Ch 48 - Reconciliation

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A/N - Hellooooooo!! First and foremost I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and enthusiasm for my story. You guys don't know how much I appreciate it. Secondly,  I know the story has been a little slow in terms of action, but I promise it'll ramp back up soon, so I hope you guys enjoy!

"Other than the muscle atrophy, you're perfectly healthy Mitsu-chan. I'm sure you can make it to the second part of the Provisional Exam, but I would recommend that someone escorts you there since your body hasn't grown all your feathers back yet," Recovery Girl finishes taking her notes for Mitsu's medical records, "I can call someone for you, if you'd like?" Mitsu is about to say yes, but she stops when she hears footsteps from outside the door.

"That won't be necessary, but thank you Recover Girl," Nezu slides open the door to the infirmary, followed by the twins and Sumino pushing a wheelchair. Being the omniscient rodent he is, he already knew this would happen and called Sumino ahead of time.

"Mama we're going to portal you to the testing place! Papa took us yesterday so we know where to go!" Haru excitedly jumped up and down.

"Yeah! He also said we can watch Nii-chans and Nee-chans test if you're okay with it!" Hiro pipes in.

Mitsu smiles at her youngest boys, their endless energy never failed to brighten her day, "Ya? Do you guys want to sit on my lap while Uncle Sumino pushes us and catch me up on everything that happened?" She gives Sumino a nod in greeting and he smiles and nods back.

The twins hop onto their mom's lap and create a portal leading to the stadium that class 1-A and 0 are taking their exam at. They excitedly and animatedly relay all the amazing things that have happened since moving into the dorms. How Sato-nii has been baking the most amazing cakes and cookies, but they reassured her that Aizawa didn't let them eat too many. How Koda-nii has a super cute and fluffy pet bunny that he lets them play with. How Jirou-nee has an awesomely cool rockstar room with a bunch of instruments inside, and how she can play all of them really well.

They also talked about how Spikey-niichan cooks really well, and how she should try his food some time. Or better yet, cook a meal with him for the entire dorm, which Mitsu promised she would.

To keep class 0 out of suspicion, instead of constructing them their own Heights Alliance building, the school decided to renovate and extend the basement of the 1-A dorms for their rooms. The room arrangements were set up as they were previously at Mitsu and Aizawa's apartment floor, to keep everything simple.

Mitsu had been moved into her shared suite with Aizawa while she was in a coma, but since everything was arranged exactly the same way, she hadn't realized that they were in a different building until she left the room and followed Kumo out into their communal basement area.

Sumino had already called Aizawa and they decided to meet up in the waiting area for the students who finished the first part of the exam, since the twins wanted to hang out with their siblings. Once there, most of 1-A and all of class 0 were already waiting and when they saw their combat teacher they all yelled and rushed at her, "HIMITSU-SENSEI!!!!!!!"

"Hey you guys!" Mitsu couldn't help but smile, the energy her students and kids were radiating was absolutely contagious. The twins had hopped off her lap and ran towards Koushi and Hajime, while and Mina and Hagakure took their spots, pressing their crying faces into their beloved teacher's lap. Each of her kids walk over and take turns kissing the side of her head, even Kiyoomi.

Mitsu simply stroked Mina and Hagakure's hair as they wept tears of relief, the comforting gesture causing the two girls to sink into her embrace further, while everyone else just babbled about everything and nothing. How some were so worried about her, while others knew that she'd be perfectly fine. How they all trained super hard on their ultimate moves and were all going to pass the Provisional Exams and make her proud. How each class 0 member was so helpful with everyone's quirk development and training.

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