Ch 46 - Kiyoomi Rising

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All the kids are brought out of their shocked state when they hear the absolute fear and heartache in Aizawa's voice when he shouts their adoptive mother's name.

Hajime has the urge to pull his arm out immediately but he's stopped by Kiyoomi grabbing his arm and keeping it impaled in his mother's stomach, "If you pull it out right now she'll bleed out. You need to stay as still as possible." Hajime's fear stricken eyes rise to meet his younger brother's. Kiyoomi's mask of clinical professionalism is given away by his trembling hands.

Aizawa pulls his phone out and desperately prays to whatever god there is, that the person on the other line isn't asleep already. Now that Aizawa was no longer erasing Mitsu's quirk, her body desperately tries to stop the bleeding, but she was quickly losing consciousness due to the pain. She tries to speak, but when she opens her mouth, the only thing that comes out is a garbled groan followed by a stream of blood. Tobio and Koushi were the quickest to react and were able to hold their mom's body steady as she fell unconscious.


Everyone's head turned to the pair of adolescent cries and their hearts break at the sight of tears streaming down Hiro and Haru's face.

"What happened?!" Shinso appear behind the twins with his phone in hand, the portal linking to their apartment closing behind him.

"No time to explain, we need to get her to the hospital," Aizawa squats in front of the twins and speaks to them in a soft but stern voice. "I know this is scary, and I know that you don't want to see your Mama like this. But she needs your help, and you two are the only ones that can help her right now. She needs you to be her heroes okay?"

Hiro looks desperately at Haru, and the latter desperately rubs the tears from his face and gives Aizawa a firm nod.

"We need to go to Musutafu General and get both Dr. Sakusa from the trauma unit and Dr. Sakusa from pathology," Kiyoomi quickly tells Aizawa, and the elder nods and quickly searches for the hospital on his phone so that he can show Haru a picture. After showing them the picture, he quickly makes another call.

"Wait Kiyoomi tha-" Koushi frantically tries to reason with his brother but he's cut off.

"It doesn't matter, they're the only ones that can save Mama. Her body is too tired to withstand Recovery Girl. We'll deal with the worst case scenario if and when it happens," Kiyoomi spits out as he ignores all the worried glances his siblings give him.

Aizawa quirks his brow, but ignores the odd tension as he's focused on making sure Mitsu is okay. "I need to make sure the other students are okay, but Hizashi, Nemuri and Nezu will meet you at the hospital." He sees that the twins have made their portal and Hitoka and Kenma run through to make sure everything is clear before signaling everyone else to come.

Hajime, Koushi, and Tobio carefully lift Mitsu's body and carry her through while Kiyoomi follows behind.

"Papa we're staying to help you!" Haru turns towards the pro towering over him and his twin, his voice unwavering.

Aizawa pauses to look down at the twins and considers it, he had immediately wanted to deny them, but when he really thought about it he couldn't give them a good reason. They won't be able to do anything at the hospital and it might even be dangerous for them to go in the first place. They can help me get any injured students back to Musutafu immediately, and they know how to avoid danger with their quirks, Mitsu made sure of that. He nods and quickly picks them up, "If I tell you to, you need to leave and hide okay? There might still be villains and my students will need your help more than I do, so if I tell you to, you have to leave me. And if you run into any adult you don't recognize you immediately come back to the building I'm bringing you to, am I clear?"

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