"So now that we've figured out the matchups for 1-A," Nezu turns to Mitsu, "What do you think we should do for your kids Himitsu-sensei? They've been excelling in every course in the few weeks they've been here. All of them have been wonderful additions to UA, and since you know them best, I feel like you should decide their final exam."
She's quick to answer, having thought about this all weekend already, "I would like all of them to face a staff member on their own, but running away will not be an possibility for them and the staff member will not be handicapped. They've already become accustomed to the option of running away, so I want to see what they'll do when they're forced to fight. Since they won't have the choice of escaping, I will tell them their matchups the night before so they can prepare, if that's alright with the staff members?"
Everyone around the table nods and Mitsu lists off the pairs, "Hitoka will go against Ectoplasm, Tobio with Snipe, Kenma against Nezu, Kiyoomi versus Eraserhead, Koushi and Mic, and lastly Hajime against All Might."
Each staff member called nods their heads, trusting her decision with her own kids, and Nezu decided to ask for his own favor. "In return Himitsu-sensei, I'd like to as you of something as well." He sees the white haired woman nod and continues, "For the final exam of each of the Big Three students, I'd like you to fight against them with the same stakes as your children: escape is not an option and they will have no handicaps."
Mitsu nods in affirmation and sits back while crossing her arms, "Who are the Big Three of the school?"
"You already know Togata Mirio and Amajiki Tamaki, the third is a female student named Hado Nejire. I will tell you each of their quirks, even though you already know Amajiki-kun's. I'd like their final to simulate as close to a real life villain fight as a pro hero as much as possible."
"Yeah that sounds fi-" Mitsu's voice gets caught in her throat as she suddenly feels slightly dizzy and nauseous. She quickly covers her mouth with her hand and rushes to the nearest restroom, throwing up the remains of her breakfast.
The door is slammed open and Midnight runs to Mitsu's side, holding up her hair and rubbing her back as she continued to vomit. The nausea passes after a few more heaves and Mitsu takes a deep breath.
"T-thank you Nemuri, I don't know where that came from," Mitsu staggers while standing up, going to the sink to rinse her mouth.
"You should go see Recovery Girl babe, you might be coming down with something, I'll let Shouta know you might be late to homeroom," Midnight says while she continues to rub her back. Mitsu simply nods and heads to the infirmary once she got the taste of bile out of her mouth.
Mitsu knocks lightly on the door, and when she hears a soft 'come in' she slides the door open.
"Oh sweetheart you're looking very pale, come sit down and I'll check you out," Recovery Girl says with motherly concern in her voice.
After asking the basic questions, the elder female has to ask, "Shiro-chan, are you sexually active?"
Mitsu nods her head, and is then asked the follow up question, "Have you been using protection?"
The younger female then shakes her head and explains, "I-, we've- Shouta and I have actually been wanting to get pregnant... do you think?..."
"Well there's only one way to find out," Recovery Girl hops off her stool and gets the equipment she needs. "Since you're most likely very early in your pregnancy, a blood test would be best. I should get the results back within a few days, I can call you back in here when I do." Mitsu nods and presents her arm so that her blood can be drawn.
After the assignment on evaluating Class 0 and seeing if 1-A can figure out their quirks, each student in the class got 2.5 extra credit points.

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
FanfictionHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...