceral. Water starts to overflow in his eyes and hot tears started to pour down his face, his shoulders trembling. He couldn't turn to face her, he simply stayed afloat with his wings slumped forward. His back facing her as tears continuously flowed from his golden eyes. Keigo cries silently, something he was forced to learn from a very young age.

After a few moments of silence, Mitsu decides to reach out, "I don't know how much you remember, or how you view me. But I remember everything perfectly, and I can tell you that I have never once blamed you for any of my misfortunes."

Keigo finally whips back to face her, his expression contorted with anguish, "How is that even possible?!" He clutches his chest, "Everything in my mind screams that I'm the reason that you grew up on the streets, that you had nowhere to go! I got taken in by the Commission almost immediately. But you... you wandered the streets for years. All alone, b-blind, and t-t-that's all MY f-fault!" His throat started to constrict as he became more and more emotional, no longer able to speak fluidly. He looks away in shame, desperately rubbing his eyes to wipe away the tears, but fresh new ones keep flowing so it's useless.

Here she is, in front of me after all this time. The strongest, most kind hearted person I know. The person who took every beating, every bit of anger from our father for me, while I simply cowered and cried in the corner. I guess some things never change...

"Even though my life has been hard and full of adversity, I have many blessings in my life that I would never trade for anything in the world. I have a wonderful family, one full of love and loyalty, but also chaos and mischief. It would mean everything to me if you would be willing to join this family, otouto."

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