Ch 8 - Meeting the President

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Trigger warning - domestic abuse, you can skip to the non-italicized part if you don't want to read this

"Mi-nee! He's gone, can you help me practice with my feathers again?!"

"Of course, tell me how many feathers I put around the house."




"29! Did I get it right Mi-nee?"

I laugh, "Yes you did! Good jo-" I cut myself off. "Put your feathers away now!"


I look down at my trembling brother, "Hey it's going to be okay, let nee-chan take care of it. You can stay in the closet again okay?" I watch as the little boy scurries into the small closet in the back of the room.

I quickly run down and go to the kitchen and grab a beer from the fridge, and then run to give it to Him. I hand him the beer, once he grabs it, he backhands me with his other hand.

"Took you long enough you useless bitch, where the hell is my food?" I flinch as he raises his hand again.

"I made soup! I'll go get it," He lets out a grunt, and I run to the kitchen and fill a bowl and hurry back. I hadn't noticed that He had spilled some of his beer when opening it and I slipped. I tried to send out feathers to stabilize the bowl in the air, but I was too late.

"OW FUCK, THAT FUCKING BURNS! YOU DUMB USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!" He grabs my hair and brings me up to face him. His fist swings back and he beats my face, then throws me into the wall.



"Oi you want a beating too you twerp?" I watch in horror as he stalks over to the little boy who's now kneeling and shaking.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE, DON'T HURT HIM! JUST HIT ME, PUNISH ME! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING" I cry as he swings his arm back to strike the trembling boy.




I shoot up reaching my arm out, but it's tugged back down by something hard and cold. My nose is hit with the pungent smell of disinfectant, I try to send my feathers out to get my bearings but I can't. I hear an unfamiliar voice next to me.

"Those are quirk nullifying cuffs, you won't be able to activate your feathers, although, I heard your wings sustained heavy damage so I don't think you should be using your quirk anyways."

"Who are you? Where am I?" I ask nervously before letting out a groan as I start to feel the aching pain all over my body.

"Apologies Angel Vigilante where are my manners. I'm the President of the Hero Public Safety Commission. You are currently in Recovery Girl's office with Eraserhead and Thirteen; however, those two are currently out cold and resting."

"How are they and the students?!"

"The students are fine, only 1 was injured. Thirteen will make a quick recovery, she just needs rest. Eraser on the other hand... has sustained some severe injuries that will take much longer to heal. I was told that his right orbital floor was shattered, which may affect his quirk use..." she trails off as we hear a door slide open.

"Oh dearie, you're awake now. Thank goodness, let me see those wounds of yours." I hear Recovery Girl say.

"Oh I should be fine actually... my quirk allows me to heal faster than normal..." I trail off.

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