38. fin.

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(LONG chapter)

I wake up back in hospital. Was that all a dream?

Well, Kageyama is here for some reason.

"What's going on?" I ask, confused.

"You went into a seizure like state after sneaking out, and a boy named Tobio Kageyama carried you back here. Just in time as well, we had to give you a lung transplant straight away or you could've died." The doctor informs me.

A lung transplant? But I'm no where near the top of the list for the organ-

Then it hit me.

When I was first diagnosed, Ed asked if he could give me his lungs. I try to sit up but I'm too weak, "where's my brother?"

"Oh my God, you're awake!" Someone whisper-shouts from out of my eye-sight. I can tell that they dropped their drink and begins sprinting towards me.

"He's there." The doctor smiles.

I smile for a moment too, and look back to Kageyama who is standing over me, clutching onto something and crying.

"Um, Miwa..." I start, full of fear, calm down her breathing to let me know that I've got her attention. "where's Tobio?"

She doesn't look up to me at all, and just passes me a jumper, a box, and a piece of paper while sniffing

I furrow my eyebrows at her anxiously while I examine the products.

The jumper is the hoodie that Tobio was wearing earlier today.

Inside the box is that strange Black berry perfume.

The the paper is a note.

It's folded into fours, so I uncrimple it and read it in my mind. It read:


I don't have much time to write this as the surgery is about to start.

In middle school, when everyone I knew and trusted had completely left me in the middle of a game, I realised not to trust too much.

When I applied for Shiratorizawa, I was so sure that I would get in, but I didn't. I was devastated, and realised not to hope too much.

When I found out my parents died, I didn't know what to do. You helped me get through it. But I realised not to love too much.

Because that 'too much' can hurt you so much.

That's not all though.

I promised myself that I would never fall in love with you. But it was 4am and we were laughing way too hard. I felt happy for the first time in a long time, and I knew I was screwed.

I dont mind being hurt this time. So, please don't hate me for leaving you the same way I was terrified of you leaving me.

So, I guess the thing I'm trying to say is:


The last letter was unrecognisable, as the ink had been dragged across the whole page, so I assume that he ran out if time to write it.

By now, tears are soaking my face. I dont know when they started and I'm not even sure if they're going to stop.

"He's gone?" I question, getting a slow nod from her.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now