Touya's grip on Aizawa's hand had no intention of loosening anytime soon. Just as the ravenette opened his mouth to say something, the twins popped out of nowhere and stared at the two men before it clicked who they were looking at.
"UNCLE TOUYA!!!" Hiro shouts and runs to hug his leg, while his brother simply stares at the handshake going on between the two adults. Touya bends down and pats his head, "Hey squirt, you've gotten so big!"
Noticing that Hiro's other half isn't there with him, Aizawa turns his attention to the quieter twin, noticing that he's staring at their uncle with an unreadable expression. The pro hero walks over to him and places his hand on top of the boy's head, "Not saying hi to your uncle, Haru?"
Haru grips Aizawa's pants leg and looks up at him, hesitant about voicing his thoughts at the moment. But Hiro comes and grabs his brothers arm, pulling him towards the white haired man, "Haru, Uncle Touya said he has gifts for us!" His eyes light up as their uncle pulls two wrapped boxes, handing the blue one to Haru and the red one to Hiro.
They both tear open their gifts, Hiro pulls out a new All Might action figure. He starts running around with it yelling 'I am here!' while making punching sounds. Noticing that Haru is simply staring inside his box, Touya calls out, "Haru, do you not like your gift?"
The boy's face shoots up at the mention of his name, and the adults see that he has a slight dusting of pink and a squiggly smile, as if he's trying to hold in his excitement.
"What is it Haru?" Arisa asks, curious as to why he's being shy. She walks over to him to peak into the box, but Haru snatches it and runs back into the other apartment, completely forgetting to tell Aizawa about what he heard his Uncle Touya say. Hiro follows right behind him, swinging his new toy around in the air.
Aizawa huffs in amusement, enjoying the moment before turning to the other two and sitting down, "So what's the situation with Mitsu?"
Arisa looks at Touya, who leans forward in his chair with this hands folded in front of his face, "Before we start speculating about her condition, I'm going to explain what we know for sure."
The pro hero simply nods and the younger male continues, "Amongst other precautions our family has set up, each of our cellphones has an automated external SOS device built in the charging port." Arisa and Touya both pull out their cellphones and show Aizawa their phones. When he looks into the ports he sees a tiny blinking light. Smart, nobody would know that's there unless they looked really hard.
He nods and the white haired male continues. "If the phone dies and is not charged within 3 days, the signal will start going off and alert my phone and Nee-san's phone. And then after 5 it'll alert Arisa's phone. But..."
"But what?" Aizawa presses. Arisa adjusts her glasses and looks at her phone, "But I haven't gotten the SOS signal."
Touya huffs, "And mine stopped 4 hours after it started." Aizawa quirks his brows at them as he processes the information, and then it dawns on him and his eyes widen. "But she hasn't called... so the most likely scenario is that whoever is holding her found out about the signal."
"Bingo," Touya says with zero enthusiasm. He takes a deep breath, "Arisa told me over the phone that she was taken into the Commission headquarters." Aizawa nods, affirming his statement.
"I followed the signal as far as I could before it shut off. I was within 10km of the Commission building, so earlier today I asked a favor from a hacker who owes me big time."
Touya pinches his nose bridge and Arisa soothingly rubs his back. "I asked him to look through the security footage, starting from when she arrived and when she left. But she never left the building. At least not through the main entrance."

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
FanfictionHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...