Ch 39 - A Weekend Away 🍋

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"Where the fuck did those come from?!" Tobio exclaims as he watches Aizawa remove his yukata to step into the outdoor bath. They all just had a wonderful seafood feast for dinner and wanted to relax in the hot springs again.

The other boys are also all shocked at seeing the man's muscles that seem non-existent with the baggy clothes he typically wears.

From the other side of the fence, they all hear Mitsu and Hitoka giggle at Tobio's comment.

"Makes people underestimate me when they first see me," the pro hero says with a slight smirk. Off to the side Kiyoomi is just lounging in his yukata, eyeing Aizawa's physique.

Meanwhile Hajime just sort of squints at him and says, "I wanna arm wrestle you later."

Aizawa chuckles, "Sure kid, just don't cry when you lose," giving him a smug grin. Even though Hajime is definitely beefier, Aizawa knows his muscles are well trained and fortified so he was confident he'd win.

"Let's bet on it," Koushi suggests with a cheeky smile. To which Aizawa responds by shaking his head, "You kids and your bets."

"My money's on Shouta!"

Mitsu calls over cheerfully over the fence, forcing Hajime to make a face of disbelief. "Kaa-san! Aren't you supposed to be on my side?! Top 10 worst betrayals in history!"

Hitoka chirps from across the fence as well, "I vote for Aizawa-san too!"

"Well, I'm betting on Hajime," Kiyoomi and Tobio say at the same time, both having experienced arm wrestling their older brother many, many times.

"I'm with Kaa-san," Kenma mutters while Koushi nods in agreement.

"I choose Nii-chan/Papa!" The twins were split, Hiro choosing Hajime and Haru choosing Aizawa.

"What about you Shinso? Who are you gonna bet on?" Koushi asks the quiet teen.

"Well, what's the wager?" The purple haired teen asks, wanting to know what he's getting himself into before choosing.

Everyone started pondering what a good bet would be, but Mitsu knows her kids well, and knows that Aizawa won't particularly care what the wager is, so she suggests, "Winning team gets to choose dinner the night before school starts." The way to win the entire family's hearts was to win their stomachs first.

This definitely fired up Hajime, he hadn't had his mom's cooking in forever. Tobio and Kiyoomi also got very excited and ran up to their brother saying, "You better fucking win this Hajime, I want my pork curry/umeboshi onigiri!"

Hajime punches his fist to his palm, "Alright! Let's do this," he gets up and quickly puts on his yukata.

"Wait... I just got in here," Aizawa drawls, not wanting to leave just yet.

"Get your ass up old man, I've got agedashi tofu on the line," Hajime calls, hoping that calling him old would incite him to follow him inside.

But the pro hero just huffs and slowly gets out, everyone else following suit, excited to see the showdown. Even Hitoka and Mitsu hurried out of their bath.

Everyone was gathered in the lobby, a circle of people surrounding the two contenders. Hajime started to slip his torso out of his yukata, making sure the belt was tight around his waist. All the boys had already seen Hajime's physique, but Aizawa still couldn't help but be impressed, I already knew he was really in shape, but damn, he's probably as muscular as Togata, maybe even bigger.

Mitsu teasingly wolf whistles, causing her eldest teen to blush profusely, "Kaa-san, that's freaking weird!" To which the angelic matriarch only giggles, "My eldest baby is so handsome and fit!"

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