One of those days

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A/N - this is more of a filler chapter so feel free to skip it since it doesn't really impact the plot at all

But also. Flufffffff


She woke up and she knew, it was one of those days. The type of day when you open your eyes and you already have the feeling of dread, praying that the day would end as fast as possible. When you wake up and feel like everything is wrong and terrible with the world, and you KNOW that every little thing will tick you off. Where you wish you didn't exist, where the cold numbness is all you can feel. Is life really worth it all? It's days like these where she questions whether her suffering and experiences are really worth the life she has right now.

Today was one of those days for Takami Mitsukai.

She woke up alone. The bed sheets next to her were cold and pristine. He didn't come home last night...

The Angel vigilante turns to lay on her back. A deep sigh is exhaled into the empty apartment. Her alarm hasnt gone off, so she knows it's still earlier than 7:30AM.

Maybe he got caught up at patrol. I hope he's okay...

Just as she starts to worry, she hears the front door click, followed by a light shuffling. Aizawa tries to stay as quiet as possible, hoping not to wake her up on a weekend. He makes his way into the bedroom, hoping to get at least a couple hours of sleep with the woman he loves. But the moment he steps in, he knows something is off, but he can't figure out exactly what.

"How was patrol?"

He noticed the emptiness of her question, yet he instinctively knew it wasn't because she was tired. He quickly changes out of his hero costume into a pair of sweats and a long sleeved shirt.

"It was fine, just had to stay at the station for a bit to help interrogate one of the dealers I caught."


Did I do something wrong? No... we were fine when I left for patrol last night. Is today a special day? The erasure hero quickly checks his calendar and crosses out that possibility. She's not due for her period yet either... hmm...

"How'd you sleep baby?"

He makes his way to the bed when she doesn't answer. He slowly sits down on his side, reaching out a hand to stroke her face.

She doesn't respond, but she slowly turns towards him, leaning into his touch. He shifts his hand towards the top of her head, gently massaging her scalp and stroking her hair. Mitsukai then plops her torso onto his lap, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist, snuggling her face into his stomach.

Shouta feels his thigh lightly vibrate from a groan rumbling through his love's chest. Ah... maybe it's one of those days... he thinks as his eyes soften while looking down at the white haired woman in his lap.

He bends down and kisses the top of her head, continuing to lightly stroke her hair, knowing that the action soothes her.

"Do you want to try to go back to sleep for a bit? It's only 5:10. Or you could stay in bed while I make us a nice breakfast."

He shifts his hand down to her back, rubbing comforting circles around her shoulder blades. He waits patiently for her response, knowing from personal experience how draining and stressful these types of days can be.

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