Ch 60 - The Aftermath

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"It's finally over..." Mitsu breathes out a sigh of relief.

The moment those words passed her lips, Chisaki whips his head to stare at Mitsu in shock.

Midoriya uses Chisaki's distraction to his advantage and quickly gets out of his grasp, jumping back to put distance between him and the villain. His eyes flit over to his homeroom teacher on the ground, seeing that his erasure is inactivate, Midoriya reaches up to touch his face. Overhaul's hand definitely made contact with my body, how am I still alive?...

Chisaki stares at his hand before looking at Aizawa, confirming that his quirk wasn't getting erased, before turning to Mitsu and staring at her in bewilderment, "What- What did you?..."

Mitsu slowly raises her head to send satisfied look to the masked man before unfurling her hand, revealing a small, red cylinder with a hypodermic needle, "I deleted your quirk."

Chisaki's golden eyes widened in disbelief, "You-" He looks Mitsu up and down before settling on the small smirk on her face. After a few beats of silence, the yakuza head snarls as he charges at her, "YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

Sumino shoots forward and tackles Chisaki onto the floor, restraining him by grabbing his arms behind him and digging his knee into the masked man's back. Sumino looks down at him in disdain, muttering, "That's enough out of you..." before striking Chisaki's temple, knocking him unconscious. You're lucky all these people are around... if it was just me and the boys, you'd be paying dearly for everything you put Shiro-san through.

Mitsu's adrenaline from all of the fighting suddenly dissipated along with all of the energy in her body, and she starts to sway forward.

"Kaa-san!" Kiyoomi rushes towards his foster mom, catching her right before her body was able to hit the floor. He gently places her on her back before he rummages through one of his packs, pulling out his first aid material to at least stop her bleeding.

Tobio stares at his mom's unconscious body as his brother is tending to her wounds. The reality of her no longer being the all powerful being that he knew her as was slowly and heavily settling in as the cognitive dissonance in his mind started to fade. I can't believe I doubted her... of course she would have to go to extreme lengths to trick Chisaki. She couldn't afford to make any mistakes because one wrong step and she would be dead... a possibility that had never crossed my mind because of her quirk and how powerful she was. But now she's the weakest and most vulnerable one out of us all...

A small figure rushes into the room with a anxious Tamako and injured Mirio trying to get her to come back, "Mama!!!" Eri cries as she runs to the unconscious woman on the floor, shaking her and telling her to wake up. But when Mitsu makes no indication of waking up, she tugs on Kiyoomi's sleeve just as he finishes bandaging her arms, "Why won't Mama wake up?"

Kiyoomi stares down at the tiny white haired girl and blinks a couple times, Mama? Are we going to have a new little sister? Koushi and Hitoka would love that. "She's really tired right now so she's in deep sleep. But Kaa-san will be okay."

"But she's hurt!!" Eri cries out as she starts to get more and more distressed by Mitsu's physical state. She frantically searches around until her eyes land on Chisaki's unconscious form, "He always hurt Mama! She was always crying and screaming!"

Everyone's heart cracked when they heard those words come out of Eri's mouth, but Aizawa, Sumino, Tobio, and Kiyoomi had it particularly bad.

'Always', Eri said 'always'... does that mean that Mitsu was tortured every day since she was captured? Bile started to rise up Aizawa's throat at the thought. How much did she have to go through? All alone too, with no idea whether or not she'd ever get out...

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