A/N - Happy Holidays and Happy New Years you guys ❤️🎉
After hearing about Kiyoomi's past, Keigo excuses himself from the rest of the meeting. He also let his sister know that he probably won't be in Hosu anymore, but he trusts her with finding Stain.
As he's flying away from UA, he's stuck on one, singular thought. There's no doubt that he's Dr. Sakusa's 'missing' kid, Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Shortly after Keigo left, Nezu starts presenting his idea to Mitsu's foster kids. "I have a proposal for all of you, of course you can take your time to decide." He waits to make sure everyone is paying attention to him before continuing.
"I would personally like to take on Kenma-kun as a protégé if he'd like. But, aside from that, how would you all feel about becoming students at UA?"
"No, I don't wanna join a class here," Kiyoomi quickly answers, face scrunched in disgust. A few of the others also hum, though it's unclear as to whether it's a hum in agreement with Kiyoomi or not.
"Apologies, allow me to clarify," Nezu holds his paws behind his back. "My plan would be to have you all form your own special class. You would be treated as your own entity, although you'd probably have to join the 1-A homeroom. I suggest this, not only for you to be educated by the UA staff, but also for your protection during the days. We can help keep an eye on you while Himitsu-san otherwise wouldn't be able to."
Hajime strokes his chin, "Hmm... that's not too bad of an idea actually. What do you guys think?"
"Well, you and I can't go back to our old schools Hajime-nii. I'm down for it, what about you guys?" Tobio answers and turns to his siblings who've been in Japan this whole time.
"I think it will be fun!" Koushi says excitedly, and turns to the two shy teens, "I think this will be good for Kenma and Hitoka, now they can make friends around their age instead of only doing online classes until college." Kenma gives a small nod, and Hitoka smiles brightly and shivers in excitement. I can make friends!! I hope there are a lot of nice people!
"We can meet Broccoli-nii and Spikey-nii!!" Hiro chirps, and Haru eagerly nods right next to him.
Kiyoomi thinks over his opinion again, now that he knows all his other siblings want to do this. The added perk of being their own private class outside of homeroom really appeals to him. He wouldn't have to deal with tens of other strangers who he's not physically comfortable being near.
His siblings all look at him in anticipation. When he notices that all his siblings have excited glimmers in their eyes he huffs out a small chuckle and gives a lopsided grin to his siblings, "Fine, but I'm not going to any student assemblies."
The next day after training with All Might and Aizawa again, Mitsu made sure her kids had what they needed for the night before flying over to Hosu. She didn't want to leave, since they were all having a little party for themselves, commemorating their new lives together. But she has responsibilities, and made a promise to Iida, so she starts heading out. They all quickly hug her goodbye and tell her to be safe, and she heads off.
As she gets closer, she realizes that there are multiple fires and she can hear screaming from multiple parts of the city.
Mitsu speeds up and spreads her feathers to see what's going on. She notices various heroes fighting disfigured humanoid figures, all making spine chilling shrieking noises, are those Nomu?
The angelic woman gracefully lands on the ground and spreads hundreds of feathers around the city, wanting to gauge the damage and figure out where the most help was needed.

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
أدب الهواةHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...