A few days have passed since Mitsu infiltrated the Shie Hassaikai, and as expected, the only places she was allowed to go to were her room and Eri's room. And even then, Mitsu was never allowed to go when she wanted, an escort walked her between the rooms on a strict schedule.Mitsu hadn't risked letting out any feathers to scan the yakuza hideout in case she was caught, at least until they trusted her a little more and weren't constantly watching her every move. Up until now, she had simply played with Eri, telling her stories and fairytales so that she could have some sort of semblance of a mother-daughter relationship with her, no matter how minimal it may be.
But today was the day she decided it would be safe to do some reconnaissance of the building. To her dismay, she couldn't find any way to get to the surface of the compound. But she did find an exit that led to a staircase that eventually led to an alleyway, leading to a busy street. It was conveniently at the end of the hall to the left of Eri's room; however, it was locked shut.
Seeing as there's always someone guarding her already locked door, they probably don't care that the exit is so close to her. I doubt she even knows that's an exit, they barely let her leave her room anyways. At least its a simple deadbolt lock, so I can pick it with my feathers.
Today, Eri wanted Mitsu to make her hair pretty like a princess' so Mitsu happily obliged. In all honesty, Mitsu was amazed that Eri could still be happy and smile. Not to mention the fact that she still had such an active imagination. This child is so amazingly resilient... I really hope I can get her out before she loses the ability to smile.
Time flew, and it was already time for Mitsu to go back to her room, but she made sure to hide some of her feathers in her hair, since Eri had told her that her hair is white.
Mitsu was lying in her bed, pretending to sleep, so she could focus on her feathers that were attached to Eri.
From what she could tell, they were taking Eri into some sort of lab with Mitsu's escort carrying the little girl. And when Chisaki starts to approach her, Eri begins to struggle and cry in the arms of the man holding her. And then all of a sudden, Mitsu doesn't know whats happening anymore. She doesn't even feel the connection to her feather anymore.
It was as if all of her feathers simply disappeared.
By the time Mitsu gets another feather into the room, Eri is strapped to a chair with her body completely limp. The man that had carried Eri into the room was gone.
Meanwhile Chisaki was rummaging through a bag until he pulls out a scalpel and starts slicing through Eri's arms with it, unfazed by whatever happened earlier.
What blows Mitsu's mind though, is that it looks like Eri's arm simply put itself back together, with no trace of the laceration that Chisaki had inflicted.
What in the world?... Chisaki didn't use his quirk there, so is that Eri's quirk??
She kept watching with morbid interest as Chisaki seemed to be collecting her blood and flesh, but the wounds would simply 'heal' themselves. Mitsu didn't risk putting her feather closer to Eri's wounds to see exactly what was happening, so she couldn't tell if Eri's quirk was cell regeneration or if something else was going on.
After some time though, the healing slowed down and some of her blood would slowly trickle out, but after a few minutes those wounds close on their own.

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
FanficHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...