Ch 58 - The Vows That Bind Them

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What's going on?! Aizawa watches with rapidly rising unease as Mitsu and her kids are fighting. They keep trying to talk sense into her, but she just ignores them. Eventually they manage to disarm her, sending her blade skidding across the ground.

Just as he collects himself and gets up to join Kiyoomi and Tobio, a hand firmly grips his shoulder, and Aizawa turns to see Sumino, "Go help the others with Overhaul, we'll handle her, that's why we're here after all."

Aizawa is about to argue, but his words catch at his throat when he sees Sumino's furrowed brows. His facial expressions are almost always blank and emotionless, but he looks genuinely concerned right now... is there something he knows that we don't?

The younger male notices how Aizawa is looking at him and schools his face, returning it to its typical, indifferent expression, "Don't worry Eraser, the three of us are best equipped to fight her. Your quirk is going to be much more valuable against Overhaul, since we've confirmed that Celestia is now quirkless."

I can't argue with him there... Aizawa relents and gives the younger male a nod before dashing over to where Midoriya and Nighteye are fighting Overhaul.

Once he's gone, Sumino turns back to the fight in front of him and sees Mitsu fidgeting with her clothes. The robe was starting to be a bother- getting in her way, so she quickly throws it off; revealing some sort of collar on her neck.

It catches the trio's attention and they all narrow their eyes, scrutinizing it. Mitsu notices and proudly points to the collar, "This is the symbol of my undying loyalty to Overhaul-sama, you diseased heroes will never understand. The chemistry we have is so perfect, it sends sparks down my spine, nobody has ever treated me the way he does... I'll stay by his side until the day I die!"

Kiyoomi and Sumino share a look before charging in to attack Mitsu, who had just kicked Tobio and sent him sliding across the floor. The younger sibling is clutching his stomach as he dry heaves onto the floor, before he cries out to Mitsu with a crazed look in his eyes, "What are you doing?!?! Why are you attacking us Kaa-san?! You can't tell me that you don't remember us at all! I-I-"

"Tobio!" Kiyoomi calls back to his brother, all the while focusing on blocking Mitsu's attacks, "Everyone is counting on us! We're here because we're the ones that can keep our emotions in check the best, don't prove everyone wrong! Get your shit together and use your head!"

How am I supposed to get my shit together?! We were chosen because we would be able to handle it if she happened to be dead or severely injured! Not if she's the one that's attacking us- huh? Tobio's thoughts are cut off when he sees Kiyoomi signaling something to him.

Neck? What about her neck? The collar? Tobio sends a confused look to his brother, but Kiyoomi doesn't have time to respond because Mitsu starts to attack him after she had flipped Sumino onto the ground, knocking the wind out of the older male.

Kiyoomi pulls out his short sword and starts using it to fend off Mitsu against her blade that she recovered while fighting against Sumino. The sound of metal grating on metal resounded throughout the room and Chisaki turned to look at what was happening. Mitsu was holding her own against Kiyoomi, but once Sumino and Tobio joined the fight with weapons of their own, she started to get overwhelmed.

"Angel!" Chisaki calls out to her as he tries to make his way over to her, but he's only able to take a couple steps before Midoriya and Nighteye intercept him.

"Get out of my way!" Chisaki ran behind one of the spikes he created and used his quirk on the ground again, creating pillars and more spikes to try and get rid of the heroes that were attacking him. Eraserhead's quirk is useless if he can't see me, I need to make obstacles to hide behind. Although that was his plan, executing it was an entirely different story when he had heroes attacking him left and right.

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