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"I told you, as the clubs co-manager, I can take the school bus like everyone else," I inform Ed for the millionth time, slumping my bag over my shoulder, "and you don't have to come, just pick me up from school when it's over - it's not like I'm actually playing or anything."

"Then at least let me take you to school," he whines.

"but I'm supposed to walk with Y- ugh, fine." I give in, realising that I'm never going to win.

Obviously, driving is a lot faster than walking, meaning we get there early. I don't tell him this though, and attempt to leave the car in order to get away.

"Hey... Y/n." he begins, pulling my very unconsenting attention, "Don't cheer too hard, okay?"

I scoff at him, "Yeah, okay, dad."

20 minutes early. What should I do?

"Y/n?" I hear a voice front behind me, causing me to turn around, "what are you doing here so early?"

"Oh, hey Kageyama-" I stop and chuckle to myself, "Tobio - my brother insisted on taking me when I was supposed to walk, why are you?"

"The school was on the way to my sisters client, so she offered to take me," he tells me and shoves his head in his hands from embarrassment, "I fell asleep during the call last night, didn't I?"

I giggle, "Yeah, but no biggie, I'm just glad you got to sleep. It's a big game today."

"Don't remind me," he cries, head still cupped in his hands.

I take them and hold them in mine, causing him to look towards me as we gaze into each others eyes, "You've got this."

"Awe, man," I hear another voice complain from behind me. Kageyama jumps and snatches his hands back as a reflex. He looks behind me while I turn around. "I was sure I was going to be the first person here!"

"Oh, hey Hinata," I smile, "You're early."

"I wanted to get here before Kageyama~kun so I could rub it in his face, this is so unfair!"


The seating on the bus is almost the same from last time: me at the back with Kags and Yachi on each side, Kiyoko and for some reason Noya by each window. He was originally sitting with Tanaka at the front, but Hinata got travel sick and swapped with him.

For just a little guy, he seems to take up a lot of room. He's pushing Kageyama right into me, and so matter how much I scooch over towards Yachi, I'm still squashed. This is going to be a long ride.


Shimada and Takinoue (the old guys from the neighbourhood volleyball team) are talking all this technical stuff that I didn't bother trying to follow, but they got abruptly shut off by Saeko slapping their forearms energetically, "Shhh shut up theyre starting. GO GO KARASUNOOOO!"

Soon after, everyone begins cheering for both sides, though everyone shouting for Shiratorizawa are all stupid.

I decide to join, in and scream for Karasuno no matter how bad my voice ends up hurting.


Without thinking about it, I singularly cheer for Kageyama and accidentally call him by his first name. But that's what he wanted anyway, right?

"Did you just call Kageyama by his first name?" Yachi asks, clearly shocked, "I didn't know you were that close."

I fluster up, how am I supposed to answer that? Gah, I know what could take off a bit of steam.

I begin cheering for every single player down there - from our side that is.

I cheer until my lungs hurt rooting for Suga, Daichi, Tanaka, Noya, "YOU'VE GOT THIS, HINA-" I begin choking on my own air. How did I even manage that? I don't have a single clue, but here I am, choking relentlessly and trying to gasp for air at the same time, which just makes me want to cough more, which makes me need more air. It's like burping and hiccuping at the same time.

I bend over slightly and lean on my knees, Yachi taps on my back to try and assist but it gets to the point we have to leave the arena. I don't know when, but at some point along the walk, everything goes dark.


I wake up in what I'm assuming is their first-aid room, with one of those oxygen mask things around my face.

"What the fuck?" I ask myself, taking it off me and sitting up.

"Y/n!" Yachi cries, chucking herself on top of me, "I don't know what happened, one moment you were fine, the next you were chocking and having some weird seizure thing. I'm so glad you're okay!"

The nurse kindly asks Yachi to give me some space and suggests to put the weird mask thing back on.

I respond with a simple 'nope' and jump up, claiming I'm absolutely fine. Which I am, by the way.

I do a couple Jumping Jack's and shake it off, "see? Let's go."

Ignoring everyone's objections, I grab Yachi's hand and drag us both back to the actual gym.

"How much did we miss?" I ask, letting go of Yachi's wrist as holding onto the railings. It's at half time, or third time, fifth time? I don't know, but they're having a break.

I scan across the gym, until my eyes meet Kageyama. He looks scared? No, he looks worried. I wonder why.

I continue to look around, trying to figure out the cause of his anxiety, making sure to take quick glances back at him every now and then. That is, until he finally notices me, and we make eye contact.

I pass him a sweet smile and give him a thumbs up, indicating that he's done and will do good. This seems to be enough to put him at ease and the next set begins.


"TOE-BEE-OHHH!" I sing, jumping on top of Kageyama from behind, causing him to jump and turn around, still being clung to his back, it doesn't go as he planned. I let go and tap his shoulder, making him turn around once more, I give him a high-five along with the other boys, "I knew you could do it!"


I've been wanting to write toe bee oh for weeks now and I finally managed to do it

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now