"So you're Mama's younger brother, and our uncle? Like by blood?"
They had all just finished breakfast and Keigo had decided to tell everyone the truth. Hitoka was helping the boys bathe in the master bedroom's bathroom, but Koushi promised to give her the tea later.
."OH FUCK YAHHHHHH YOU OWE ME AND KENMA $100!!!" Koushi whoops and sticks his arm out in front of a now scowling Kiyoomi. Kenma also sticks his arm out, but his focus is on his switch screen under the table.
The wavy haired ravenette was grumbling curses under his breath while pulling out cash from his wallet, unceremoniously dropping the bills in his brothers' hands. Kenma quietly slips the money is his pocket, while Koushi is quite literally cackling like a gremlin, but he freezes when he feels a menacing aura.
"Koushi," Mitsu had said in a steely calm voice.
The platinum haired teen's face paled and a drop of sweat formed on his forehead, "Hai Mama?"
"Did you, Kiyo and Kenma make a bet about whether Keigo would say anything or not?"
The other two boys stiffen in their seat, but are secretly glad that their eldest brother is currently the one taking their mother's wrath.
"Y-yes... B-But there wasn't any malicious intent and we weren't trying to be rude! Kiyoomi just thought he wouldn't reveal it to us so soon after meeting everyone!!"
"When did you guys even make this bet exactly?"
"Uhh... it's something we talked about back and forth a couple times... but we didn't actually make it into a bet until we saw you come in with him earlier... haha?" Koushi let's out an awkward, nervous laugh as he tries to wipe his now sweaty palms on his pants.
"You each bet $100, that's a lot of money."
Everyone was silent while Keigo, Aizawa and Shinso watched in amusement. After a few beats, Kenma mutters under his breath, "Go big, or go home." Koushi slaps his thigh, shushing him.
Mitsu's chair screech against the floor as it's pushed back suddenly. The other two adults would never have guessed what's about to happen, but the three teens braced themselves.
Mitsu literally pounced across the table, somehow grabs Koushi and Kenma in each hand and lifts them into the air, while Kiyoomi was lifted by her feathers, being considerate of his phobia by not touching him directly.
"You brats had the nerve to bet a pool of $300 on something like that?!"
"Actually the pool was $1300..." Kiyoomi says, barely a whisper. Deciding that coming clean now was the best course of action to ensure his survival.
Mitsu's eyebrow starts twitching, "Excuse me, WHAT?!" She notices Aizawa sliding down his chair, making himself small. Shinso was staring at his sensei with wide eyes, why do I feel like I'm about to witness a murder. Mitsu drops all three teens, and turns to her boyfriend, a tick mark visible on her forehead, though she was smiling when she asked, "Aizawa Shouta, did you bet $1000 with my children?" Her voice came out sugary sweet, but that made everyone even more afraid.
He clears his throat as he starts sweating profusely. Oh god she's so scary right now, it's kinda hot as fuck but still, I don't wanna die, "Ahem...UHhmMm. So... you see.. it wasn't necessarily part of the betting pool. I had so much confidence that Keigo would open up after meeting everyone that I arbitrarily put down a lot of money. I never actually thought I'd have to give it away, so technically it's not really a bet? More like a logical assumption? The value of the money displaying... my uh... confidence... in you and your family?... " his voice got smaller and smaller as Mitsu leaned her face closer and closer to his, until they were basically touching noses.

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
FanfictionHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...