"So... ALL of you have agreed to go with Sumino to America?" Mitsu asks with a narrowed gaze.
All her kids nod, minus the twins of course. "Because AFO is out of the picture, Sumino-senpai thinks that it should be really straightforward to get rid of the Salieri family. He told us to think of it as our work studies, since we can't actually do them here," Koushi explains. Mitsu frowns as she's once again reminded how unfair everything is for each of the kids in her care.
"And Nezu said it's okay for you guys to go?" Aizawa asks coolly.
They all simultaneously nod again, and Mitsu sighs and her frown deepens slightly, "I'm about to go on a potential long term missions as well..." Mitsu squats down and pats each of the twins on the head, "Will you two be okay with all of us gone?"
"Ya! We have Papa and all our Nii-chans and Nee-chans from 1-A!" Hiro chirps out, while his other half seems to be frowning.
"What's wrong Haru?" Koushi squats down and pats his head.
"Last time Mama went on a long mission, everyone died... E-everyone left me..." Haru barely whispers out as tears start to sting his eyes. He rushes and clings onto Mitsu's legs and cries out in panic, "Y-You can't go! I don't want to be alone again!"
Everyone was shocked. Haru had never mentioned that he remembered the other timeline. On top of that, none of the other siblings shared the memories, so they weren't viscerally affected by the avoided events; they only knew because Sumino and Aizawa had explained what had happened.
Mitsu's heart breaks for her youngest boy and she immediately sits down and holds him close, engulfing his entire little body with her own. "I'm sorry Haru! Oh baby, I'm so sorry!" She pulls back and wipes his wet cheeks, but fresh tears quickly replace them, dampening his face again. "This time is different, I promise Haru. Everyone is still here and alive, and the evil man isn't a problem anymore. Uncle Sumino will take care of all your Nii-chans and Nee-chan, and my mission is different, but I know what I'm doing. Last time the bad people tricked me. I can't promise that nothing bad will happen, but it won't be like last time Haru, I promise."
"Haru..." Aizawa starts, but he's cut off by Hiro.
"Haru! You can't be selfish like that!" Hiro yells at his brother.
"Why not?! I want to be happy! I want to be with Mama and Papa and everyone else! Why do they have to leave?! Why can't we be a normal family like every other kid?!?!" Haru cries out in anger.
"Because everyone in our family is a hero! They have to go so they can help people!"
"THEN I HATE HEROES!" He shouts and runs into his room and slams the door behind him.
Everyone watches the argument stunned. Haru was the calmer, more rational of the two, but here he was throwing a tantrum, albeit a justified one, while Hiro tries to reason with him. On top of that, the twins have never fought before. And the reason for their fight breaks everyone's heart, because it shows just how quickly these two little boys were forced to mature.
They should be fighting over toys and what TV show they want to watch, not about whether or not it's selfish to want to be with your family.
"I don't think I ever really thought about how horrible the situation must have been for everyone that was there at the end, especially for Haru, since he was the only one of us left behind..." Kenma's voice trailed off as it finally hit him how traumatic the events were to Haru.
Haru watched as the siblings in his household were attacked and dragged out of their home, while his mother had disappeared and he hadn't heard from her in weeks.

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
FanfictionHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...