A/N - Thank you guys SO MUCH for 10k reads! It's absolutely insane!! I wanted to treat you guys to a cute side story. It does follow this storyline and is basically a chapter 23.5 since it takes place during the time period right between the two. It's a decently long one-shot type of chapter, but I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you guys enjoy reading it! 🥰~~~
Aizawa and Mitsu were currently patrolling the city together when they heard frantic yelling. They both dashed to the scene and ended up at a playground with multiple naked toddlers running or crawling around, many of them crying.
"I thought I heard much more mature voices though?" Mitsu mumbled, extremely confused as to why there were so many infants and toddlers with no adult supervision. As Aizawa was walking around, he saw that there was a child slightly older than the rest, fully clothed, who was shaking and staring at a light blue glow coming from the palms of his hands. In front of him were two infants babbling and playing with the dirt around them.
The young boy sees Aizawa approaching and quickly yells at him, "Don't come closer, I don't know what's happening!"
As if reacting to his increasing distress, the light from his palms start to spread out, like a slowly expanding bubble. Having heard the boy's warning, Mitsu dashes to Aizawa, swiftly pushing him out of the way before the light has a chance to touch him.
Aizawa started to activate his quirk a split second too late, and the boy's quirk hit Mitsu right before the light completely disappeared. She had left his field of vision, but he didn't hear any distressing sounds so Aizawa walked towards the young boy while continuing to cancel his quirk. Being cautious, the erasure hero continued to watch the boy to see if his quirk would reactivate, but it didn't and the boy was slowly calming down and Aizawa sat down next to him.
"Hey kid, I'm Eraserhead can you tell me your name and what happened?"
"My name is Yamaguchi Shun, and I-I don't know what happened! One of the kids pushed me off the swings and then my hands starting glowing blue!"
Aizawa nods at the boy to continue, his relaxed face giving Shun the reassurance he needed to continue, "Everyone the light touched became babies... but the kids and the adults are the same age..."
Aizawa looks around and nods, they all seem to be between the ages of 2-4. The pro indicates to the two babies in front of Shun, "Are these your parents?"
He nods, "They're both quirkless, so we thought I would be too..."
Getting the big picture, Aizawa calls the police and informs them of the situation, scanning around he sees that medical attention is not needed and the police say they're on their way.
Aizawa makes his way towards the young girl with white hair that he saw earlier crouched on the dirt and gently calls out to her, "Mit-... Takami Mitsukai-chan?" He catches and corrects himself, I don't know if she knows who I am right now, I should be careful.
At the sound of her name, the little girl turns her head, but makes sure her long hair is covering most of her body. It's then that Aizawa realizes that she's barely covered by her now too large vigilante outfit. He quickly takes off his hero shirt and squats down next to her, extending his arm to give the shirt to her "Mitsukai-chan, do you know who I am?"
The young girl quickly puts on the shirt which is WAY too big for her. Her arms barely reaching a quarter of the length of sleeve, while the rest of the shirt loosely hangs on her tiny frame. Once situated, she moves her hair and gets a good look at Aizawa, who notices that her scar is gone and she has adorable red eyes. After a few moments she shakes her head and tries to hide her face with her hair.

The Fallen (Aizawa x OC)
FanfictionHimitsu Shiro-combat teacher by day, the Angel Vigilante by night. But who is she really? Older sister to one of the most famous pro heroes of all time, yet shunned from the world, only able to be a hero illegally. That is, until she becomes one of...