Aizawa slowly woke up to the sound of metal pans clanging in the kitchen. He started drifting back to sleep when his eyes flew open and he shot out of bed. Who the fuck is in my house this early?From the kitchen, the sweetest voice that he didn't think he'd ever hear again asked, "Sho? Are you okay?"
Mitsukai?! He jumps out of bed, slipping on the sheets, but quickly getting up and running towards the source of the voice he'd only heard in dreams since the worst day of his life.
From the doorway he can see his beautiful beloved Takami Mitsukai, fresh and clean, without a single injury to be seen.
"Good morning, are yo- oof!"
Mitsu is cut off by Aizawa engulfing her into a suffocating hug. He buries his face in her neck, inhaling her scent and squeezing her tighter when he doubts that she's actually there and he's just hallucinating.
She's surprised of course, but Mitsu doesn't question it since he seems really shaken up. Instead she wraps her arms around him as well, whispering sweet nothings in his ear as her wings cover them in a soft blanket.
Only when she starts to feel a wetness on her collar does she pull back to wipe Aizawa's tear stained face. When his tears continue to fall, Mitsu caresses his cheek and asks, "Sho, sweetheart, what's wrong?"
Aizawa stared at Mitsu's eyes, the very ones he so desperately wanted to gaze into for weeks. The eyes that always carried so much emotion, so much love and tenderness for him that he never thought would be possible.
He cups here face in his hands and gives her a passionate kiss before pulling back and promising, "I will always be by your side, no matter what. You're not leaving me ever again."
Mitsu's eyebrows furrow in concern, "As much as I love hearing your confession, did something happen?"
Aizawa engulfs her in a tight hug once again and simply answers, "I just had a terrible nightmare, that's all."
Aizawa knew that what he experienced during the last few months wasn't a dream, but the memories were just as fleeting. It became harder and harder to remember specific details, all he knew was that a series of terrible things was going to happen to Mitsu, and it all starts today.
After calming down and investigating, Aizawa realized it was May 21st, the Friday before the students left for their internships. He tried to remember exactly what happens, and what he needs to watch out for, but there were only vague bits and pieces.
He knew for a fact that yesterday, or at least the night he went to bed, was September 14th, barely two weeks into the second term. Mitsu had taken her life 3 weeks prior, and everyone was suffering for it.
Aizawa would never be able to get the image of Mitsu hanging from their shared bedroom out of his head. But he was determined to make sure it doesn't happen, not this time.
Rationally, he thinks that someone somehow sent him back with a quirk. But he couldn't remember who, or what the quirk was exactly. The only other thing he COULD remember was a name. One that he immediately wrote down, worried that it would slip from his mind and he'd lose invaluable information.
Tsugiyoshi Sumino
As they were walking to campus, he looks at Mitsu and asks, "Do you mind covering homeroom for me a bit? I need to go talk to Nezu." The white haired woman simply nods and they part ways at the main entrance.
The erasure hero makes a beeline for the principal's office while also shooting him a text.
Urgent. Go to your office if you're not already there. (Read 7:48am)

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
FanfictionHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...