Ch 56 - Arrival

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"I'm glad that you were able to put together a team in such short notice," Nighteye says as he looks at the three young men in front of him.

Sumino, Kiyoomi, and Tobio asked to meet with Sir Nighteye an hour before the other heroes arrived, just to get a rundown of what his plan is, and how the three of them can fit themselves in.

"I actually wanted to ask you something Sir Nighteye, just out of curiosity," Sumino steps forward with his hand outstretched.

"What is it, Shai?" Nighteye asks, using Sumino's hero name as he hesitantly looks down at the hand before him.

"I wanted to see how your quirk would react with mine," Sumino answers, having given the elder male a quick rundown of how his quirk works. Nighteye finds his interest piqued, but unfortunately has to refuse, "I can only use my quirk once every 24 hours, it would be unwise to waste it right before our mission. But what were you curious about? Perhaps I can answer it based on what I know about my quirk."

The grey haired male juts his lower lip out in slight disappointment, but nods in understanding. "I wanted to see if you would see a singular future for me, or multiple, or if you'd see nothing at all. Since I can test out 100 different route at any given point, and experience all of them but choose which one becomes reality, I was curious as to whether or not your Foresight would be able to see the decisions I make. Would you experience all 100 with me at the same time every single time I use my quirk? Would you only see the reality of the route that I choose? Or would you see something else entirely? It would be an interesting experiment to test out on another day," I hope I get to test my theory.

Nighteye's eyes widen in realization, If he controls what becomes reality, does this mean the futures I see are not set in stone? If I told him what was going to happen, would he be able to change the future just by making a series of different decisions to completely avoid the events that I foresaw? My Foresight has had 100% accuracy thus far, but what if there are people out there with quirks like his that could potentially alter the futures that I've seen?! He's brought out of thought when he hears a familiar voice call out to him.

"Hey Sir! Sorry we're so early, but we were to anxious to stay in bed or just keep waiting, so we just came," Mirio calls with a wave as all the other UA students and Aizawa follow behind him. The erasure hero strides over towards the team focused on rescuing his fiancé.

"Good morning Shai, Asclepius, Crosshair, how are you guys feeling?" Aizawa asks flatly, trying his damndest to keep his emotions from affecting his actions today. He needs to be focused, but that's easier said than done when he knows the love of his life is in trouble.

Sumino places a comforting hand on his shoulder and gives him a small smile, "We'll get her out, don't worry Eraser. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I'm fully prepared to lay down my life for her's."

Aizawa shakes his head at the younger man, "You and I both know that Mitsu would never accept that, especially if she can do anything about it." Sumino simply chuckles as he responds, "That's true..." his voice trails off as he thinks about all his past experiences with saving Mitsu. I have no more resets, so every decision I make will set reality in stone. I was hoping with Nighteye's quirk, I would be able to bypass that in some way...

Aizawa does his best to ignore Sumino's troubled expression as he tries to relax and get his head in the game, the worst thing he could do right now is act irrationally and illogically. He glances at Mitsu's two boys and lets out a soft sigh, if I'm like this, I can't imagine how they feel.

He strides over and places a hand on Tobio's head and ruffles his hair while his other hand hovers above Kiyoomi's head, respecting the boy's aversion to touch.

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